Yawn Yawn Wakey Wakey 2023

Discussion in 'The Muppet Show' started by wiseowl, Jan 1, 2023.

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  1. Victoria

    Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

    Jun 9, 2006
    Lady of Leisure
    Messines, Algarve
    Hello Kitten.jpeg and Morning. Another hot one in store for us.

    J meeting Donald for lunch but that's all going on here. He will stop off at the Post Office and hopefully my plantlets from Spain will be there.

    Enjoy your coffee and cake Upsy and everyone have a peaceful day.
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    • Upsydaisy

      Upsydaisy Total Gardener

      Apr 26, 2017
      Living in hope of world wide peace.
      Hampshire. Zone 8b
      Morning Vicky.:biggrin:

      I gather it's good news and that the Peeping Tom left you in peace last night.:dbgrtmb:

      Thank you, @I know for sure we'll have a great time.... putting all the wrongs in the world to rights, as this friend and I always seem to think we can.:heehee:
      If only that was possible, we can but live with hope and optimism can't we.:)

      I hope your plants arrive safe and sound.:blue thumb:

      Enjoy your beautiful piece of heaven on earth and the lovely sunshine.:SUNsmile: xx
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      • Victoria

        Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

        Jun 9, 2006
        Lady of Leisure
        Messines, Algarve
        Forgot to say, Tom visited and there was much screaming. J had left food for him in The Jungle Room and it was all gone. Not sure about that. Wish I could see him in the daytime. J said he was in The Baffa one day scatting about and that he was thin.
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        • Upsydaisy

          Upsydaisy Total Gardener

          Apr 26, 2017
          Living in hope of world wide peace.
          Hampshire. Zone 8b
          Aw, do you think he's homeless?? Poor little mite......perhaps he's looking for a lovely home ...and you're his 1st choice!!!;):whistle::cat-kittyandsmiley: 3 is a great number...I can vouch for that!!!;)
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          • Victoria

            Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

            Jun 9, 2006
            Lady of Leisure
            Messines, Algarve
            Possibly. He doesn't belong to either of the two neighbours that we know of. They are North and West. He always goes off into the orchard South side. If he stays, J said he would feed him as an Outdoor cat. Munch nor Van would have him in the house since they are not so keen on him outside. We brought three here with us. I just hope he comes around when I am out so I can judge his nature ... and hopefully get a pic! :cat-kittyandsmiley:
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            • redstar

              redstar Total Gardener

              Aug 6, 2008
              Domestic Goddess
              Chester County, PA, USA, Plant zone 4 & 5
              Morning all, Wednesday . 43 degrees and raining. Gloomy skies, good day for what i have planned.
              @Victoria , LOL the screaming, I'd give anything to have my Teddy back screaming at an intruder to the pack. We did have a pack of cats back then, total of 6 , had a doggie door for them, and heated cat house. The mom of them all passed on last November at a beautiful age of 22 years old. Only one daughter now left, she just turned 19. Usually with an intruder, I'd get out my trap and catch them, and get them to the vet to fix. Then depending on their personality, they might stay about, or I'd find a good home. We live out in the country so intruders are usually stray cats or dump jobs by stupid humans. My friend down the street feeds a lot of strays at her house, she works with an animal rescue group that helps her trap them to fix. I send over food to her now and then. But thankfully, for many months now, no other cat has decided to really come aboard at our place, really don't want my 19 year old to have any issues. Some roaming cats can be mean. One of my friends cats Mittens does visit the property but she stays way out away from the house, her name is Mittens. And she appears to be very sweet.

              Well the "show car" is now in the garage and on the lift and husband is very happy. He can now continue easily with getting it ready for the transport and show. My cousins will be meeting up with us in Tennessee. For the next trip to Missouri, plotted out the hotels to stay at , on the drive back from Missouri which will be the hardest. But have to plot out the drive out hotels, as we can linger about, add a couple extra days to sight see along the way, just have to figure out what we need to sight see. LOL. I have an old atlas, will check different towns along the route to see if some thing of interest. So that will keep my morning today busy.

              Later--I am off to have a facial and a hair trim, maybe 3 inches off. And lunch at a favorite restaurant. So good thing the weather is so bleak out there. I 'd be wishing I was in the garden instead.
              Chess meeting yesterday, I finally played this guy who drives in from Philly, he boasts how he plays for money etc. and brings his own set. I said to him, I know I am not going to win. Well I did not win, but we called it a draw at the end, as he had no way to check mate me, and I had no way to check mate him. Then the next person I played I did check mate him.
              Well, off to travel planning. Have a good day all.
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              • CanadianLori

                CanadianLori Total Gardener

                Sep 20, 2015
                Battle Axe
                Oakville, Ontario, Canada Zone 5A
                Good day
                It is 32f 0c and sunny. I have some drilling and things to do outside and as soon as the sun hits my work areas, I'll be out there :) The guessers are also saying that tonight is the last night for sub freezing temperatures which excites me!

                I have a lot of computer work to do. My new used one needs a lot of set up and some of the components are giving me a hard time. There are lots of rainy days coming and I can take care of these irritations then. :blue thumb:

                In the vein of computer stuff, I checked my profile to make sure that I am keeping up with being a good forum member by rating most of the posts I read. There are some who aren't aware or can't be bothered that this is important to posters, so I get stingy with handing out likes to them. I know, stingy Lori!

                I do have to return to the house I visited yesterday as she wants to see more samples so that will only take a small chunk out of the middle of my day and I can then go back outside to play.

                Hope everyone has a great time with your friends and @Upsydaisy we will NOT talk about cleome please :redface:

                Cheers :coffee:
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                • redstar

                  redstar Total Gardener

                  Aug 6, 2008
                  Domestic Goddess
                  Chester County, PA, USA, Plant zone 4 & 5
                  Hello all. forgot to share . We get a lot of Blue Jays here. the other day, was thinking, what do the female blue jay look like, as they should be of lessor color. To me all the blue jays that are about are all vibrant blue/black stripes. So I YOU TUBED it. See video. Today---finally did hear the female voice, looked up and yep, there she was. Truly identical to all of them, yes , maybe a bit smaller , but not distinguishable unless looking for it.
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                  • Upsydaisy

                    Upsydaisy Total Gardener

                    Apr 26, 2017
                    Living in hope of world wide peace.
                    Hampshire. Zone 8b
                    download (2).jpeg

                    Hello everyone, I hope you all enjoyed a good nights sleep, Vicky I also hope that yours was minus the screaming!!

                    Had a great time meeting up with my friend ....and the Chocolate Honeycomb Cake was pretty great too!!!:whistle:
                    Our next get together will be in July for my birthday. :hapydancsmil: Yay another excuse for cake!!!

                    Hubs and I are debating when and where to go for our weekly jaunt. Today is grey with rain coming in the afternoon, Friday however is grey all day but dry with slightly higher temps.
                    We could go to Winchester and wander around the Farmers Market or into Southampton and visit our friend who suffers from Parkinson's ..or we could go to lovely Salisbury. Hmmmm what a dilema :scratch:

                    Watch this space...as we'll probably end up doing nothing!:heehee:

                    Have a great day.:SUNsmile::smile:

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                      Last edited: Apr 27, 2023
                    • Victoria

                      Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

                      Jun 9, 2006
                      Lady of Leisure
                      Messines, Algarve
                      Cats 6 Black.jpeg
                      We have had three black babes ... T and Taffy, brothers in America, and my precious Magic Sam (Boo), came with Us from England and died here aged 20. :cat-kittyandsmiley:

                      Morning all. Another hot day ahead of us.

                      Tom (or maybe its Tomasina) came first at 10.15pm then at 12.20ish. Van screaming, Munch looking but Tom never makes a sound! J caught him on the video camera he installed in The Jungle Room so not a good clear photo ...

                      Tom 26 Apr 23.jpg
                      He looks like a Van, so could be a relly and a Cross Siamese Snowshoe. We'll see how things go.

                      Pleased you had a good day yesterday Upsy and a good one whatever you do today.

                      J may meet John today for lunch as Jess the waitress for years at Roosters is leaving to go work in a newish Vet Clinic nearby in the country. She worked fro 12 years in a Vets in England. Then he has Dentist at 4pm. They normally go on a Friday but we are all going to The River. I will be a Lady of Leisure keeping cool.
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                      • CanadianLori

                        CanadianLori Total Gardener

                        Sep 20, 2015
                        Battle Axe
                        Oakville, Ontario, Canada Zone 5A
                        Good day
                        It is 31f -1c and the clouds are clearing out.

                        I have a busy agenda today. I'm going to be shifting plants around the greenhouses. It is not supposed to go below freezing again so some of the plants in the #1 lightly heated greenhouse will be going into the other #2&3 non heated greenhouses and then plants in the house will move out to the first greenhouse. The gradual steps of migration to be planted out.

                        Then I am meeting my friends for lunch at a traditional Chinese restaurant. And after that, I have a bit of shopping to get done.

                        @Victoria cats are so very interesting to watch and it's hard to take your eyes off them. I had a black cat once and he was my loyal sidekick. @Upsydaisy I visited Salisbury and enjoyed it. I bought some post cards there because I am such a poor photographer that the cards would always be the better remembrances.

                        Cheers :coffee:
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                        • redstar

                          redstar Total Gardener

                          Aug 6, 2008
                          Domestic Goddess
                          Chester County, PA, USA, Plant zone 4 & 5
                          Morning all, Thursday. 47 degrees and rained all night.
                          Found out something interesting on Facebook, there are those 3 little dots to the right on your own page, can push them and then search for something in the past that you know you posted. Awesome, as a friend wants the run down of the restaurants that we went to in Quebec 2019 for Christmas. So easy.
                          Today later I get a pedicure. This morning to spend on the route planning part of a trip end of May, with the sight seeing selections---still to be discovered, have a possible list.
                          @Upsydaisy , now that I am retired, have been able to visit a few farmers markets, some 40 mins away. Have a small booklet that lists all of them in the county and the county over. Some only open one day a week.
                          Picked up some perogies at a near by church sale, so that's what is for breakfast. cooked in onions. Yummy.
                          Have a good day all.
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                          • Victoria

                            Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

                            Jun 9, 2006
                            Lady of Leisure
                            Messines, Algarve
                            Cat Donut.jpg
                            A sweet good morning to you all.

                            Another hot day ahead. We are meeting John, Caroline an Steve at The River for lunch today so I hope there is a breeze.

                            J had two fillings yesterday and has to go back for more!!! I didn't know he had so many teeth!

                            No screaming last night.Van anxiously waited on the back of the lounge chair in the window alcove but no Tom on the window ledge. He ate half his dinner then had a drink of water which I keep under the glass coffee table under the window out front and had finished his dinner later. J is putting a water dish in The Jungle Room for him ... and ours if they want water when down there. We also keep water outside the kitchen door.

                            Have a good one.
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                            • Upsydaisy

                              Upsydaisy Total Gardener

                              Apr 26, 2017
                              Living in hope of world wide peace.
                              Hampshire. Zone 8b
                              OIP (1).jpeg

                              I thought I had posted this earlier......strange.:scratch:

                              A very good morning to each and everyone.:)

                              What a difference a day makes in both weather and mood.
                              Much happier today.:biggrin:

                              We had a super afternoon with our great nephew, he's so adorably cute and cheeky . Being around children lifts your spirits ,it's impossible to feel glum in their company.

                              This is what I still miss the most since I retired from my 2nd career in Early Years Care And Education. Every day was pure happiness, just as they were during our own children's childhood days. That's not to say my days with hubs aren't pure happiness as well...they are, it's just a different happiness.:imphrt:

                              I finally decided on where to go today......a check up at the Drs.:blue thumb: I haven't been feeling too good for a few weeks now but because of the horrendous media stories about the difficulties in getting GP appointments I kept putting it off.
                              Yesterday I decided to ' go for it' and was surprised to get one for this afternoon and doubly surprised to get one with my very own GP too!!! :thud:
                              She'll have to treat me for shock now as well!:roflol:

                              I'm so looking forward to our warmer temperature today, hope you all have good weather too.

                              Have a good day.
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                              • Upsydaisy

                                Upsydaisy Total Gardener

                                Apr 26, 2017
                                Living in hope of world wide peace.
                                Hampshire. Zone 8b
                                Morning Vicky :biggrin:

                                Have a lovely lunch date with your friends.:)

                                Poor J seems to be having a rough time of it lately with his teeth, is he not good at attending regular checkups?:sad:

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