Yawn Yawn Wakey Wakey 2023

Discussion in 'The Muppet Show' started by wiseowl, Jan 1, 2023.

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  1. Victoria

    Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

    Jun 9, 2006
    Lady of Leisure
    Messines, Algarve
    Morning Lori.

    I am afraid I won't be much help as mine live outdoors permanently ... a few red ones since 2007!

    Have a relaxing day.
  2. Victoria

    Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

    Jun 9, 2006
    Lady of Leisure
    Messines, Algarve
    Oh yes, I see, J's looking this new one up. We just watched The Fantastic Mr Fox voiced by Clooney and Streep. Cute.

    Just having a coffee and cake (Swiss Roll) then we'll watch something else.
  3. Upsydaisy

    Upsydaisy Total Gardener

    Apr 26, 2017
    Living in hope of world wide peace.
    Hampshire. Zone 8b
    For Vicky....


    Good morning !!:)

    I hope you all had a great weekend and are feeling well rested and ready to face the new week..

    Had a super day's weather yesterday, just the right temperature for both sitting out and doing a few jobs here and there. Today we could get some rain late afternoon.:fingers crossed:

    No real plans in the offing apart from a visit from a friend of mine ,so that will be my highlight of the day. :biggrin: :dbgrtmb:

    Enjoy your Monday

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    • Victoria

      Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

      Jun 9, 2006
      Lady of Leisure
      Messines, Algarve
      Trees Tecoma.jpeg
      Tecoma stans aka Ginger Thomas because it has a light scent of ginger, heavenly, Ours is in bloom now and has been for months. I can see it from the bed.

      Morning all. I love it Upsy ... and it is ginger. :cat-kittyandsmiley:

      It is lovely out there with a fresh 19c and breeze ... but our heatwave now continues through Wednesday and I suspect beyond. Th strong wind/gust upturned our giant Cycas ... Cycas revoluta

      J has Dentist this morning! My second order of Brillos seems to have been lost in Faro! The Dentist is at the Clinic in Guia where I go and there is a big grocery store there so I have asked J to go in there and look. He also plans to go into MEO there, our Internet supplier, as although we are using a monthly pay system now via mobiles, they are still charging for the yearly plan!!!

      Well, that's it from here folks, have a good week.
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      • CanadianLori

        CanadianLori Total Gardener

        Sep 20, 2015
        Battle Axe
        Oakville, Ontario, Canada Zone 5A
        Good day
        It is 63f 15c and sunshine blasting everywhere :)

        @Upsydaisy our heat wave has now passed and the days are mostly pleasant. We got another bit of rain yesterday so I cannot believe my luck in having so many free water days!

        @Victoria it sounds like a Brillo gang is stealing your shipments to supply the Brillo Black market! To have one shipment go missing might seem ordinary but not two.

        I need to get myself ready to go out shortly and I want to wash and hang the bed linens before I go. This is week 2 of Violet's course and it is a delight to see the smile on her face when I pick her up later. She says she feels she is doing well with it.

        Emily and I will probably work on a sewing project while Violet is at school. Emily forgot to pack short sleeved tops so I think we'll just make a couple.

        Cheers :coffee:
        • Friendly Friendly x 1
        • Victoria

          Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

          Jun 9, 2006
          Lady of Leisure
          Messines, Algarve
          Morning Lori. I know it is bizarre, but it is two different carriers, one Portuguese and one Spanish. :dunno: However, J got some for 95 cents ... so pots and pans here I come! Actually, they are not bad but have not been done "properly" for five years as J never bothered with detail and I have been harping about it since I took over dish washing duties this year. :whistle:

          Pleased Violet's course is going well and that you and Emily get some short-sleeved tops made.

          Hope all is well with Sam these days.
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          • CanadianLori

            CanadianLori Total Gardener

            Sep 20, 2015
            Battle Axe
            Oakville, Ontario, Canada Zone 5A
            Thank you for asking after Sam. She is doing okay and this Thursday she turns 31!

            It's the same here. If I order something to be delivered here by least expensive means, from tne US, it co es through the USPS and then Canada post.
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            • redstar

              redstar Total Gardener

              Aug 6, 2008
              Domestic Goddess
              Chester County, PA, USA, Plant zone 4 & 5
              Monday, almost 3PM. small quick break.
              Busy morning, one of the cars to the auto guy for the yearly inspection, found nothing wrong, but cost me $91.00 to tell me that, what a racket the state has to make money. Next week my little Toyota goes in for inspection.
              Then some food shopping. Then we find out that the washer at the Airbnb died, can't be fixed. So I get to Home Depo, find a decent one that can be delivered ASAP, got one for July 14th delivery, decent cost. And my washer is coming on Wednesday. So here we go, bought two washers in one month, SMH.
              Back down to the basement to clear out stuff in antisipation for the delivery guys on Wednesday.
              Warm here, 82 degrees.
              • Friendly Friendly x 2
              • Upsydaisy

                Upsydaisy Total Gardener

                Apr 26, 2017
                Living in hope of world wide peace.
                Hampshire. Zone 8b
                Origami cake for our resident baker Lori.:smile:

                OIP (6).jpg

                Hello there everyone, how are you all today ?

                Glad to know you've finally got some Brillo Pads Vicky...now to make those pans shine!!! :biggrin:

                So happy to hear that Sam is doing well Lori, I have often thought of her but wasn't sure whether to ask after her as you haven't updated us for quite a while.
                Please pass on our good wishes for her birthday.:birthday:

                You're having a bad run on washing machines lately redstar!!! :yikes:They say things happen in 3s..keeping :fingers crossed: that in your case they don't.:smile:

                Michael and Flumpy.. Good morning to you both.:grphg:

                Enjoyable day yesterday, nice seeing one of my friends...always a great giggle with her, hubs brings us coffee and the biscuit tin and then retreats to save his sanity.:roflol:

                After she went I dubiously set about cleaning the algae off the stones in the terrarium that had for some reason suddenly appeared. I tried researching how to do it but the advice was contradictory ....so I just decided on a toothbrush and very diluted bleach . :fingers crossed:

                Hubs is off into town...by himself , so I'm going over for a natter with my big sis and I expect he'll call in for a coffee too on his way back .

                That's about all we have planned...nothing very exciting.

                Enjoy your day.
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                • Victoria

                  Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

                  Jun 9, 2006
                  Lady of Leisure
                  Messines, Algarve
                  Trees Tecomaria.jpeg
                  Tecomaria aka Cape Honeysuckle, although it is not a honeysuckle and has no scent ... but it is stunning and we have three, a large one in the corner by the lane, a smaller one between the Tecoma and Viburnum and a small one in a pot in The Courtyard (they sucker).

                  Morning all. Upsy, my pots are stainless steel. It is more where the handles join and the bases of non-stick frying pans which have rings.

                  Lovely cup cake.

                  Nothing planned here except I think J may go to the Pharmacy for my new prescription. Another mid 30s day here so no incentive to do anything.
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                    Last edited: Jul 11, 2023
                  • CanadianLori

                    CanadianLori Total Gardener

                    Sep 20, 2015
                    Battle Axe
                    Oakville, Ontario, Canada Zone 5A
                    Good day
                    It is 69f 17c and the guessers say the sunny skies will bring us 30c+ temps again. The good part is that we might get a bonus thunderstorm and free water later this afternoon.

                    Sounds like the men are scattering in all directions and it is nice that they do venture out without supervision. :heehee:

                    As usual, I drop Violet off for her course soon and after picking her up at lunch, I'll feed the girls and then we go to take Emily back home. If I could, I would take Emily home while Violet is in class but it is only a three hour window and there's lots of times I haven't made it out there in less than 2 hours because of the heavy traffic on that highway. Emily is due in to her summer time job tomorrow morning. She is also taking grade 10 history so that she will be able to study grade 11 history when school starts up again. It is part of her plan to graduate high school early. I did caution her not to burn herself out!

                    These girls can really eat. Yesterday Violet had two hot dogs, a large fruit drink, some donuts and cookies. Thank goodness they both like to walk a lot else they would turn into roly polys!

                    Best get going here . And hello also to @redstar , @Flumpy and of course our dashing @Michael Hewett . :)

                    Cheers :coffee:
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                    • redstar

                      redstar Total Gardener

                      Aug 6, 2008
                      Domestic Goddess
                      Chester County, PA, USA, Plant zone 4 & 5
                      Morning all, Tuesday, 9:17Am. Overcaste, grass is wet from the rain as I walked about with coffee . Soon will cut the grass, but holding off to closer when we leave so not too tall when we return.
                      Have a Honeysuckle that grown over the railing on our deck, it also has no fragrance. When I selected it, it claimed it was a hummingbird magnete, so that won out the choice, It has been on this railing going on 15+ years, and the hummingbirds love it. @Victoria . IMG_7876.JPG

                      And today, is Chess club meeting day, going to compete with another group today.

                      There is always something needed when you own a home. Thank goodness the washer for the Airbnb is a tax deduction, as anything we buy for that place. I keep detailed records of all purchases to list when taxes are finally due. Starting to buy other "possible" things I might need. Making a pile to take when we go down there.

                      A few hours this morning to be in a bed pulling some grassy weeds etc. Then to the Chess Meeting.

                      Have a good day all.
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                      • Victoria

                        Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

                        Jun 9, 2006
                        Lady of Leisure
                        Messines, Algarve
                        That is a pretty one Redstar. Mine is scented.
                        Honeysuckle 4 May 23.jpg

                        Prescriptions were for six months here but earlier this year it was changed to 12 months to ease stress on Doctors and Pharmacists.

                        Upsy, finished watching For Her Sins. We thought it quite good. Did you know it was filmed in Malta?
                        • Friendly Friendly x 1
                        • Michael Hewett

                          Michael Hewett Total Gardener

                          Mar 13, 2016
                          Hilly Carmarthenshire, South West Wales
                          Dashing ? :heehee:
                          The nearest I've come to dashing is when I ran for cover in a sudden downpour of rain this afternoon :smile: ...
                          I went to a furniture restorer and upholsterer in a near-by town, I've got some things in the atic that need mending, and there's no point in keeping broken furniture in the atic is there (they are rather old and have come down the generations, and ended up with me and I have wanted to get them mended for many years)
                          I got caught in a heavy sudden shower :biggrin:

                          Hi @CanadianLori and everyone :imphrt:
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                          • Upsydaisy

                            Upsydaisy Total Gardener

                            Apr 26, 2017
                            Living in hope of world wide peace.
                            Hampshire. Zone 8b
                            Upsy, finished watching For Her Sins. We thought it quite good. Did you know it was filmed in Malta?

                            Yes I did Vicky thank you.. I always do a bit of googling beforehand.;) Blindspot ( uk) was filmed in Hungary ( Budapest) ...... I know they say that they wanted the nicer weather etc....but if it's supposed to be in the UK then let's have authentic good old sunshine and showers!!:heehee:
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