Yawn Yawn Wakey Wakey 2024

Discussion in 'The Muppet Show' started by wiseowl, Jan 1, 2024.

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  1. Upsydaisy

    Upsydaisy Total Gardener

    Apr 26, 2017
    Living in hope of world wide peace.
    Hampshire. Zone 8b
    Have a nice day redstar...pics please of what you bake. Enjoy the Super Bowl...had to Google it to find out what it was....thought it was literally a bowling competition.......

    upload_2024-2-11_15-39-2.png ......how wrong was I!! Appears to be American Football.....whats the Bowl reference about ?:noidea:

    Enjoy :) .
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    • Upsydaisy

      Upsydaisy Total Gardener

      Apr 26, 2017
      Living in hope of world wide peace.
      Hampshire. Zone 8b
      Wow fabulous Lori, what 'material' have you use?, I suppose it needs to be of a type that attracts dust particles. Unless you cut up a purpose made ordinary duster I suppose..hmm might pinch your idea and attempt to make some myself. Brilliant :biggrin: :dbgrtmb:
    • CanadianLori

      CanadianLori Total Gardener

      Sep 20, 2015
      Battle Axe
      Oakville, Ontario, Canada Zone 5A
      It is just flannelette. I'll pm the rest of the details...
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      • Upsydaisy

        Upsydaisy Total Gardener

        Apr 26, 2017
        Living in hope of world wide peace.
        Hampshire. Zone 8b
        OIP (2) (2).jpg

        Spring is getting nearer. :)

        It's just gone 3am and for some weird reason I can't sleep so I decided that I'd be better off getting up rather than laying in bed tossing and turning. It's going to be a very long day I think.

        As today is looking to be our only nice day of the week I've got all the laundry done and it's waiting to be hung outside. Sometime this morning I want to pop into our little local town to pick up a few bits too.

        This afternoon as it's going to be so lovely.... it just has to be spent in the garden. I think I'll pot up the Begonias and maybe sow some Cosmos.

        This week is looking to be a quiet one, I have a friend over tomorrow and the cinema session on Wednesday. Not sure if we'll go into one of our 2 cities this week as it's the school holidays and they will undoubtedly be pretty hectic so it will all depend on whether we get cabin fever from being cooped up due to all the rain we're suppose to get.:dunno::rain:

        What will be will be.:)

        Have a lovely Monday everyone.
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          Last edited: Feb 12, 2024
        • Victoria

          Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

          Jun 9, 2006
          Lady of Leisure
          Messines, Algarve
          Good Morning3.jpeg

          The sun is up and shining. We had a good rainy day yesterday before the sun came out. No more rain here till the last of the month but thankful for what we have had.

          Upsy, I had an exhausting night ... I walked on uneven ground through woods to the cliffs by the sea ... then cycled 30 minutes to Princes Risborough (near where I lived in Buckinghamshire) to give someone a bill for work I did. I did do work at home for a guy who organised exotic walking holidays and lived in PR. I typed the schedules. Be nce if it was a sign of things to come!

          Nothing really planned for today. I will cycle then go out front for an hour. J is meeting someone in Algoz at 3pm to buy a banjo case. They are meeting by the PO as I have some goodies arriving. It is open monthly market day (called Segunda secunda, Second Monday) so you can't get a place to park till after 2pm.

          Enjoy your gardening and fine weather.
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          • Upsydaisy

            Upsydaisy Total Gardener

            Apr 26, 2017
            Living in hope of world wide peace.
            Hampshire. Zone 8b
            Morning Vicky....you must be exhausted after your hectic night!!:heehee: It's nice ( well mostly) when you can recall your dreams isn't it.

            I must admit my sleepless night has hit in and black coffee is my staple diet for today. It's a stunning morning here I can hear the laundry singing on the line.!

            Have a super day.xx
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            • CanadianLori

              CanadianLori Total Gardener

              Sep 20, 2015
              Battle Axe
              Oakville, Ontario, Canada Zone 5A
              Good day
              It is right on the freezing mark and cloudy. I hope the sun comes out for at least a brief period sometime today as I have my tailor's hams ready to stuff. The hamster bedding is messy and that is why I want to do it outdoors.

              @Upsydaisy I woke at 1 but was able to go back to sleep after an hour, waking up again and for good at 5. And like you got laundry on the go right away but sadly only to hang in the cellar not out in fresh air. I do have a wall fan down there to make sure they get fluttered as they dry.

              @Victoria I get all sorts of odd dreams too. And quite a variety of them.

              @Upsydaisy when is your last frost date? I figure if I time my plantings following your sowings, I can be a "lazy" gardener :biggrin:

              It was just on the news that there was a flasher at the local shopping mall yesterday. I had gone there to get the hamster bedding but darn it, missed all the excitement! :heehee: Very strange behaviour that, particularly in this colder weather. Reminds me of when people have too much to drink. Some want to argue, some want to cuddle, some get jolly and then there are those who take their clothes off and don a lampshade for a hat! :rolleyespink:

              Cheers :coffee:
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              • Upsydaisy

                Upsydaisy Total Gardener

                Apr 26, 2017
                Living in hope of world wide peace.
                Hampshire. Zone 8b
                Hi Lori...mid April here, when's yours?

                Have a great day. :blue thumb:
              • CanadianLori

                CanadianLori Total Gardener

                Sep 20, 2015
                Battle Axe
                Oakville, Ontario, Canada Zone 5A
                Oh, mine isn't until the second week in May. Oh well, it seems to take me longer to grow from seed so maybe I'll follow the leader anyway ;)
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                • redstar

                  redstar Total Gardener

                  Aug 6, 2008
                  Domestic Goddess
                  Chester County, PA, USA, Plant zone 4 & 5
                  Happy new week, Monday.
                  @Upsydaisy --good question, why called a Super "bowl", probably because the stadiums are all shaped like a bowl, and the bottom of the bowl is the field. Anyway, good game the Chiefs won, yeah, was cheering for them. I do have some UK "facebook" folks that stay up and watch the game and take the next day off. You would not believe the cost of a ticket to see that game live, like $5,000.00 ---people are nuts. And the salary paid to the players in the millions, again nuts. I realize players can just play so long in life, getting hurt etc. Oh, well done for the year. BTW--the betting that goes on is nuts.

                  We had a nice dinner at the Chinese restaurant, got my favorite sushi, he go a hibachi dinner combo, and a Avocado milk shake, had a sip of that --its really good.

                  Suppose to rain about 7PM tonight. So have time for more leaf removal.

                  I have lots of large patches of snowdrops blooming.

                  Have a good day all.
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                  • Upsydaisy

                    Upsydaisy Total Gardener

                    Apr 26, 2017
                    Living in hope of world wide peace.
                    Hampshire. Zone 8b
                    OIP (3).jpeg

                    redstar.....I actually thought that myself after posting that it might be the shape of the stadium.:blue thumb:

                    We have the Rose Bowl Cricket Stadium fairly near by....that prompted me to make the link.

                    Back to the rain today with maybe a bit of sunshine thrown into the mix.

                    I thankfully slept better last night so feeling ok today.

                    I have a friend coming over for a catch up this morning, it's always such fun seeing her, we never stop laughing:heehee:

                    2 more trays of seed have germinated in just a couple of days. These are some Marigolds that I spotted in the central park in Winchester last year. The blooms were quite large so I collected loads of seeds.;)
                    I really do think freshly ( well no older than 6months) harvested seeds are the best because over the last few years even Marigold germination has been a bit of a hit and miss affair.

                    I'm aiming to only grow plants this year that allows easy seed harvesting or/ and those that are equally easy to grow from cuttings. I'm just fed up with wasting time and effort on obviously old purchased seed stock.:sad:

                    Enjoy your day everyone.
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                    • Victoria

                      Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

                      Jun 9, 2006
                      Lady of Leisure
                      Messines, Algarve
                      Good Morning Kitten.jpeg

                      Morning all. I had a good night, no strange dreams. Van slept on the lounge chair in the window alcove in the bedroom all night, from 11pm to just before 8am ... hasn't done that in months.

                      Nothing n the agenda here but feel like a good soak in the bath so will do that. I love to soak my feet and legs, revives them. That is after a "wobble" session. I only do it got about five minutes various movements of balance, one leg/two legs. It is actually quite strenuous, not only on my legs but arms as I cling to the footrail of the bed.
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                      • CanadianLori

                        CanadianLori Total Gardener

                        Sep 20, 2015
                        Battle Axe
                        Oakville, Ontario, Canada Zone 5A
                        Good day
                        It is 26f -3c and looks to be cloudy.

                        Sounds like a fun day @Upsydaisy. @Victoria I quite enjoy weird dreams. It's like going on strange adventures without any physical strain. Last night I did a lot of trekking through a town that had received a heavy snowfall. Most of the people were friendly. :rolleyespink:

                        I'm going to do a bit of shopping and then perhaps cut out from a top pattern I liked.

                        Cheers :coffee:
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                        • redstar

                          redstar Total Gardener

                          Aug 6, 2008
                          Domestic Goddess
                          Chester County, PA, USA, Plant zone 4 & 5
                          Tuesday . 11AM here. Lots of white fluffy stuff fallen from the sky this morning. So pretty.
                          Did get more leaves removed from some areas yesterday. More to go. I am actually on schedule, usually don't finish all leaf removal till end of Feb. Yes, we have that much. I really do have to interview companies to assist in this task.
                          Anyway, started the organizing of the show car trip in August.
                          Next starting to plot out the trip through Maine then to Nova Scotia , he wants to see Oak Island.
                          Inside house today, some cleaning, puttering about.
                          Filled all bird feeders yesterday, they certainly are gathered fluttering about at all the stations.

                          As far as starting seeds as I am reading you all are, not going to this year. It was such a bother for my neighbor to keep up with watering while we were traveling last year. Going to just rely on what grows in the garden. Maybe one hanging thing at the mail box.

                          Well take care all.
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                          • Upsydaisy

                            Upsydaisy Total Gardener

                            Apr 26, 2017
                            Living in hope of world wide peace.
                            Hampshire. Zone 8b

                            Guess what......yes it's raining again !!

                            Do I care?.... Nope as I meeting up with a friend for lunch before we head off to the cinema !!!:yes::hapydancsmil:. So looking forward to seeing this film, although I know it will be a bit sad too.

                            I'm going with hubs to help with the grocery shopping first ( in the same town) before leaving him to cart it all home on the bus...I will try hard not to feel guilty...for too long.;) No honestly he's fine with it.:blue thumb:

                            Had a great time yesterday with another friend who came to visit. The Dahlia bug had bitten her too as she has bought some tubers and was asking me what she had to do with them now. I gave her some of my Cleome seeds back in October ( with strict instructions to keep them in her fridge) and after seeing my seedlings she is going to sow hers at the weekend. Hoping they germinate for her as quickly as mine did :fingers crossed:

                            Vicky I've just watched the final episode of that French series...really enjoyed it ...so many people could have been the ' who dun it'....I kept chopping and changing between characters.!!

                            Have a nice day.....I will guaranteed :biggrin:

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