Yawn Yawn Wakey Wakey 2023

Discussion in 'The Muppet Show' started by wiseowl, Jan 1, 2023.

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  1. redstar

    redstar Total Gardener

    Aug 6, 2008
    Domestic Goddess
    Chester County, PA, USA, Plant zone 4 & 5
    And its Friday again, end of another week of retirement. Yeah.
    33 degrees outside. Yesterday they blew the leaves off roof of the house, now I have more to drag away when dry enough. Don't mind working in the cold, but the leaves need to be dry. FUN.

    @CanadianLori , I have a favorite Christmas cookie I make, it can be the roll out and cut type, but I instead will make it early October, and shape all the dough into a long shape, then wrap it in wax paper and slide it into a mailing tube, and freeze it, then about mid -December I will just slice circles and a little decoration, and bake, gave up the shapes long ago. This year trying a new recipe for a loaf , the Sticky Malt Loaf, looking at a few recipes and comparing before I settle on one, or combine them. Tired of making my Apple Walnut Cranberry loaf for gifts. But I am sure someone will say, where's that loaf you always make. Oh, well. I can make a bunch of cookies to give away, but husband here does not eat them hardly, so I only make enough to give away, don't need the calories calling my name.

    Had to get a new well pump for our water issues. Its the one that is inside the house. We are also re-doing the filtering system of the water. But water for us is free. Unlike at the airbnb, I get this water bill I have to pay.

    As far as "my" monthly pain, my regret that I did not play it up more than I did. Husband is funny when he gets a cold, his statement "you have never had it this bad ever". But knock wood, it has been years since either of us got any type of cold/flu.

    We are getting things organized from the basement from our collections, to take to auction. Still the goal, "get rid of stuff".

    Have a grand day all.
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    • Upsydaisy

      Upsydaisy Total Gardener

      Apr 26, 2017
      Living in hope of world wide peace.
      Hampshire. Zone 8b
      redstar I recall you mentioning these cookies last year, what a brilliant idea....could you please share your recipe .:)

      :heehee: Yes I should have played it up a bit too, especially as I'm blessed or hindered by having a double helping of the aforementioned organs. :rolleyespink:
    • redstar

      redstar Total Gardener

      Aug 6, 2008
      Domestic Goddess
      Chester County, PA, USA, Plant zone 4 & 5
      I'll take a pic of the recipe and post it. you know its in "cups" and teaspoons etc.
      But the process of freezing it in a tube can be done with any type of cookie batter just about. Chocolate chips, even those are drop type. or plain old sugar cookies. Just make sure its wrapped well. After I know the cookie dough is frozen in the "cardboard tube" I do slide it out, and put an additional wrapping on it of foil and then into a freezer plastic bag. I have done tests to see how long they can stay good tasting. 6 months, slice and bake, 9 months slice and bake. again I slice it frozen and let it thaw on the cookie sheet, then putting back the tube in the freezer again.

      Had another baking experiment go well. Last year after I made the 6 Apple walnut cranberry loafs, I froze one, and really forgot about it. So took it out just this November, took it with us on our trip, thinking I'd let it thaw slowly in the cooler, then taste a slice off the end to see if any freezer taste etc. Believe it or not there was no funny taste, in fact husband tasted it all and said it was yummy. So we took it with us to the Thanksgiving feast and sat it among the other 5 desserts .
      My point of all this, is there are no preservatives in any of this stuff that lasts well in the freezer. If wrapped well, that's the key, it will last.
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      • Upsydaisy

        Upsydaisy Total Gardener

        Apr 26, 2017
        Living in hope of world wide peace.
        Hampshire. Zone 8b
        Last of the sprouts so thought I would end on a decent image.:blue thumb: Yummy!

        OIP (5) (4).jpg

        Good morning ...yay the weekend is here.

        Manage to get few garden tasks ticked off our list yesterday in the end. I cleaned up the Dahlia tubers a bit more but they're still a mess so I plan to give them a good wash first thing in an attempt to quicken the drying off process.:fingers crossed:
        Hubs ran the mower over the fallen leaves to chop them up, he also cleared the gutters.He excelled himself!!!:heehee:

        Today we might have to go fruit shopping as we have suddenly ran low.

        Weather wise we have a grotty day ahead.

        I hope you all have a better forecast for your little part of the world today.

        Have a fab day.
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        • Victoria

          Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

          Jun 9, 2006
          Lady of Leisure
          Messines, Algarve
          X Cats2.jpeg
          Morning all.

          The sun is just peeking over the shrubs and we will be going to about 20c today.

          I slept well but feel tired so pleased it is a quiet weekend. All is going well with J and the furries so I have no complaints.
          Fim semana2.jpeg
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          • Upsydaisy

            Upsydaisy Total Gardener

            Apr 26, 2017
            Living in hope of world wide peace.
            Hampshire. Zone 8b
            Morning Vicky. :)

            Glad to hear that all is well over in your sunny corner and wishing you both a lovely relaxing weekend.

            Have you make your film selection yet. I browsed some old black and white Christmas movies last night and selected one that was made in the 30s..but couldn't get into it as it really was a bit...naff, even the script sounded so false and corny!!:roflol:
            I came then came across an old Andy Williams Christmas Special where he had his entire family in the show with him. I just had to watch it as it brought back such happy memories. My Mum adored him and she and my Dad watched his shows and also had some of his albums too. So I was confident that we must have all watched this particular show with them . Treasured memories indeed.

            Enjoy your day my lovely friend.xx
            • Friendly Friendly x 2
            • Victoria

              Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

              Jun 9, 2006
              Lady of Leisure
              Messines, Algarve
              Morning Upsy.

              J hasn't said if he has chosen anything yet ... he's not one to communicate until mid morning at least! I like Andy Williams.

              You have a good day indoors. xx
              • Friendly Friendly x 2
              • CanadianLori

                CanadianLori Total Gardener

                Sep 20, 2015
                Battle Axe
                Oakville, Ontario, Canada Zone 5A
                Good day
                It is mild, 45f and the guessers say that when the sun rises, they will be blinkered by clouds.

                I've got lots of baking to do today but I'm going to take my time "waking up" before starting in, I'll read the newspaper before getting started. I did bake the mini cherry tarts and the mince tarts last night. I think I have to go back to the pound store to get some more small trays as I only have about 14 trays here and most are the large ones. :doh:

                I just finished watching part of a special about Santa Claus and was surprised to hear about Rovaniemi, Finland - a Christmas town. Why did I never know about that before? I don't think I'd travel there at my age but it was fun to see. I didn't see the whole show so I searched for another showing and set it to record.

                I'm glad all in your house are well @Victoria. @Upsydaisy :hate-shocked: it seems ages ago that I put my dahlia's in their shred bed for the winter so it startled me that someone is just doing it now. How different is the gardening world between here and there!

                I'm off to read the news.

                Cheers :coffee:
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                • redstar

                  redstar Total Gardener

                  Aug 6, 2008
                  Domestic Goddess
                  Chester County, PA, USA, Plant zone 4 & 5
                  She is gone to heaven. My little Sissy Girl. Run and play my sweetheart with your mom and brothers. You will be missed. Sissy and Virginia BB.jpg
                  • Friendly Friendly x 3
                  • Upsydaisy

                    Upsydaisy Total Gardener

                    Apr 26, 2017
                    Living in hope of world wide peace.
                    Hampshire. Zone 8b
                    Oh Redstar!!!

                    I'm so sorry to hear about your Furry Friend. Hopefully she slipped away peacefully. You both provided her with a good life. Happy mouse hunting in heaven beautiful Sissy Girl.
                    • Agree Agree x 1
                    • Upsydaisy

                      Upsydaisy Total Gardener

                      Apr 26, 2017
                      Living in hope of world wide peace.
                      Hampshire. Zone 8b
                      Good morning Lori.

                      I don't normally have to faff about digging up Dahlias but I regrettably planted some up in my big Urns that can't be moved to a sheltered area and I also had one in the border that had outgrown it's allocated space.. We have been fairly mild down here in the South so I had to patiently wait for a frost to blackened them, apparently it means the tubers have more time to fatten up and retain nutrients.One set is so massive and taking a long time to dry out...come Spring I will divide it into 3-4 new plants. All will be found permanent homes in the borders next year that's for sure. :blue thumb:
                    • Victoria

                      Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

                      Jun 9, 2006
                      Lady of Leisure
                      Messines, Algarve
                      A beautiful girl forever ...
                      Cat Rainbow.jpeg
                      My thoughts are with you Redstar.
                      • Friendly Friendly x 1
                      • Upsydaisy

                        Upsydaisy Total Gardener

                        Apr 26, 2017
                        Living in hope of world wide peace.
                        Hampshire. Zone 8b
                        OIP (14) (1).jpg

                        Happy Sunday everyone.

                        A mixed day of weather is forecast, one of those ' we might or might not' days.

                        Had a greenhouse session yesterday afternoon while hubs did the 2 mile hike to buy the fruit. I did feel guilty not going with him but I did offer, as long as we walked at a gentle pace, but he said no, stay put! :nonofinger:
                        I twisted my lower back a couple of days ago trying to catch our bedroom blind as it came of its... roller/ runner ?? ( whatever it's called:noidea:). Since then I've been hobbling around bent at a most peculiar angle....not a good look at all. :heehee: I was sitting in silent discomfort on Thursday at the cinema as the film was 2.5 hours long!!

                        Fingers crossed all will be well again soon.:fingers crossed:
                        Pacing myself today so no set plans made yet. I might, depending on the weather take a slow walk down the lane to post some Christmas cards..I'll see how I feel.

                        Whatever you are all up to take care.
                        • Informative Informative x 1
                        • Victoria

                          Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

                          Jun 9, 2006
                          Lady of Leisure
                          Messines, Algarve
                          X Cats3.jpeg
                          Morning all.

                          Oh dear Upsy, that sounds painful. Find something gentle to do today! xx

                          Yesterday we watched Kedi .. Kedi (2016 film) - Wikipedia

                          My Sister's name was Kedi Gato here on GC, ie Cat Cat. She loved Turkey and the Van cats and they almost bought a home there, then here but ultimately in Florida. When Van came to us the weekend she died, I said she sent him and named him Van. As he came from nowhere he was ravenous and scoffed food so his name became Hoover Van Dyson.

                          We also watched another Dolly Christmas movie and a Discovery programme about Christmas in various European countries.

                          Started a scarf yesterday so will work on that and J will choose a couple of films.

                          Have a peaceful Sunday.
                          • Friendly Friendly x 1
                          • Upsydaisy

                            Upsydaisy Total Gardener

                            Apr 26, 2017
                            Living in hope of world wide peace.
                            Hampshire. Zone 8b
                            Morning Vicky.

                            Thanks , I must admit that it's currently incredibly painful and occasionally when I move in certain ways it catches me suddenly making me cry ( not literally) out in pain. Thankfully our garden is so very soggy that I don't feel guilty in not being out there.

                            I love the meanings behind Van's name ,they sound so appropriate!!! :heehee:

                            I started watching The Father yesterday evening but only got half way through so will watch the rest today.

                            I found some more very pretty cowl and fingerless gloves patterns yesterday ....so that's me all sorted for post Christmas makes!! I have so many sets now as I love wearing them in Winter.

                            Off to Google Kedi now.:blue thumb:

                            Take care and have a restful day both of you.xx
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