Yawn Yawn Wakey Wakey 2023

Discussion in 'The Muppet Show' started by wiseowl, Jan 1, 2023.

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  1. Michael Hewett

    Michael Hewett Total Gardener

    Mar 13, 2016
    Hilly Carmarthenshire, South West Wales
    Thank you @Victoria ...
    The cottage had been altered a lot before I bought it - the roof made higher etc, but I did some more to it like the little extension at the side etc.
    The reason I moved from there was because the garden was very steep, and also too many trees had grown opposite the road, and they caused a lot of shade on a summer day - no good for me or my cacti :biggrin:
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      Last edited: Oct 16, 2023
    • CanadianLori

      CanadianLori Total Gardener

      Sep 20, 2015
      Battle Axe
      Oakville, Ontario, Canada Zone 5A
      Good day
      I am a bit late here and it has already warmed up to 49f with the clouds thinning a little.

      I took Em to school this morning as not far from there, I had a pick up to do of sewing clips. They are like little clothes pins that you use instead of straight pins. They are deadly expensive new but this lady sold them to me for about 1/4 of the new cost. :)

      And now that I have the clips, I should motivate myself to finally tackle at least the fitting part of sewing some trousers. I've just procrastinated and procrastinated as I wasn't in the mood.

      It was nice to see your old home @Michael Hewett and your family history along with @Victoria 's.

      I hope headaches and any other aches leave you @Upsydaisy .

      Cheers :coffee:
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      • redstar

        redstar Total Gardener

        Aug 6, 2008
        Domestic Goddess
        Chester County, PA, USA, Plant zone 4 & 5
        Morning all, Monday, 52degrees here. Almost 11AM

        We were trying to get the new TV cable box online/attached, that they made us get, at "NO" cost to us. Turns out it does not work and they will have to send someone out to fix it at $100.00 for the visit. We put the old one back for now, and that works fine except we can't get "on demand". I don't watch much TV, except for the news now and then through out the day. And husband looks at the stocks and football. So for now will leave it alone.

        @Upsydaisy , your headache sounds horrid, so sorry.

        Historic stuff. Every now and then I take a jab at looking back, my last name is rare, but I am sure it was changed some when they came to America. Did find a connection with someone in Austria. My mothers parents come over from the Ukraine, sponsored by a church, they settled in a town called Canfield, Ohio. Recently, one of my cousins has taken the purple heart of my Uncle Joe's and move it and all paperwork with it to the Canfield Historical society, he got killed in France on the Normady Beach. Now that all of us are getting older, they can take care of it. We quickly passed through the town on one of our trips a few weeks ago. Hopefully I can get back to see the purple heart and other things . My fathers parents come over from Czech Rep. Dad was born in 1905. my mom born in 1915. Dad's folks settled in Cleveland, Ohio. Yes, my last name is rare, as far as I know, there are only two in USA with that last name.

        I have done one of those DNA things, but very dissatisfied with the results, and they only told me I was from Eastern Europe, could have told them that. SMH. Might do another one, with a different company.

        Well, @Upsydaisy , I had a nice reflection pic. that I took when I was in Alaska, but this site says its too big to post. So, if I can fix it I will post it.

        On my way today, got to get the truck that was in the shop for its yearly inspection , more money out the door. SMH. Have a good day all.
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        • CanadianLori

          CanadianLori Total Gardener

          Sep 20, 2015
          Battle Axe
          Oakville, Ontario, Canada Zone 5A
          My family tree on one Grandmother's side goes back to 1657 most of the records are found in North American, before that, who knows. This group got here, to Canada, in 1808.

          Grandfather's side goes back a bit further but I don't have time to look up the particulars. That side hails from Abingdon and my grandfather was the first to emigrate to Canada in 1905. One hundred years after grandmother's had arrived. Apparently the birth registers at one of the old churches in Abingdon has recorded his family's side back some 4 or 500 years previous to that. A cousin saw this when touristing there but sadly didn't share those pictures or notes.
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          • Upsydaisy

            Upsydaisy Total Gardener

            Apr 26, 2017
            Living in hope of world wide peace.
            Hampshire. Zone 8b
            OIP (14).jpeg

            Good morning to you all.

            Thanks to those who kindly shared some of their family history with us, I found it all so totally fascinating to read. I love looking back and delving into times gone by when I wasn't around to play any part in.

            Your house was lovely Michael , you live in such a beautiful part of the world.

            Well I didn't do much of anything yesterday, I didn't even accompany hubs on an errand in our local town.
            I'm just having to focus all my energy on coping with this blasted headache.
            I even resorted to testing myself for Covid,.....with a negative result thankfully. Occasionally it disappears for 10- 20 minutes and I begin to feel hopeful..then.. suddenly Wham! it's back fully rejuvenated and stronger so it seems.

            I also have a history of getting Autumn/ Winter 'heads' as I find artificial lights aggravating. ...trouble is we have a long way still to go until the shortest day!!

            To top it all I think I'm allergic to the dressing I have covering the small wound left last week by some minor surgery . So irritated.

            I'm off to the cinema this afternoon....not sure if it's a wise move or not but maybe ...just maybe it'll serve as a headache distraction for a couple of hours. That would be such pure bliss!! :fingers crossed: Anything is worth a try.

            Have a super day now.

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              Last edited: Oct 17, 2023
            • Victoria

              Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

              Jun 9, 2006
              Lady of Leisure
              Messines, Algarve
              Cottage 2.jpg
              Morning all.

              We are greeted with a very grey and overcast morning with the threat of rain again. Yes please, yes please. The Central and North is getting it all, but we in the South should have our share too.

              So sorry to hear you are not improving and I am willing all I can to send good vibes to you. Hopefully the film will help.

              J has a meeting at the bank this morning. Our nearest branch of Santander has moved to Lagoa, about 30 minutes away. He has located it on Google. It is a small tow with cobbled streets like most here. I will just potter around doing rain dances!

              I had two plantlets/plug plants arrive yesterday, an Adenium and an Hibiscus mutabalis/Confederate Rose so potted them up.

              Wishing all a pleasant day.
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              • CanadianLori

                CanadianLori Total Gardener

                Sep 20, 2015
                Battle Axe
                Oakville, Ontario, Canada Zone 5A
                Good day
                It is 48f and gloomy. The sun hasn't fully risen but it is bright enough to see the total cloud cover. If it provided rain, that would be nice, but no, these clouds are just here to make the day miserable!

                @Upsydaisy like @Victoria I too send my healing vibes. I wish I could take a turn with your head ache to give you a break! :sad:

                Em is on the way to school and she did not wear a jacket. I think these young ones treat the weather getting cooler as a challenge. Whatever. A couple of shivery mornings and she'll change her mind. :blue thumb:

                I'm sat here in my Hilda get up and will spend some time reading the news before I go back to playing with the cargo trousers. Because of the 6 pockets and 2 of them with flaps, there are a lot of pieces to try to position correctly. The back pockets will go on at the end because if I put them in now and then need to take the back seam in a bit, well, it would certainly look darned funny having them close to the butt seam :heehee:

                Cheers all :coffee:
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                • redstar

                  redstar Total Gardener

                  Aug 6, 2008
                  Domestic Goddess
                  Chester County, PA, USA, Plant zone 4 & 5
                  Tuesday Morning, 50degrees here, 7:39Am. Looks like it rained some last night.

                  @Victoria , we have banked with Santander in the past, currently have a small acct with them, I did read years ago they were all over the world. Ours did close, so we moved things to another bank close by.
                  Went on a few errands yesterday. Also looking for some "holiday" decor to take down to the airbnb to leave about for Thanksgiving, I might just find what I have here at my house I don't need to just put about, just something little. Don't want to trouble the cleaners to put stuff away much in January.
                  @CanadianLori , your actually making cargo trousers from "scratch" wow. here I go looking for sales for them, have found some on ebay also. I am sure yours are so much better. Duluth makes really good ones, love their clothes, rugged.
                  While out ran across this sight, loved the billowing clothes on the line in the wind. Have a grand day all. Oh, yes, Chess Club meeting today. AmishClothes Line.jpg
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                    Last edited: Oct 18, 2023
                  • Upsydaisy

                    Upsydaisy Total Gardener

                    Apr 26, 2017
                    Living in hope of world wide peace.
                    Hampshire. Zone 8b
                    OIP (3).jpeg

                    Good morning. :)

                    Thank you for your very kind offer Lori but I really wouldn't wish my 'head' on you or on anyone else. xx

                    redstar although we do have a small account with Santander still we don't really use it as we weren't very happy with them . We prefer to use other banks in Southampton now.:dbgrtmb: . I think though your comments are directed at Vicky's post about the bank. :blue thumb:;)
                    Love your pic of the laundry drying in the breeze, such a lovely sight to see. So many people seem to tumble dry now without bothering to hang things out to air dry...it smells so delightfully fresh when done.

                    At this present time I can say that my ' head' is taking a well earned break....and it's soooooo lovely!!!

                    upload_2023-10-17_19-13-30.png Just going to keep my fingers crossed that it's decided to take It's leave of me for good .:fingers crossed::fingers crossed::fingers crossed::fingers crossed:

                    The film was truly moving for many reasons. It was based on a true story that hit the headlines here back in 2014, a sprightly WW2 Veteran who was determined to go to Normandy in France to take part in the 70th Anniversary of the D-Day Landings and remember his fallen friends who never got to returned home. It also portrayed the love and devotion he and his wife had for each other too. He passed away a few months after his ' French adventure' and his wife followed him just a week later. Their deaths weren't part of the film.

                    It was also the fabulous Glenda Jackson's very last film, she died earlier this year just 4 months before the film was released.

                    Likewise it turned out to be the final film role for the great Sir Michael Caine, who announced his retirement a few days ago, well earned as he is 90 yrs old !!!!

                    The Great Escaper - Wikipedia

                    After His Great Escape From A Care Home, This Elderly Vet Crossed The English Channel For The D-Day Anniversary

                    Enjoy your day.
                    • Informative Informative x 2
                      Last edited: Oct 18, 2023
                    • Victoria

                      Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

                      Jun 9, 2006
                      Lady of Leisure
                      Messines, Algarve
                      Cottage4Montsanto Portugal.jpg
                      Another odd Stone Cottage in Portugal.

                      So pleased your head has returned to you Upsy in normal mode,:dbgrtmb:

                      We had a smidgen of desperately needed rain yesterday, 3mm so almost immeasureable but well received. It will be a warm humid day today of 24c.

                      J going to Police in Messines today following his visit to Bank yesterday due to a fraud on his account by GoogerPay. Bank cancelled his card and gave money (just over 100 Euros in 5 simultaneous transactions) and filled out a form he has to have Police deal with. Bank (Santander) said they have had lots of this with GooglePay and AppplePay, neither of which I have heard of! We have been with Sander for +/_ 25 years with no problems. He will stop off at the grocery store on the way home.

                      That's all from here for now.
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                      • CanadianLori

                        CanadianLori Total Gardener

                        Sep 20, 2015
                        Battle Axe
                        Oakville, Ontario, Canada Zone 5A
                        Good day
                        It is 44f and lots of clouds are obliterating the sunrise. Oh well, such is autumn.

                        I'm glad your headache is taking a break @Upsydaisy. I shall make a point of viewing that movie when it comes to the small screen. @Victoria I don't know how I'd feel having boulders as a part of my home's structure. I think it might make me feel closed in and a little claustrophobic.:scratch:

                        I've got an appointment at 9 with the periodontist for my usual cleaning, then at 12:30 I go to the dentist for my regular check up. In between I shall stop at the Bulk Barn to stock up on hot chocolate mix and some other baking staples.

                        I didn't get to do more sewing on my cargo pants yesterday so I might try to carve out some time for that this afternoon. It doesn't really matter what the timing is as they can wait. They may have legs but they can't run away from me all on their own!

                        Cheers :coffee:
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                        • redstar

                          redstar Total Gardener

                          Aug 6, 2008
                          Domestic Goddess
                          Chester County, PA, USA, Plant zone 4 & 5
                          Wednesday, 9:15AM here, 50degrees.
                          @Upsydaisy , Amish folks don't have electric in their homes, thus no dryers. But some are--depending on their group type are using solar stuff. Most have propane to heat their home and oil lamps for light. So you will see clothes hanging outside even in the winter.
                          Chess club went well, I played 3 games, won 2, lost one. Folks are very nice there, and a few younger folks there also, fun to be with them. The local library is having a bingo game for "designer bags" not that I am into "designer bags" but actually have never played bingo like that before, so might sign up, its in November. Never know who you'll meet.

                          @Upsydaisy - Normandy France, my uncle Joe was killed on the beach there serving his country. One of my cousins did go a few years back and found his grave. Recently Uncle Joe's purple heart and other items have been taken to his home town's historical society to keep there, and his name is on a marble structure of those from the home town that gave their life in that war.
                          Appears to be dry enough out doors to get some garden stuff done. Have a good day all.
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                          • Upsydaisy

                            Upsydaisy Total Gardener

                            Apr 26, 2017
                            Living in hope of world wide peace.
                            Hampshire. Zone 8b

                            Morning all.

                            Gosh did we have rain yesterday afternoon/ evening!!! We nipped into our local town before it started and got soaked!!

                            So pleased Vicky that you are finally getting...a bit of ...rain ,no doubt you could really do with a tad more.:fingers crossed:

                            Oh Lori yes I would definitely recommend you to try and catch the film. I think it was one of the best I've seen this year.:)

                            Michael how are you now ,really hoping that your headache is easing up or better still has gone.:fingers crossed: They are horrid debilitating things.

                            redstar yes I had heard that the Amish lead a very simple life where electricity plays no part . Washing hung out is one aspect of it that I am a firm believer of. We always do the same ...even throughout Winter.

                            Very happy to say that my headache has now ...gone !! I hadn't realised how awful I had been feeling until it had vanished .I can see clearly now instead of alternating between blurred and double vision.

                            This morning I am also going to be freed from the stitches and dressing that I think I have an allergy to...can't wait!! So bloomin irritating.
                            We might then head into the city centre ( depending on the weather that is) and have a meal.

                            That's as exciting as our day is going get I think.:heehee:

                            I hope your day will be a bit more interesting than ours...have fun.:)

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                              Last edited: Oct 19, 2023
                            • Michael Hewett

                              Michael Hewett Total Gardener

                              Mar 13, 2016
                              Hilly Carmarthenshire, South West Wales
                              Good morning @Upsydaisy, I'm not too bad thanks for asking. Still having trouble with neck and hip but I realise I did something stupid - I ordered tall shelves for my greenhouse in Argos but instead of having them delivered I collected them from the store in my local town,

                              and you'd never believe how heavy a box of wire shelves can be ! Well they are 6 ft tall when fitted together, so I should have guessed :heehee:

                              Pleased to know your headache has gone and that your stitches are coming out today.
                              I may go to Carmarthen to get some Tulip bulbs from the garden centre behind the market. I hope they have some left ...
                              We only had a dribble of rain here, I hope you have nicer weather today.
                              Enjoy your day :smile: xx
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                                Last edited: Oct 19, 2023
                              • Upsydaisy

                                Upsydaisy Total Gardener

                                Apr 26, 2017
                                Living in hope of world wide peace.
                                Hampshire. Zone 8b
                                It so easy to automatically do things without thinking of the consequences to our bodies at our age isn't it Michael. In my head I'm still very young, able and willing......oh how I wish it was true, and what a shock when you realise it isn't.:heehee: Take care now.

                                I hope you find some bulbs..we've now been to several markets and have been disappointed with the garden stalls.

                                Have a good day. :) xx

                                Edit to say ..oops you're going to the garden centre BEHIND the market...sorry. See I really do need to wear my glasses!!:roflol:
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                                  Last edited: Oct 19, 2023
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