Yawn Yawn Wakey Wakey 2023

Discussion in 'The Muppet Show' started by wiseowl, Jan 1, 2023.

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  1. Upsydaisy

    Upsydaisy Total Gardener

    Apr 26, 2017
    Living in hope of world wide peace.
    Hampshire. Zone 8b
    Morning Vicky. :)

    Gosh Tom is getting eager to see his new friends!!!

    We have a lovely sunny spring morning here and quite warm too.

    I need to look for some ideas too for my next wake up theme...no idea yet.:scratch:

    Had a lazy start here this morning, so I've still got to jump in the shower, then I will gather the flowers.

    It's unbelievable that despite all our rain there are still drastic water shortages, most of Devon have already announced a hosepipe ban !
    The water table is still surprisingly low in some parts......but not in our garden that's for sure!

    Have an enjoyable day.xx
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    • Michael Hewett

      Michael Hewett Total Gardener

      Mar 13, 2016
      Hilly Carmarthenshire, South West Wales
      I was a struggling student and a struggling mortgage payer too @Upsydaisy but I still found my mother's rejection of my cards and gifts hurtful. I would not have bought them for her if I couldn't afford it, and I never bought expensive ones anyway.
      Didn't you ever buy cards and give gifts to your parents ? How would you have felt if they told you they didn't want them ?

      I don't like birthday celebrations and Christmas, I think they're a waste of money, but if someone wants to give me a card from the kindness of their hearts I don't refuse it.
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        Last edited: May 10, 2023
      • Victoria

        Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

        Jun 9, 2006
        Lady of Leisure
        Messines, Algarve
        I do not remember card shops in Alabama and there certainly are none here, well maybe in cities but I don't go to cities. I think Iceland has a small section for the Brits. The Portuguese don't send cards, they call or visit with a cake or chocolates. Guess it is what you are used to ... or expect. I send greetings via e-mail ... or in the old days, a letter.
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        • Flumpy

          Flumpy In with the bricks!

          Nov 16, 2018
          Morning all, me & my brother have had cards ever since we where 1, even if it was a small present or just my mums home made chocolate cake I appreciate it, if I give my parents too much they will say “aaawe you shouldn’t of” but in a nice way and appreciate it, I like putting a smile on there faces, but everyone is different I suppose :imphrt:
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          • CanadianLori

            CanadianLori Total Gardener

            Sep 20, 2015
            Battle Axe
            Oakville, Ontario, Canada Zone 5A
            I do not reject gifts given me. I accept them and thank the giver. My sons come to see me often and I know they care about me otherwise they would not visit! I feel that Mother's day is a bit overblown/commercial. My sons' wives are mothers as well and since their kids are still young, Mother's day should be celebrated at their homes. It is a joy for both kids and parents and I like to see these newer generations spend their day together and not have to travel. I will be pleased to get a call on Sunday from my boys and that will be very nice.

            I do not think I am rude and I must admit that what you have just said about your mother/me is extremely rude. How can you say you wanted to honour your mother in one breath and then call her rude and stupid in the next is astonishing! Many of us grew up poor and we stress about our kids' well being including their financial strength. Some cards and flowers are expensive!
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              Last edited: May 10, 2023
            • CanadianLori

              CanadianLori Total Gardener

              Sep 20, 2015
              Battle Axe
              Oakville, Ontario, Canada Zone 5A
              Good day
              It is 43f 5c and sunny and going up to 76f 23c. :spinning:

              The annuals sitting outside waiting to be planted must be shivering a little but the guessers say each day will get better and better so they can tough it out.

              @Upsydaisy how about offering us some breakfast sweets? I know you're good at researching images and can get our mouths watering ;)

              I've got another busy day outside. Lots of the irrigation system needed maintenance yesterday and today there is a long stretch of it that needs to be taken off one trunk line and patched in to another to make their distances a little more equalized. Then I have more annuals to plant.

              Cheers :coffee:
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              • Upsydaisy

                Upsydaisy Total Gardener

                Apr 26, 2017
                Living in hope of world wide peace.
                Hampshire. Zone 8b
                Oh gosh ,yes @Flumpy I didn't say /mean to imply that our parents didn't buy presents for my siblings and I....we were showered with them!!!:biggrin:

                Likewise with our own brood too ,they get gifts from us too.

                Michael I fully appreciate that you too had bad struggles but students today end their University years with a huge loan to repay......unless they are fortunate to have wealthy parents that is. All 3 are still paying them off now along with their mortgages and the last one left Uni 12 years ago!!!
                Our middle son had a really hefty loan as he went to a well reputed London University.....I still shudder at his loan!!:yikes:

                It doesn't really matter how each family prefer to live their lives....as a parent all I can say is I would prefer our boys to not spent their hard earned money on us as they have plenty of areas in their lives that are currently eating away at it.
                They are all very loving and caring and we certainly don't need a gift bought for us to prove so. They do all treat us at times and we always show them our full appreciation.....that goes without saying.:dbgrtmb: xx
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                  Last edited: May 10, 2023
                • Upsydaisy

                  Upsydaisy Total Gardener

                  Apr 26, 2017
                  Living in hope of world wide peace.
                  Hampshire. Zone 8b
                  Hmmm that's an idea to add to my list Lori ...thanks.

                  Have a great day.
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                  • Michael Hewett

                    Michael Hewett Total Gardener

                    Mar 13, 2016
                    Hilly Carmarthenshire, South West Wales
                    I looked after my mother for many years @CanadianLori and after she had a stroke we brought her to live here. She was here for three years before she died and I did everything for her.
                    She was my mother and I loved her. I was her son and she loved me. But I am a grown man, not a baby, and I am quite capable of managing my affairs without my mother telling me what to spend my money on.
                    I bought her birthday cards and Christmas cards/gifts, but she never said thank you for them or for anything I ever did for her, before or after coming to live here. Therefore I think she was rude, and it was hurtful.

                    And I think if your children want to buy you a small gift you should let them do it. It's their choice and their money. They're not stupid and are quite capable of deciding what to spend their money on. It isn't for you to decide what they do.

                    I do however agree that things are too commercialised these days, and it's all getting out of hand. But what's wrong with buying your mother a little card.

                    @Upsydaisy your boys are your children and they love you. You are their mother and you love them ... but they are not babies and I think if they want to buy you a small gift you should let them do it. They are intelligent adults and would not go into any debt over it.
                    I have had hard times in the past that you would not believe (or maybe you would) and been unemployed with a mortgage to pay and a loan etc and not knowing how to make ends meet, but I still wanted to buy my mother a small gift on her birthday and Christmas - not to prove I loved her because she already knew that - but just because I wanted to. What's wrong with that. But she never received it with thanks and that was hurtful. and rude.

                    My father on the other hand was the opposite. He thanked me for every little thing I did (not that I wanted or needed it - I would have done it anyway, like I did for my mother) but it was nice to think he appreciated me. And he accepted a small gift on his birthday and Christmas with thanks, because he knew I wanted to give it to him, even though I was poor.

                    Well I've had enough of this,
                    I'm going down the garden for a walk now ...
                    have a lovely evening everyone.
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                    • CanadianLori

                      CanadianLori Total Gardener

                      Sep 20, 2015
                      Battle Axe
                      Oakville, Ontario, Canada Zone 5A
                      My boys do turn up with gifts here and there and I always thank them and tell them I appreciate the thought. But the best part for me is just seeing them. And I never want them to feel obligated to do "traditional" gifting as the advertising people promote.

                      @Michael Hewett your mother sounds like my mother was. Even as a little child, if I got an A+ on a test or picked her some flowers, she would respond with things like, "what do you want, a medal? That's what you're supposed to do." I think it was their way of acting "toughened by the war" and I vowed never to be like that. It sounds like you have determined not to be "that person" either. Good one!
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                      • Upsydaisy

                        Upsydaisy Total Gardener

                        Apr 26, 2017
                        Living in hope of world wide peace.
                        Hampshire. Zone 8b
                        Today is redstar's turn to be awarded her very own forum teapot! :biggrin:

                        OIP (1).jpeg

                        Good morning everyone. :)

                        I hope you all woke well rested and ready to face the new day!
                        Vicky did Tom cause disruption to your sleep again last night ?

                        @redstar I hope your trip was enjoyable and that it all went smoothly and as planned.
                        You may wonder what has been going on while you've been away.:roflol: , well as my current ' theme' was on teapots I decided to find some that matched with some regular YYWW's in some way or another......so....here's yours.:dbgrtmb:

                        I didn't do anything in the garden yesterday apart from a little watering...unbelievable I know after all our rain:heehee: , but it was only the seedlings that required some.

                        I did go with flowers to the cemetery after all, I had decided to by 9am as I felt very 'unsettled' by the thought of not going. I was so glad I did as last weeks flowers had faded a lot.

                        Visited my older sister on the way back and discussed how to protect her poor Hosta that is being munched on by slugs/snails. It's a really lovely one too.

                        I'm itching to get going with all the planting out, but will hold back for at least another week......if I can resist the urge !! :biggrin:

                        Have a good day everyone.
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                        • Victoria

                          Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

                          Jun 9, 2006
                          Lady of Leisure
                          Messines, Algarve
                          Cats on Sheep.jpg
                          No doubt a cozy, personal sheepskin to lie on ...

                          Morning all. A bright and sunny warm start as usual with a light breeze

                          Upsy, we had a peaceful night and Van a calm one as Tom only went into The Jungle Room about 11.20pm for a drink.

                          J has Dentist at 4pm but that is the only "must do" today.

                          Have a good one.
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                          • Upsydaisy

                            Upsydaisy Total Gardener

                            Apr 26, 2017
                            Living in hope of world wide peace.
                            Hampshire. Zone 8b
                            Morning Vicky.

                            What an adorable and funny pic!!! They look really snuggly.

                            Glad that all humans and felines got a good nights sleep last night.

                            Is this app of J's a check up to finalise this round of treatment?. It will be good to get it all done with.:blue thumb:

                            I have ' no must do's' either today. Just a day of doing things that I enjoy.:biggrin:
                            Hopefully that won't include getting wet!!

                            Have a lovely day xx
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                            • Victoria

                              Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

                              Jun 9, 2006
                              Lady of Leisure
                              Messines, Algarve
                              Morning Upsy. He still has to have a "false tooth" installed where he has a gap upper frontish ,,, thank goodness!

                              Enjoy your dry day in the garden. xx
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                              • CanadianLori

                                CanadianLori Total Gardener

                                Sep 20, 2015
                                Battle Axe
                                Oakville, Ontario, Canada Zone 5A
                                Good day
                                It is 54f 11c and there are only little white puffs of clouds here and there. The guessers say we'll be well up in the the 70's mid 20c's today.

                                @Victoria the kitties are cute :) @Upsydaisy, again you find an appropriate teapot :dbgrtmb:

                                I have some grocery shopping to get done and I will do that early so as to have the rest of the day to spend outside.

                                @Upsydaisy I have already started planting out. This is early for me but I've been checking the forecast for a month out and don't see any overnight lows down at killing levels. My big fight is with the naughty rabbits. This year is the first year I have experienced their ravaging my emerging plants and new seedlings.

                                I also have loads of pots that I need to clean, refill and store for next year. It is a real jumble outside.

                                Best get going here.

                                Cheers :coffee:
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