Yawn Yawn Wakey Wakey 2023

Discussion in 'The Muppet Show' started by wiseowl, Jan 1, 2023.

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  1. Upsydaisy

    Upsydaisy Total Gardener

    Apr 26, 2017
    Living in hope of world wide peace.
    Hampshire. Zone 8b
    Morning Vicky.:smile:

    Sounds like Munch and Van have a new kitty playmate!! Should prove interesting.:biggrin:

    We might have to go over again to my sister's as she messaged me to say that it seems that one of her new pots was left in our car...not sure how we missed it but it is a black one so it might have been pushed way back in our boot.

    It seems you too have a day of potting on as well.

    Enjoy!:biggrin: xx
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      Last edited: Apr 23, 2023
    • redstar

      redstar Total Gardener

      Aug 6, 2008
      Domestic Goddess
      Chester County, PA, USA, Plant zone 4 & 5
      Morning all, Sunday. Rained lots during the night, all garden is soaked.
      @Victoria , I am gathering Munch is a "cat". My one boy Teddy (now in heaven) if he saw a strange cat even cross the garden 40 paces away he'd yell out a streak so loud you'd think someone was killing him. Right now, our last cat Sissy is 19 years old. She likes being outside mostly, has her own heated cat house. There is a visiting cat from 2 houses away that seems to like napping in the tall daffs. I am sure by now Sissy has seen her, I hear no issues from Sissy. The visiting cat is Mittens. When I see Mittens I send a message to her owner. Have no issue with Mittens.
      Battery not delivered on Saturday, better be here Monday, we still have time. Have to start preparing for the trip, will be gone 10 days. I hate staying in hotels.
      @Upsydaisy , thanks for the encouragement, i'll got post the shot. They actually sent me some money for the entry, that was not expected. I have to send them a "thank you note".
      Just puttering about today. Have a grand day all.
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        Last edited: Apr 24, 2023
      • Upsydaisy

        Upsydaisy Total Gardener

        Apr 26, 2017
        Living in hope of world wide peace.
        Hampshire. Zone 8b
        OIP (6).jpeg

        Good day to you all, I hope you're feeling rested and raring to head into a new week.:biggrin:

        Our forecast was much better that we had hoped yesterday so we spent the whole day out in the garden . We ended up not going over to my sister's so that is No.1 on our 'to do' list for today.

        Our weather is taking a bit of a blip this week so we are having to be vigilant over the seedlings, one minute they're baking in 20C+ temps ( in the greenhouse) and now we're back to single figures overnight.

        Hope you all have an enjoyable day ahead.

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        • Victoria

          Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

          Jun 9, 2006
          Lady of Leisure
          Messines, Algarve
          Cat Pocket Size.jpeg
          A pocket-sized Poppet.

          Morning all. It is 16c here already heading for 30c as is forecast for the rest of the week, supposedly running 10c above normal for the week. I think this goes for all Iberia.

          J has to go to Aldi this morning and will stop at Leroy Merlin DIY next door for compost as they are the cheapest for the 40l sacks. I do not like this so will only go out in the mornings and later in the day for fresh air.

          J's ear is still blocked. The Pharmacist suggested a pump spray of hydrogen peroxide which is what we use anyway. The pump seems better and some gungy wax has come out but it comes and goes. He will use it again today, five times.

          Wishing all a good day.
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          • Upsydaisy

            Upsydaisy Total Gardener

            Apr 26, 2017
            Living in hope of world wide peace.
            Hampshire. Zone 8b
            Aww what a cutie!!! :cat-kittyandsmiley:

            Sorry to hear that I'd eat is still giving him jip :sad:

            It's good to keep a stash of compost handy isn't it. :blue thumb:

            Have a lovely dayxx
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            • Victoria

              Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

              Jun 9, 2006
              Lady of Leisure
              Messines, Algarve
              @redstar Morning.

              Yes, Munch is my female feline aka Munchkin aka Chere Khan, a feisty 14-year old Tabby who loves people but hates other felines, including her "Brother" Van whom she torments constantly. When another feline comes into the garden she quickly dashes indoors and lets Van take care of business. She is very tiny.
              Girl1 23 Apr 23.jpg

              Van is my male feline aka Hoover Van Dyson aka Butterball or Buddy Boy, an 11-year-old Cross Siamese Snowshoe with piercing crossed blue eyes and has The Voice. He is petrified of people and doesn't like intruders on 'his' property and he screams to the high heavens.

              Boy 23 Apr 23.jpg

              She was found at birth in a plastic sandwich bag at the rubbish bin with her siblings and he came to us out if the orange groves bordering our property aged about 18 months, skinny and frightened. It took two months before he allowed me to get near him, although I had been feeding him twice a day for that two months.
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              • CanadianLori

                CanadianLori Total Gardener

                Sep 20, 2015
                Battle Axe
                Oakville, Ontario, Canada Zone 5A
                Good day
                It is 38f 3c and not destined to go much higher. Plus they are saying there might be a dip instead and snow. If it does snow, it won't stick around long. Just long enough to make things miserable and chilly!

                I'm taking my desktop computer into the shop today. I've got my fingers crossed that it is just something like a video card that is needed to fix it.

                Then I will be taking one granddaughter home. She had a two night sleep over with my other granddaughter around the corner and that was an extended visit because the school children have today off because the teachers are having a PD (professional development) day. Since all of the parents work, it is up to me to drive her about an hour from here. I will ask them to plan things a bit better as they sprang this little surprise on me last night :paladin:

                Oh well, it's a lousy day weather wise, so might as well be in a car with the heat blasting :biggrin:

                Cheers :coffee:
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                • redstar

                  redstar Total Gardener

                  Aug 6, 2008
                  Domestic Goddess
                  Chester County, PA, USA, Plant zone 4 & 5
                  Morning all.
                  @Victoria , the voice from your "Van" probably the same as my "Teddy" used to produce. He also hated "strange" people, very attached to just the two of us. Miss my boy.
                  All my daffs are just about done, the latest one in bloom now. The magnolias are dropping their blooms and leafing up. The perennials are all up, not flowering yet, hardy geraniums almost . The fothergilla is blooming. Hosta's up 1/2 way. Was clearing out some extra ground cover and organizing the Rhodo circle yesterday. My one garden mistake was a certain ground cover, but, if i spend couple hours here and there pulling it out I can keep it at bay, shame because in general it is a lovely plant, just keeps going.
                  On the computer today plotting our next trip end of May to organize the lengthy drive and breaks he needs when driving a trailer. End of May we go to Springfield, Missouri, a 17 hour drive one way. Will be a tight trip, no sooner we get back then we get to another car show, thankfully its only an hour away. May 2 is the trip to Knottsville, Tenn. (that's all organized). And still waiting for the battery. Have a grand day all.

                  @Victoria This is my Teddy-----https://youtube.com/shorts/NWgke6l8W2c?feature=share
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                  • Victoria

                    Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

                    Jun 9, 2006
                    Lady of Leisure
                    Messines, Algarve
                    Now how cute is that! :cat-kittyandsmiley: Teddy is a distant relative of Munchkin (with the mark og Mohammed on his forehead. Our Vet calls them Tigre (pronounced Tee-gra).

                    Van has a cleft palate too. His food used to fall out of his mouth, but now he has learned to keep it in ... most of the time! Here he is showing his blue eyes ...

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                    • Upsydaisy

                      Upsydaisy Total Gardener

                      Apr 26, 2017
                      Living in hope of world wide peace.
                      Hampshire. Zone 8b
                      OIP (5).jpeg

                      Good morning and a lovely one it is too , especially after the rain and thunder of yesterday.

                      I have a friend coming over for coffee and chat this morning, we've known each other for 50 years and always have a good giggle. Should be fun.:biggrin:

                      Hope to get some garden time in this afternoon if the weather behaves as it's forecast.:fingers crossed:

                      Have a great day everyone.

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                      • Victoria

                        Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

                        Jun 9, 2006
                        Lady of Leisure
                        Messines, Algarve
                        [ Cats in Pool.jpg
                        A day of reflection here ...

                        Morning all. It is a national holiday today, Day of the Revolution / Carnation Day* / the day Portugal came out from under the rule of Salazar. There were lots of booms at 8 o'clock. They used to fire cannons (there are still some in many towns.

                        * When we used to come here for holidays in April, sometimes we would arrive on 25 April and were given a Carnation at the airport. Our friend Caroline arrives this evening so I will ask her on Friday when we have lunch if it is still done.

                        It is going to be another warm one ... actually a hot week. I am so pleased we have a shady garden ,,, which was purposely planned in its 1997-2000 intrastructure.

                        Have a lovely visit with your friend Upsy in your beautiful garden. xx Everyone else have a good one too.

                        A lazy day for us, in the garden and finishing the TV series The Staircase.
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                          Last edited: Apr 25, 2023
                        • Victoria

                          Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

                          Jun 9, 2006
                          Lady of Leisure
                          Messines, Algarve
                          I forgot to say we were visited by (Peeping) Tom three times in ten minutes last night at the bedroom window. Van always follows me from the lounge to the bathroom and plays Booty Bump against my legs, then follows me to the bedroom. I went into the bedroom and Munch was already on the bed. Van jumped on the bed and I got in. Suddenly Van was screaming his head off and Munch flew onto the lounge chair in the window alcove shouting. There on the outside ledge was Tom (as I have named him). He did not budge as then Munch and Van were both face to face with him screeching. J came in and shouted and he jumped down. Twice more he was up there. J closed the shuttered windows but we heard him out there again. I don't like the windows closed because they are shutters too.
                          Bedroom Window 2022.jpg
                          Bedroom Window1 2022.jpg
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                          • CanadianLori

                            CanadianLori Total Gardener

                            Sep 20, 2015
                            Battle Axe
                            Oakville, Ontario, Canada Zone 5A
                            Good day
                            It is now up to 33f 1c and very wintry feeling. The guessers say that though the sun will be peeping through clouds at various times, it won't be warming up much. Yesterday we did not get snow. The best effort only brought sleet :)

                            I have a client call this morning and will than spend the rest of the day configuring the water lines to the newly moved garden. I have domes now on all of the tree lilies to keep them getting chomped further and now the rabbits are nibbling the tops of the emerging hostas. I have never witnessed this before and am puzzled. Our winter wasn't much different than others so why this sudden desire to eat things that were shunned in the past?

                            The computer guys haven't called me so I'm hoping that doesn't mean that the price of repair isn't going to skyrocket, or worse, the unit not be fixable. :noidea:

                            Have a super visit @Upsydaisy and @Victoria enjoy the heat as it is a lot nicer than what I've got!

                            Cheers :coffee:
                            • Friendly Friendly x 2
                            • redstar

                              redstar Total Gardener

                              Aug 6, 2008
                              Domestic Goddess
                              Chester County, PA, USA, Plant zone 4 & 5
                              Morning all. Tuesday.
                              Chess Club meeting later today. A lovely group of people.

                              Awesome to have a friend for 50 years @Upsydaisy , treasure indeed. My 50 year old friends have passed on sadly. I still maintain some relationship with their families, but not the same.

                              The "special" car battery did arrive Monday, and its hooked in place in the car enough so he can start the car and get it out of the trailer then onto the lift in the garage for further finishing up it it. We keep checking the weather down in Knoxville, Tenn. fingers crossed there will be no rain, as our car is a roadster, can't be in the rain at all, no top. we do have a cover for it for light sprinkles. What a queen she is.

                              Hopefully spend some time in the garden cutting out the spent Virginia blue bells, they are done and flopping about.
                              Have a grand day all.
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                              • Upsydaisy

                                Upsydaisy Total Gardener

                                Apr 26, 2017
                                Living in hope of world wide peace.
                                Hampshire. Zone 8b
                                OIP (8).jpeg

                                Good Morning .:)

                                Vicky did the Peeping Tom pay you a visit again last night ?

                                Lori how are your Cleome doing?

                                I had a great time seeing my friend yesterday, her dad has been very poorly recently and had to undergo surgery then a spell in a local nursing home to recuperate. I was thrilled to hear he is back to his old self now and back living in his own home again.:hapydancsmil:

                                I so agree redstar that old friends are treasures, they are the sparkling gems in our lives.

                                I am meeting up with another friend today who I have known for 49 years, we use to work together. We are heading out to a newly opened coffee shop this afternoon that not only serves delicious coffee but also scrummy cakes as well. So as we're belatedly going to be celebrating my friends recent birthday....well .....we simply must sample some !!!

                                I did manage to have a few hours in the garden in the afternoon yesterday . I potted up some more Radishs and then staked and tied in the Peas. I also had to pot up some Lettuce that has grown bigger than I had anticipated. I grow all my salads in pots as I can usually keep the Snails and Slugs from launching into all out war on them. Cucumbers, Tomatoes and Spring Onions are also doing well too.:biggrin::dbgrtmb:

                                I hope you all have a super day today and that your weather is kind to you.
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