Yawn Yawn Wakey Wakey 2023

Discussion in 'The Muppet Show' started by wiseowl, Jan 1, 2023.

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  1. CanadianLori

    CanadianLori Total Gardener

    Sep 20, 2015
    Battle Axe
    Oakville, Ontario, Canada Zone 5A
    Good day
    It is 42f 5c which of course if very mild for us this time of year. We've had dense fog now for three days so there isn't much to see out there!

    I am very lucky @Upsydaisy because I see my boys at least once a week and having a granddaughter living with me is like still have one of "the kids" at home. :biggrin:

    Our mail resumes today too @Victoria and I am anxiously awaiting the delivery of my kelsae onion seeds. I wasn't going to get any this year because the place I had ordered from previously had jacked up the prices and wanted a ridiculous sum for the seeds. I decided at the last minute, on the 18th of December, to find a new supplier and sure enough, I found one at half the price and still here in Canada which made postage affordable too.:)

    I'm sat here in my Hilda get up and having a cuppa.

    Cheers :coffee:
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    • redstar

      redstar Total Gardener

      Aug 6, 2008
      Domestic Goddess
      Chester County, PA, USA, Plant zone 4 & 5
      It is Wednesday, I believe. Gosh that holiday threw me off. Anyway 44 degrees and raining.

      A few weeks ago I was so sad to hear that my favorite Jewish Deli in Cleveland, Ohio closed, such awesome memories I have meeting up with friends and the best food. My best friend Suzie and I and others would sit about chatting up a storm. Then of course one of us married, moved away, or ect. ect. Today--it is raining out here, a gentle rain, a good day to drive 50 mins to see if a certain Jewish deli even comes close. I know none will ever hold those sweet young memories of best friends long gone.

      In a few days the chapter of this year will close, a new one opens. Can only pray for peace in the world. Have a grand day all.
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      • Upsydaisy

        Upsydaisy Total Gardener

        Apr 26, 2017
        Living in hope of world wide peace.
        Hampshire. Zone 8b

        Good morning everyone.....well it would be if we didn't have to leave our boys....boo hoo!:cry3: My sister is fortunate like you Lori, all her brood are local too. You're both very lucky indeed, I do realise though that they wouldn't have had the same job opportunities down south...so swings and roundabouts.

        Had a great day out with son and just myself, the station was..well still is, shut until tomorrow. We decided to bus it to Stratford. Did a lot of browsing and stopping off for refreshments to help retain our stamina. Although it's a huge mall it was surprisingly not too crowded, enough to be lively without being swallowed up by vast numbers of shoppers.
        The weather wasn't brilliant, a bit on the damp side would be an apt way to describe it, but fortunately we were undercover for most of the day and the bus stop was right outside the entrance to the mall.

        We made a last evening meal together from conducting a good raid on the contents of the leftovers in the fridge.

        Plan to head back south around lunchtime.

        Have a grand day everyone.

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        • Victoria

          Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

          Jun 9, 2006
          Lady of Leisure
          Messines, Algarve
          Good Morning Mouse.jpeg one and all.

          Not flooded with sunshine this morning but Mr Sun is trying hard to break through the light cloud ... may even be blessed with a shower sometime today.

          Have a great day and Upsy a safe journey home.
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          • CanadianLori

            CanadianLori Total Gardener

            Sep 20, 2015
            Battle Axe
            Oakville, Ontario, Canada Zone 5A
            Good day
            It is 44f 6c and the guessers say we have another two days before our normal temperatures will hit. We're going into the freezer come Sunday night. It's a good way to start the New Year because I feel if we don't get this winter started, we won't get it over with any time soon! :paladin:

            @Upsydaisy although you'll miss your boys, I'm sure you'll be happy to get back to the comforts of home. And don't forget, the new gardening season has started. At least indoors as it has for me :)

            @Victoria with our weird mild temps, we've had a bucketful of rain over the last few days so I guess I should be grateful because if it had been below freezing as is normal, we would have been up to our hips in snow :yikes:

            I'm going to go to the builder's supply today to pick up a piece of lumber. The top down/bottom up Hunter Douglas shade in Em's room is not toally opaque because I didn't think I'd have long term guests in there and opted for privacy and not light control when buying it. I'll use the wood I buy today to mount a new roman shade that is total black out. That will help her get more rest. Whodathunk there'd be a teenager that had a hard time laying in!:rolleyespink:

            I've also got some beef thawing to make a stew to be a comfort food come the cold snap.

            Cheers all :coffee:
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            • redstar

              redstar Total Gardener

              Aug 6, 2008
              Domestic Goddess
              Chester County, PA, USA, Plant zone 4 & 5
              Morning all. Thursday just passing 9:30 Am and about 50degrees.

              Such a good grandma you are @CanadianLori . I know Emma will have lots of awesome memories of you way into her adulthood.

              Did not take that drive yesterday to the Jewish deli. Thinking, as it is an hour away, have to find some other stuff to stop at along the way, and back to make the drive worth the trip, not just one target. So another day.

              Rained a lot last night, all leaves a soggy mess. So that task off my list for a good many days.

              Going to putter about. I usually find something to organize and toss along the way. Have a grand day all.
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              • Upsydaisy

                Upsydaisy Total Gardener

                Apr 26, 2017
                Living in hope of world wide peace.
                Hampshire. Zone 8b
                Got back home about an hour ago, a smooth journey with any hitches.

                I'll be happy in about a weeks time Lori, son's place is very comfortable too... a real home from home despite the renovations having been put on hold for the time being.

                Back to normality now.:blue thumb:
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                • Upsydaisy

                  Upsydaisy Total Gardener

                  Apr 26, 2017
                  Living in hope of world wide peace.
                  Hampshire. Zone 8b

                  Good morning everyone.

                  Today's weather is looking fairly promising so the laundry has been done and is waiting to be hung out to ( hopefully :fingers crossed:) dry.

                  A few other bits to do indoors before having a wander around the garden to see if anything is showing signs of springing into life.

                  Enjoy your Friday.

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                  • Victoria

                    Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

                    Jun 9, 2006
                    Lady of Leisure
                    Messines, Algarve
                    Good Morninh Tabby in Cup.jpeg

                    Light cloud out there but it should be a nice day with showers threatened again later in the day. It never arrived yesterday.

                    Donald and Brenda are coming over at 1.30ish bringing KFC. I haven't seen them in six months or more so it should be a good chatty visit.

                    Fim semana Cat.jpeg
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                    • Upsydaisy

                      Upsydaisy Total Gardener

                      Apr 26, 2017
                      Living in hope of world wide peace.
                      Hampshire. Zone 8b
                      Morning Vicky.:)

                      Sounds like you have a great day ahead , hope the weather holds out for you all.:fingers crossed:

                      I have my fingers crossed as well as our forecast has changed. It now predicts a few showers here this afternoon, so long as it holds off to allow our laundry to dry it can then do whatever it likes.

                      I will hopefully get round to writing some emails...New Zealand, America and Canada. Somehow something always crops up and they don't get done.....so they are my definite 'must do' jobs for today.

                      Have a super time with D&Bxx
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                      • Victoria

                        Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

                        Jun 9, 2006
                        Lady of Leisure
                        Messines, Algarve
                        I caught up with long, long overdue e-mails this week and got replies, one from my nephew Alex in Southfields SW London. His father Dexter (my newly found brother 10 years ago) had a couple of strokes and is in potential early stages of Alzheimers/Dementia. I don't know where Dexter lives so will contact Alex again.

                        Thanks Upsy, you have a good day too.
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                        • Victoria

                          Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

                          Jun 9, 2006
                          Lady of Leisure
                          Messines, Algarve
                          Hmmm ... J has heard from Donald asking if they can bring their dog!!! They have done this to us before and we permitted it. They like the dog to be in the house. He is a mid size, not lap dog. They don't like to tie him outside in the Courtyard ... and I don't want him peeing on my shrubs! Awkward ... so J has said he has spoken to the cats and they said "if they must"! Admittedly Max was not a problem last time but it is not fair to Van and Munchkin. Van will hide anyway from people. Grrr!!!
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                          • CanadianLori

                            CanadianLori Total Gardener

                            Sep 20, 2015
                            Battle Axe
                            Oakville, Ontario, Canada Zone 5A
                            Good day
                            It is 40f 4c and again, a cloudy day. I'm beginning to wonder if the sun has gone on an extended holiday!

                            @Victoria I guess having a dog visit is the price for KFC. Now, I am allergic to animal fur however, KFC would be worth taking an antihistamine to get through it :)

                            @Upsydaisy my days of drying outside won't start up again until sometime in May but I do employ a line in the cellar fairly often. I have a wall fan that efficiently flutters the clothes while they dry.

                            I have only a few things on my to do list. I'm going to pack away the indoor Christmas ornaments before they get dusty. The outside ones stay up until January 2.

                            And I keep trying to seal up my old 1020 trays to keep them from leaking without much luck. I really don't want to go to the expense of buying new ones but if I do, I'll buy super heavy duty ones that will last until I'm dead. Like this one [​IMG] They have them in green, red and blue as well but the price is steep - $8 per unit plus u.s. exchange plus shipping. Definitely a temptation but definitely I need to think about it long and hard. For now, I'll try lining the trays I have. But those vibrant colours of the trays I'm looking at... so so tempting...

                            Emily's shade is up but I think I'll be re-doing how it is installed. Instead of a board, I used a pvc rail which looks quite slick and mounted it to the underside of the board that has a pretty valance. That board was originally meant to only hold the lightweight valance and not a 54" x 48" blackout lined roman. I'll wait until she's back in school to take it all down and remount it using heavy-duty supports.

                            I hope everyone has a great day. It sounds like we're all under a giant cloud which at least offers encouragement to stay inside and get stuff done or relax and enjoy company :)

                            Cheers :coffee:
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                            • redstar

                              redstar Total Gardener

                              Aug 6, 2008
                              Domestic Goddess
                              Chester County, PA, USA, Plant zone 4 & 5
                              Friday. 12/29/2023. Almost done with this year.

                              @Upsydaisy , your quote from Eleanor R. got me remembering that she did write a book, and told myself years ago to get it and give it a read, will have to see if the library has it. Now that I have more time to do things like that.

                              A lovely day, but still damp from all the rain . Been getting lots of "foodie/cooking" reels on my facebook feed, really awesome and inspiring. Hope to take a mile walk today, should do that often keep this old body moving. LOL. But my left foot hurts often, has a history of a few sprains so with the arthritis seating in, walking is not the most pleasant experience, but have to keep moving. Also, even with it wet outside, I can still prune down some of the garden areas. Or just take a drive down to the next town which has a cute stream of stores on both sides of an easy road, and then have lunch at my favorite restaurant. Choices, choices. LOL.

                              Have a grand day all.
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                              • Upsydaisy

                                Upsydaisy Total Gardener

                                Apr 26, 2017
                                Living in hope of world wide peace.
                                Hampshire. Zone 8b

                                Morning everyone. :)

                                Vicky I hope your weather remained good and that you all got to enjoy sitting out in your beautiful garden yesterday. Also hope your dog visitor was on his best behaviour too and that the Furballs weren't too traumatised by his visit.

                                Lori our day turned out to be quite nice in the end and we had no more of the predicted rain in the afternoon ..despite the skies trying to fool us by looking quite threatening at times. The laundry dried well in the end. Thankfully I'm rarely unable to dry our things outside as there's usually a dry day most weeks.

                                Agree redstar, it's best to keep our joints on the move if at all possible. My feet and knee gets painful ,especially in the damp Winter months. It really pays to get good walking shoes , with both my feet being surgically fused I find it helps enormously and allows me to still be able to walk a couple of miles ( often more ) most days.

                                We have a weather warning in place today for gusting winds with a spot or two of rain thrown into the mix, so no firm plans for today...just see how the day unfolds.

                                Have a good day yourselves.

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