Yawn Yawn Wakey Wakey 2023

Discussion in 'The Muppet Show' started by wiseowl, Jan 1, 2023.

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  1. CanadianLori

    CanadianLori Total Gardener

    Sep 20, 2015
    Battle Axe
    Oakville, Ontario, Canada Zone 5A
    Good day
    It is 65f cloudy and humid. The guessers say it won't rain until possibly later so I have watered all my green friends after putting out the rubbish and recycle. I do think that they may be wrong about the timing as it smells like rain now!

    @Upsydaisy I like going places with my friends and seeing new things. It's never boring!

    @Victoria those shin bruises are nasty. I hope it heals without incident. The last time I did something like that, it was complete stupidity on my part. I was emptying the dishwasher and forgot the door was laying at shin level and when I turned around, rammed into it. That elicited some unladylike words from me!

    Thank you for asking about the lunch yesterday. It went very well. The steaks were tender, the potato salad was good, the rolls came out perfect and the salad was refreshing. And of course the cheesecake went down nicely after. I didn't bother with supper as I was so full from lunch.

    I have some adjustments to do in my irrigation lines and need to play a bit with the fertilizer injector as it is not dispensing at the speed it should. I also have taken mustang passenger door panel off need to do some wire/power tracing to figure out if I need a new switch or motor for that window. I hope it's not the motor as the compartment is cramped and would be ignorant for swapping out.

    None of the above will be happening if it does start raining.

    Cheers :coffee:
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    • redstar

      redstar Total Gardener

      Aug 6, 2008
      Domestic Goddess
      Chester County, PA, USA, Plant zone 4 & 5
      Morning all, Friday, 65 degrees here, 9AM. Raining, Raining. My Annabells are curved over but not bent, that's good, they can usually gradually start standing after the rain then. In general my garden looks like a jungle.
      Still doing inside stuff today. Hope you heal fast @Victoria.
      Have a good day all.
      • Friendly Friendly x 3
      • Upsydaisy

        Upsydaisy Total Gardener

        Apr 26, 2017
        Living in hope of world wide peace.
        Hampshire. Zone 8b
        Oh no Vicky!!! Just seen your post ,please take it easy and rest that leg.
        Blood thinners can make things start up again if disturbed. Mum was on them and so is hubs.
        Take care xx
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          Last edited: Jun 23, 2023
        • Upsydaisy

          Upsydaisy Total Gardener

          Apr 26, 2017
          Living in hope of world wide peace.
          Hampshire. Zone 8b
          Thought I would end my Quirky Homes theme with a gardening related property.....a Red Pepper house!! :biggrin: :dbgrtmb:


          Good morning to you all..:):SUNsmile:

          Vicky, how's your poorly leg this morning, gosh I bet it must sore.:sad:
          No cycling today, in fact no anything today!:nonofinger:
          Rest and recovery time only.:dbgrtmb:

          Lori did you fix the irrigation lines and the fertiliser injector?
          Did you also sort out the car window issues too ?
          I think I'm developing an Inferiority Complex.
          I feel like I'm a whimpy, feeble excuse of modern womankind. You truly put me to shame. :love30:

          Have the Annabells straighten themselves up OK after the rains yet redstar ?.....that's if the rains have ceased!

          Had a great day yesterday just ambling through some of the city's parks, they are all erupting out in full colour now. I have spied certain seed heads beginning to develop so I will be returning regularly to keep a sneaky eye on them as they ' ripen'. ;)

          I will be giving our garden some TLC today as it's been somewhat low on my 'to do ' list this week....it's feeling neglected I think.:heehee:.
          You sow us, you grow us, you plant us out.....then leave us to fend for ourselves while you go on jolly outings!! :sunflower::kooky::hapflowers2:.

          As a treat I'll give you all a nice feed today.

          Have a Super Saturday everyone.
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          • Victoria

            Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

            Jun 9, 2006
            Lady of Leisure
            Messines, Algarve
            Tropical 12.jpeg
            Love the Pepper House. Yes, a relaxing day here, especially if we reach 38c!

            Leg okay, as such, Upsy, thank you. I don't cycle on weekends but use the EMS energiser on my feet to get circulation going.

            Have a good one everyone.
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            • CanadianLori

              CanadianLori Total Gardener

              Sep 20, 2015
              Battle Axe
              Oakville, Ontario, Canada Zone 5A
              Good day
              It is 66f and fairly cloudy. The guessers say it will rain again, on and off for a good part of the day. We can use the free water :)

              @Upsydaisy I got the irrigation lines sorted but it started raining just as I was going back out to have a look at the injector and that also did curtail further work on the car. I did get the inside panel removed and various other bits to give me a good look at the motor. It looks pristine so I'm thinking it must be a break in a wire somewhere. I'll still leave the door apart in case the motor just looks pretty but doesn't work. I need a good long dry day to trace the wiring with my tester. So I may not get back to it until mid week. How exciting to be able to collect seeds nearby. I never even thought of that and there are lots of plants in parkettes and boulevards around here. I'll take a page from your book and keep and eye out for freebie seeds. Thanks for the heads up!

              @Victoria I am glad to hear your leg is not impeding you or causing undue pain. :thumbsup: Yes, 38c is perfect weather for a day long siesta!

              I've got laundry on the go and unfortunately won't be able to line dry it, given the forecast.

              My gluten free baking supplies are pretty much non existent so I'll work out how much of each ingredient I need to make gluten free all purpose flour and replenish my stock from the bulk shop. I want to make some chocolate chip cookies for the one grandson. It is too expensive to buy ready made so it is my way of helping out.

              Cheers :coffee:
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              • redstar

                redstar Total Gardener

                Aug 6, 2008
                Domestic Goddess
                Chester County, PA, USA, Plant zone 4 & 5
                Saturday Morning, 70 degrees, and soggy wet out there, rained all night. Looks like the electric went out during the night, stove clock blinking. Thank goodness for the generator.

                Nope the Annabells are all curved over, but at least not bent. People say to stake them, I have in the past, but then they bend at the stake area, even tried old soft shirts ect. So gave up. Its just what they do they curve downward.

                Started some new seeds for me about mid May---Lemon Grass, they are the slowest, I only see now tiny little green dots on the soil. They were very tiny seeds to begin with. Probably have to scoop them out and transplant to a pot for the winter.

                Ok, all, be well. Later.
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                • Upsydaisy

                  Upsydaisy Total Gardener

                  Apr 26, 2017
                  Living in hope of world wide peace.
                  Hampshire. Zone 8b
                  Things I love about Summer......


                  I was sat at an open window at around 4am this morning listening to their amazing wake up songs.

                  Morning everyone....phew that was a hot night!!

                  I am honestly promising myself a day of .....nothing much today.
                  We madly...on a hot afternoon AND on a Saturday decided over lunch yesterday that as it was too hot for gardening and we were bored with sitting around not doing much of anything...we would go back into Southampton!!!

                  All was fine until our trip back as we have a 20 min walk home from the nearest bus stop, after 4:30 there are no nearer buses coming our way....at 6pm it was still very hot !!

                  We often use that bus route as we prefer it to the one that is just a 10 min walk away....but boy oh boy did it seem longer yesterday evening!!!

                  Hope everyone is well and looking forward to a Sunny Sunday.:biggrin::SUNsmile:

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                  • Victoria

                    Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

                    Jun 9, 2006
                    Lady of Leisure
                    Messines, Algarve
                    Morning all. We start the day with 24c again. At 2.30am we were still 26c! It will be hot again today and for the next few days as our heatwave continues.

                    Not a lot will actively be going on here. I will look after my Adenium/Plumeria/et al nursery mid morning and J will water pots in The Courtyard but that will be it. We have automatic irrigation out front. A movie in the afternoon. We have started watching I'll Fly Away but also continuing with Hinterlamd.

                    I'll Fly Away (TV series) - Wikipedia
                    Have a good one.
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                    • CanadianLori

                      CanadianLori Total Gardener

                      Sep 20, 2015
                      Battle Axe
                      Oakville, Ontario, Canada Zone 5A
                      Good day
                      It is 63f 17c and a little hazy but it looks like the sun will make quick work of burning off those wisps of white. We got a lot of rain yesterday. Well, it seemed like a lot but the rain barrels are only 1/2 and 1/3 full after all that! :scratch:

                      Out walking around in hot sun is no fun @Upsydaisy. I hope today is a bit more refreshing.

                      @Victoria I have one of those automatic sprinkler systems around the house but I only use it during very dry spells. The gardens get watering everyday with an additional low flow irrigation system but the grass certainly does not need watering every day. That said, the guessers say it will rain tomorrow, Tuesday and Wednesday so they'll get it whether they need it or not!

                      My to do list for today is very small. I have just a little laundry and puttering during my show to fill my day.

                      Cheers :coffee:
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                      • Victoria

                        Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

                        Jun 9, 2006
                        Lady of Leisure
                        Messines, Algarve
                        Shin not too bad actually, bruise migrating ...
                        Shin 25 Jun 23(1).jpg
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                        • redstar

                          redstar Total Gardener

                          Aug 6, 2008
                          Domestic Goddess
                          Chester County, PA, USA, Plant zone 4 & 5
                          Hello all. Sunday morning here, 74 degrees already. Not planning anything earth shattering today. Just some garden stuff that needs done, pulling and tossing extra plants etc. Too many growing. House stuff, always something. I am sure you all do the same stuff.
                          We started looking at some local events to attend, so maybe next weekend we will do an outting of some sort. I do enjoy my home. Later all.

                          To add, I am not a perfect spellar, and this thing does not do spell checks, so ignore any miss-spelled, or typos.
                          • Friendly Friendly x 4
                          • Upsydaisy

                            Upsydaisy Total Gardener

                            Apr 26, 2017
                            Living in hope of world wide peace.
                            Hampshire. Zone 8b
                            Things I love about Summer....

                            Gardens full of fragrance and lovely colours.

                            OIP (9).jpeg

                            Morning everyone.

                            Vicky :sad: your poor leg , I bet the bruising is really coming out now!!

                            Lori......hate to say it but.....:sofa: I have discovered some of the Cleomes coming out in bloom this morning.

                            redstar my tablet underlines all misspelled words, and typos but unfortunately I often seem to ignore them.:heehee:

                            This afternoon I'm off to the cinema to see Chevalier again....only saw it a fortnight ago :heehee:, but this time I'm having a cinema date with my hubs.:imphrt:

                            I had originally thought that he might enjoy it but I wanted to see if it stuck to the real story of his life, otherwise he wouldn't have like it and would have moaned all through it:whistle:....he's not keen at the best of times at going to the cinema, so I need to make sure the experience will be as enjoyable as possible.....for both of us!!:roflol:

                            Wish me luck :fingers crossed:.

                            Enjoy your day.
                            • Friendly Friendly x 3
                            • Victoria

                              Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

                              Jun 9, 2006
                              Lady of Leisure
                              Messines, Algarve
                              Good Morning Sunrise.jpeg
                              I haven't looked for new greetings. Love the fragrant garden Upsy.

                              Another hot day in store here. We are under high heat warning through tomorrow. This is not normal for June. We always holidayed here last two weeks in June because it was pleasant.

                              Enjoy the picture again Upsy.
                              • Friendly Friendly x 2
                              • Upsydaisy

                                Upsydaisy Total Gardener

                                Apr 26, 2017
                                Living in hope of world wide peace.
                                Hampshire. Zone 8b
                                Morning Vicky.

                                Yes it's gorgeous isn't it......love the house too.

                                Thanks hopefully I will (:whistle:) ,it's surprising what you pick up on the 2nd time round that you missed before, and classical music is lovely to listen to at any time of day.:biggrin: :dbgrtmb:

                                Hope you manage to keep cool, it's perfect here now...my kinda of weather :) xx
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                                  Last edited: Jun 26, 2023
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