Yawn Yawn Wakey Wakey 2023

Discussion in 'The Muppet Show' started by wiseowl, Jan 1, 2023.

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  1. Victoria

    Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

    Jun 9, 2006
    Lady of Leisure
    Messines, Algarve
    Morning all. We are in for a warm day heading for high temperatures at the weekend It is overcast now with the sun breaking through.

    Thank you Upsy. He plans on leaving about 9.45am allowing extra time for traffic.

    Have a wonderful day with your friends and trust the sailing will be smooth.
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    • CanadianLori

      CanadianLori Total Gardener

      Sep 20, 2015
      Battle Axe
      Oakville, Ontario, Canada Zone 5A
      Good day
      It is 62f 15c and the guessers say it will get much warmer. Everything outside is watered and ready for the heat. I noticed my fertilizer injector is not working well so I may take that apart later.

      I've got the satellite people coming today to put up a new dish for HD reception on some of the channels. They aren't coming until noon so lots of time to get some things done before they get here.

      I hope J's errand goes smoothly @Victoria. @Upsydaisy it is always fun spending time with your friends. The 29th is when I get together with my friends and I believe we're meeting at a place about an hour from me to wander and have lunch.

      Have a great day all.

      Cheers :coffee:
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      • redstar

        redstar Total Gardener

        Aug 6, 2008
        Domestic Goddess
        Chester County, PA, USA, Plant zone 4 & 5
        Wednesday, chilly. almost 9AM here. Rain suppose to happen soon, hope not heavy, my Annabells are just about full of heavy heads. Walking about cleaning up the debree from the blown roofs, like I need more work. Fallen stuff in beds etc, sticks and moss.
        I have some noisy house wren, he/she had babies in the shed nook, and they must have hatched. So funny the wren flying a muck, guess feeding them, and yelling about. They are so cute. We have to walk near the shed to get to the garbage bins, so they get upset. LOL.

        The chess meeting went well, it was more of education time, new younger folks, 10 years old. Showing them how to play chess. Kinda fun in a way. Having to figure out how to best show that wee one and keep it positive. Trying to get them to understand the certain moves only certain pieces do, and only do. And then wonder why after 10 times one still did not get it. But, I hardly interact with children to begin with, so a challenge for me in that respect.
        Have a good day all.
        • Friendly Friendly x 3
        • Upsydaisy

          Upsydaisy Total Gardener

          Apr 26, 2017
          Living in hope of world wide peace.
          Hampshire. Zone 8b

          Good Morning everyone. :smile:

          Well we made it without getting on the wrong ferry and ending up in France!!

          We had one of the best times ever..it was like going back in time to days long gone. With all the doom and gloom on the news it was just what we all needed.

          It was a day of ferries, buses, trains and a fair few taxis and loads of laughs.

          We are planning another trip in September. Can't wait.

          It was a long day and once home and finally sat down around 10pm it hit me just how shattered I was.
          So a quiet day today I think is the plan for today.

          How did J get on Vicky?

          I hope your new satellite dish set up went without any hitches Lori.

          redstar what a lovely idea of teaching youngsters how to play chess.

          We love watching parent birds raising their brood...they must tire out with all the nonstop food demands of their chicks!

          Thankfully it seems the Crows have all fledged now and peace and quiet have returned, all the smaller birds are so much more quieter!!!

          the sun is out in full force and the day ahead is looking good.

          Enjoy yours.:)
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          • Victoria

            Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

            Jun 9, 2006
            Lady of Leisure
            Messines, Algarve
            Morning all.

            So pleased you had a Grand Day Out Upsy and that there were no traumas , but ...

            ... that would be my worst nightmare!!!

            :yay: They were 30 minutes late seeing J but then it was over in 10 minutes. He was home at 12.30. Now I have to wait 48 hours to apply for DUC (Invoice) 18 Euros, when paid his Biocard is issued and sent Registered.

            J has Dentist this afternoon to put permanent fillings in the two teeth. He has not had any jaw pain since temporaries put in last week.

            A lazy day otherwise in the heat.
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            • Upsydaisy

              Upsydaisy Total Gardener

              Apr 26, 2017
              Living in hope of world wide peace.
              Hampshire. Zone 8b
              Morning Vicky

              Good news about the visa visit for J. Once his teeth are done he'll have a new worry/ pain free spring in his step!!:biggrin:

              Oh why?? It was all calmly done....no real rushing involved , we nearly missed one train because we were sat on the beach chatting and laughing about the antics we got up to and all the gigs we use to go too...so we just phoned for another taxi to run us up to the station.Overall we had to get 3 taxis as the buses ran so infrequently.

              Seeing it written makes it look hectic but the chatting did a good job at concealing it if it was.:biggrin:

              Deadheading is on the agenda this morning, I skipped yesterday's session, before it gets too hot without any shade in our garden.

              Enjoy your lazy day! :biggrin: xx
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              • Victoria

                Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

                Jun 9, 2006
                Lady of Leisure
                Messines, Algarve
                Yes ... about his ultrasounds and CAT scans and Physio !!! which he has to chase up today. Also he has to chase up our Accountant as taxes are due end June. Gosh, there is no rest for the weary.

                Just spent an hour sorting out my tee shirt drawers, two long drawers with three stacks in each, so six stacks, maybe 6-8 per stack. !! Also removed a stack and put in a drawer in the other room, probably to give to charity.

                Have a relaxing day in your garden. Vxx

                @Upsy, I have corrected this posy, to six stacks not six drawers! :redface:
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                  Last edited: Jun 22, 2023
                • Upsydaisy

                  Upsydaisy Total Gardener

                  Apr 26, 2017
                  Living in hope of world wide peace.
                  Hampshire. Zone 8b
                  Yes draw sorting is endless it seems. I now have an additional big lidded clear plastic container as well for summer T's . I find it easier that looking through draws, I have also nabbed youngest son's bedroom ,cupboards and drawers too it's now my unofficial dressing room .:roflol: Sssh..nobody has cotton on to my crafty move ..yet.
                  • Funny Funny x 2
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                  • Victoria

                    Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

                    Jun 9, 2006
                    Lady of Leisure
                    Messines, Algarve
                    :dbgrtmb: I like it, I like it! :biggrin:
                    • Agree Agree x 1
                    • Funny Funny x 1
                    • Upsydaisy

                      Upsydaisy Total Gardener

                      Apr 26, 2017
                      Living in hope of world wide peace.
                      Hampshire. Zone 8b
                      You're sworn to secrecy Vicky. ;)
                      • Agree Agree x 2
                      • CanadianLori

                        CanadianLori Total Gardener

                        Sep 20, 2015
                        Battle Axe
                        Oakville, Ontario, Canada Zone 5A
                        Good day
                        It is 63f 16c and only a few wisps of clouds in the sky. The guessers say it will go up to the high 70's, mid 20c's. And later this afternoon the sky will cloud over and rain will start in the evening and overnight. The rain barrels will be happy as I have used most of their water already!

                        @Upsydaisy I am happy to hear you had a great time with your friends. And going places too is always a good adventure to share.

                        @Victoria it is good that J is getting his permanent solution and can put that business behind him. And getting the government documents sorted is another accomplishment to celebrate!

                        I have a friend coming for lunch today and she's the one who is a sewist too so we have lots of fun exchanging tips and other things. I've got dough rising for fresh baked bread and rolls and we'll be having those, some grilled beef, potato salad and if my hair dries quickly enough, I'll nip out to grab some fresh lettuce for a green salad. Can you imagine the reaction if I went shopping in my Hilda get up? :heehee: I've got cheesecake ready for our dessert.

                        Cheers :coffee:
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                        • redstar

                          redstar Total Gardener

                          Aug 6, 2008
                          Domestic Goddess
                          Chester County, PA, USA, Plant zone 4 & 5
                          Morning all, Thursday , almost 9:30AM. Continues a soft rain, about 60 degrees here.
                          Need to focus on organizing, tossing stuff today. And some filing/paperwork etc.

                          Have only "experienced" Ferry riding twice so far in my life, as they are not anywhere around my location. We went to Martha's Vinyard and had to get on one there, and then over in Washington State to the San Juan Islands. Kinda neat.
                          Yes, the little family of House Wrens are going nuts flying about getting food for the babies. My Hummingbirds have also shown up to the sugar water feeder just outside my kitchne window. I see a male and female at separate times, guess taking turns on some wee nest somewhere. At the end of the season last year I did see 4 bouncing together, so maybe also this year we have two couples. That lunch sounds awesome @CanadianLori .
                          I am in continual sorting out of my clothes, seems like, have 3 bags ready to go to the donation store. anything in the closet /drawers I can't stand anymore out it goes. Last fall took 9 bags to the donation store, all my management suites, not going to wear those anymore. @Victoria . Decided with clothes, less is more, quality over quanity. Still on my coffee, going to make some breakfast. Have a good day all.
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                          • Upsydaisy

                            Upsydaisy Total Gardener

                            Apr 26, 2017
                            Living in hope of world wide peace.
                            Hampshire. Zone 8b
                            This is cool....castle in the sky.:)


                            Good morning all.

                            Please to say I am fully recovered from all the steps at Shanklin Chine now!!:thud:
                            Didn't do anything yesterday apart from some early morning deadheading, the rest of the day was spent reading my book in any tiny bit of shade that I could find.

                            Today we are off to Southampton for a walk through the parks and a spot of lunch, so another day of relaxation. :recliner:

                            Vicky have you finished your sorting out....I see I'm not the only one hijacking drawers from another room.;) Your secret is safe with me.:blue thumb:

                            Lori how did your lunch go, the food sounded yummy.....can I be your friend please.

                            red star to be honest I'm not keen on being on the water....I could never do a cruise. Even going over to France is nerve wracking. It's only when I can't see land ....endless water :yikes:. Nipping over to the island is fine as land is always ahoy!!:biggrin:

                            Have a super day everyone.

                            Attached Files:

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                            • Victoria

                              Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

                              Jun 9, 2006
                              Lady of Leisure
                              Messines, Algarve
                              Morning all. We are entering a hot weekend so I won't be exerting myself after my cycling this morning.

                              Never walked the Shanklin Chine steps Upsy. Still have the things on hangers to do. :yikes:

                              J meeting John and as usual they will sit outside on the verandah which gets no breeze for nearly three hours!!! Not my idea of pleasant. I have no appetite in the heat anyway and will have a banana shake for lunch. Yesterday I had a lettuce turkey sandwich (sandwich turkey wrapped in lettuce), a wedge of Red Leicester cheese and half an apple.

                              Have a good one whatever you are up to.
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                              • Victoria

                                Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

                                Jun 9, 2006
                                Lady of Leisure
                                Messines, Algarve
                                Oh dear, just had a mishap. was getting off the cycle thinking it was 10 minutes and it was only 9 so threw leg back to pedal and hit shin. Blood pouring down to foot but finished last minute, J came to rescue and cleaned leg and slipper and applied double-width bandaid. So now I have a blue black egg on shin which will probably stay for two weeks as I am taking blood thinners. The bruise on my hand from a gardening mishap the weekend before last is just about gone. Grrrr!
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