Yawn Yawn Wakey Wakey 2024

Discussion in 'The Muppet Show' started by wiseowl, Jan 1, 2024.

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  1. Upsydaisy

    Upsydaisy Total Gardener

    Apr 26, 2017
    Living in hope of world wide peace.
    Hampshire. Zone 8b
    My brother fell yesterday evening and was found by a carer...spent the night in hospital. Ran tests and all was found to be Ok . Dehydration was probably to blame.
    Won't say anymore as nobody can be held to blame. I know my views but unfortunately I'm not agreed with ...so I will keep quiet on the matter and let those who always 'think ' they know better deal with any further fallouts. Families!!
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    • redstar

      redstar Total Gardener

      Aug 6, 2008
      Domestic Goddess
      Chester County, PA, USA, Plant zone 4 & 5
      So sorry.
    • Upsydaisy

      Upsydaisy Total Gardener

      Apr 26, 2017
      Living in hope of world wide peace.
      Hampshire. Zone 8b

      Gosh it's the last few days of January....I
      can't believe it!!! Spring is getter nearer. :hapydancsmil:

      Nice day ahead of us again today, didn't get a chance to do anything outside yesterday so hopefully will today.

      I have gone through my entire seed stash and binned a load...some are so very old. Kept some throw and grow ones to chuck on the verges outside our house. As they now don't seem to do any upkeep of the verges/ hedgerows anymore if any seeds are viable there's a good chance of them brightening the lane up a bit. :) :fingers crossed:

      I am determined to change my ways and stop hoarding seeds.....no old ones anymore :nonofinger:. Lets see how long I can hold out for!!:whistle:

      Have a marvellous Monday.

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      • Victoria

        Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

        Jun 9, 2006
        Lady of Leisure
        Messines, Algarve
        Good Morning2.jpeg

        There is a slim chance we may have a shower this morning. :fingers crossed: That will help all the pots I weeded yesterday.

        Oh dear Upsy, I hope R is okay. How traumatic for him having to go to hospital and what a shock for you.

        This weekend we watched Tobacco Road, The Three Faces of Eve with Joanne Woodward, The Hammer with Reba McIntyre and Gone Girl with Ben Afieck.

        We have a new Interloper with a little quiet voice. J has named him Felix. I have only caught a glimpse of him. Don't know where he comes from.

        Felix 27 Jan 24.jpg
        Felix2 27 Jan 24.jpg

        J is taking me to Giga, a giant Garden Center as I want to look around ... and it's my outing for January ... just squeaking it in!

        Here's a link I put up in 2007 ...
        Giga Garden .... Centre, Algarve
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        • redstar

          redstar Total Gardener

          Aug 6, 2008
          Domestic Goddess
          Chester County, PA, USA, Plant zone 4 & 5
          Monday morning, 36 degrees here, 10:45AM.
          @Upsydaisy , I have a decent size bag of columbine seeds still in pods, my neighbor gave to me. multi colored, I know the area I want to fling them. So when the timing is right.

          Guess with retirement we can have some extra time to think about things, triggered by thinking about the various positions I held, I also think about all the staff I interacted with, co-worker etc. Gosh so many since I was 18. A few stayed life long friends, some gone to distance memory. Can't recall many names, too many. I have looked up a few to see they have passed on, of those names I can recall. One of them, we were friends for 40 years, always exchanged birthday and Christmas gifts to each. She lived in Florida, had gone down there to care for her mother. Was able to visit with her 4 times. A memories.

          On to whatever the day brings. Take care all.
          • Friendly Friendly x 1
          • CanadianLori

            CanadianLori Total Gardener

            Sep 20, 2015
            Battle Axe
            Oakville, Ontario, Canada Zone 5A
            Good day
            Here is is lunch time and I'm finally getting a chance to sit and catch up here.

            It is mild, 37f and we've had a glimpse of the sun. I seized the warm weather to do a bit more grilling on the barbecue to have more heat'n'eat food in the fridge for the coming days. I do have the meat done too for another stew but will probably not do that until tomorrow.

            @Upsydaisy I hope your brother remembers to watch his step and be careful so he doesn't fall again. :sad:

            I'm worried I won't do well on the exam since reviewing a bit and noticing that another going over will be needed. And studying for 6 hours a day, I've found that I need to take short breaks or else I feel my head is going to explode. It feels like a tsunami of TMI! Followed by slow brain leaks :rolleyespink:

            Emily wrote her Geography exam this morning and feels that she did very well. She has her French exam tomorrow and then a 1/2 day on Thursday to get their exams/marks back. :fingers crossed:

            I hope you had a great time at the garden center @Victoria.

            Cheers :coffee:(5th cuppa PG tips...)
          • Upsydaisy

            Upsydaisy Total Gardener

            Apr 26, 2017
            Living in hope of world wide peace.
            Hampshire. Zone 8b
            Thanks Lori, ambulance was called again today and he's back in hospital. His foot and leg have swelled up.

            It's sadly not a case for remembering to watch his step and be careful....I wish it was only that. He is very physically disabled unfortunately. :cry3: :sad:
            • Informative Informative x 2
            • CanadianLori

              CanadianLori Total Gardener

              Sep 20, 2015
              Battle Axe
              Oakville, Ontario, Canada Zone 5A
              Sounds like he needs mobility aids but what more than you have mentioned he's already got, I have no idea. You'd think that we would have had solutions for all of these complicated issues given the amount of research that's been put into other, not so important inventions! How alarming and upsetting this must be for you. Hugs and hugs from me.
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              • Upsydaisy

                Upsydaisy Total Gardener

                Apr 26, 2017
                Living in hope of world wide peace.
                Hampshire. Zone 8b
                Thanks Lori.

                He can't move a single step without his crutches, been that way for the last 30 years. Trouble is all his joints..even all the replaced ones are now ceasing up completely. The replaced ones have been replaced so many times and the limit for doing so has been reached. All his other joints have been permanently fused . He's been coping indoors without using a wheelchair and this had always been actively encouraged by all his medical team . We're all very proud of how he has persevered for all these years ..especially as he lives alone. It makes all our aches and pains very insignificant indeed . But without his determination to keep walking using only crutches ....he would have been wheelchair bound many years ago. The new chair I think is almost ready and they were coming out tomorrow for the final tweaking but that's now been cancelled. They will come out in a few weeks time now.

                His apartment is fitted out with all sorts of aids...not a lot more can be done......time is approaching for his living arrangements to become fully dependent on carers I think....but not everyone feels as I do . This is because I think he would need to move to a different care setting. and they are extremely hard to find. Ideally near enough for us all to be able to pop by and see him without having to travel too far....our journey time now is an hour each way ,.....even longer for my sisters and that is local !! We all have our own mobility issues that unfortunately at our stage in life will only get worse.. He'll either need to stay in this area to be near to my older sister and myself or close to our other sister just outside London...only issue there is she still works so weekly visits would be less.

                Oh what a dilemma! Our parents would be utterly heartbroken .
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                • CanadianLori

                  CanadianLori Total Gardener

                  Sep 20, 2015
                  Battle Axe
                  Oakville, Ontario, Canada Zone 5A
                  If he's struggling that much I hope the new wheelchair is versatile. With various friends I have found that the seat cushion/comfortable behind is the really tough one. They sit so long that regular padding can be very hurtful.

                  I hope they have a hole in their schedule and bring it earlier than the delay date.:fingers crossed:
                • Upsydaisy

                  Upsydaisy Total Gardener

                  Apr 26, 2017
                  Living in hope of world wide peace.
                  Hampshire. Zone 8b

                  Looks like we're in for a dry but grey day today, a bit of a shock to the system after our recent sunny days. :sad:

                  Just a day at home doing bits inside and out as we can't go anywhere because we have a delivery scheduled between today and Thursday.....so we have to patiently play the waiting game.......I bet it comes at 6pm on Thursday.:heehee:

                  Lori ,yes you are most certainly right about the pressure points. He already suffers a lot with them. He even has issues with his lounge chair which is a lovely comfy one , it's one of those that rises to make standing up easier and it has leg/feet risers too so that he can put his feet up. Trouble is that he spents all his day sitting in it.......so yes pressure sores are a problem already. We do however have a wheelchair seat cushion so that will be used and also he won't be sitting for too long in it either as it will only be used to get him from A to B and those will only be very short journeys.

                  Enjoy your day everyone.

                  • Informative Informative x 2
                  • Upsydaisy

                    Upsydaisy Total Gardener

                    Apr 26, 2017
                    Living in hope of world wide peace.
                    Hampshire. Zone 8b
                    Meant to include an update on my brother's situation........ambulance finally came this morning and they arrived at A&E at just after 7.....this morning!!!! He and my sister have been sat up all night ......well since around 3pm yesterday afternoon actually waiting for one.

                    What a state our NHS is in .:sad: He's disabled and they're querying as to whether he has broken bones for Gods sake :wallbanging:
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                    • Victoria

                      Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

                      Jun 9, 2006
                      Lady of Leisure
                      Messines, Algarve
                      Baby Geraffe.jpg

                      Morning one and all.

                      Upsy, my heart goes out to you. xx I don't know what to say! Life can be so unpredictable as we know.

                      Will the complex buy R's apartment back? But then there's the problem of where does he go? Chin up ... get out there with some plants and dirt even if the sun hides. xx

                      J meeting Donald for lunch today. I plan on nabbing him for an hour or so this morning to help me with planting some of the plants I bought yesterday. I have been thinking in my waking hours what to do with them. J will sleep when he comes home at 3ish so no help then.
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                      • Upsydaisy

                        Upsydaisy Total Gardener

                        Apr 26, 2017
                        Living in hope of world wide peace.
                        Hampshire. Zone 8b
                        Morning Vicky.

                        Yes maybe but most seem to be sold on
                        privately. My sister must be absolutely shattered too ....after 2 all nighters......obviously not being able to drive back up for work today. Dread to think how long they will have to wait in A&E....all day I expect. I'm worried about her health status at the momet too.

                        I'm lost for words on this whole situation....but then again my words aren't really listened too anyway. I feel like I'm watching a disaster about to happen in slow motion and can't do anything to stop it.


                        i hope you get to sort your new plants out, have a lovely time doing so .xx

                        Ps...I will send you some pics in my next email of L when his fiancee bought this a pass ( for his birthday as she knows how he adores al! animals.) to the enclosure to feed the Giraffes.
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                        • CanadianLori

                          CanadianLori Total Gardener

                          Sep 20, 2015
                          Battle Axe
                          Oakville, Ontario, Canada Zone 5A
                          Good day
                          It is 34f 1c and cloudy, well, I can't see any moon or stars so it must be. The guessers say 2 more days of gloom and then the sun will spend part of each day beaming on us :)

                          @Upsydaisy we have this "triage" nonsense over here too and I have found it is not true triage! Several times I have waited at emergency with people and watched the workers grind through the stream of people. A fellow who simply wanted just a note for a sore back wasn't turned back out to a go to a walk in clinic, but got in "line" with the rest of us. Several people with little kids, who were running around and playing, also went ahead of us, as it was their "turn". And it was supposedly these kids who were needing help. :rolleyespink: And my friends? They were so sick they needed to be admitted to the hospital. A broken, stupid system.:doh:

                          Em has her last exam today (French). With the exception of Thursday, a 1/2 day morning, she is off the rest of the week. I am still hitting the books and I think I'm getting a handle on everything. If you ever need to de-lice a cow or fumigate a barn, let me know and I'll give you the formulate calculations and equipment calibration numbers :heehee:

                          I'm going to make another stew this morning. I just did one a few weeks ago but with this gloomy, chilly, damp weather, I think it will be just right.

                          @Victoria what plants did you buy?

                          Cheers :coffee:
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