Yawn Yawn, Wakey Wakey..!! MK 5

Discussion in 'The Muppet Show' started by Marley Farley, Oct 8, 2011.

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  1. moyra

    moyra A knackered Veteran Gardener

    Sep 17, 2005
    South East Essex
    Morning Everyone, Thank you WOO for the picture.

    Kandy, She had the kennel cough protection so it shouldn't be but I suspect you might be right because it had already crossed my mind. I asked them to confirm that she had had the kennel cough prevention and they said yes its just a squirt up the nostril. I remember them doing that so I know she had it. I love the new antibiotics you just put them in your hand like sweets and she takes them and crunches them up and eats them. What a good idea to introduce something with the Amoxycillin that the animals like.

    Well, I hope everyone has a lovely day despite the greyness of it. Take care all. :)
  2. Penny in Ontario

    Penny in Ontario Total Gardener

    Sep 7, 2006
    Work for my husband.
    Ontario, Canada
    Good morning everyone,

    Its a little cooler today, and its starting to rain now.

    I'm home today....so i plan on just puttering around.
  3. wiseowl

    wiseowl Admin Staff Member

    Oct 29, 2006
    Philosophy of people
    Flying Free As A Bird over North Kent Marshes
    Good morning .Kandy,Moyra,Penny,Louise and Shiney and all my other friends ,sincerely hope that you are all OK and well on lovely unique November Morning,Kandy that Lilac must look lovely I must get one,Moyra I wish Amber a speedy recovery,Shiney could you ask the lorry driver to drop some leaves off here its not far out of his way:heehee:Have a great and rewarding day my friends and please stay safe:WINK1::)

    There,s only 52 Bonus Days to the end of the year:)

    This is my rose "New Dawn"rather appropriate I thought for this time of the Morning:WINK1:
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    • Kandy

      Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

      Apr 23, 2006
      Head gardener
      In the Middle Of Blighty
      Good morning Woo and everyone,

      Lovely New Dawn rose Woo,I have that one as well and the scent is lovely:thumbsup:The lilac that is in flower is my small french one that doesn't have large flowers on it like the normal ones do.It has been in flower {about six flowers}since we got back from our September holiday and as one lot of flowers dies another lot come on.We alos have orange cowslips in flower.The seasons sure are taking the mickey this year.I would put up a photo of both plants but as I can't get into my account on here can't acess my photos until Mr Kandy has the time to sort it out for me:D

      Shiney,my leaf man has his house on the market so will have to hope the new people don't want the leaves for themselves or we will have to bring that lorry down to you:DMy leaf man is 72 survived prostrate cancer still runs his buisness but his mind is going a bit because he asked me the other day five times if I had a new car{Myrtle is five now:D}

      Moyra,we have discovered Easipetcare and their prices are a lot cheaper than our other vets so it only cost us £40 to have the boosters done as oppossed to £70+ at our old vets{I think I am repeating myself:D}I wish we could give our cats tablets as easy as you give Amber hers,it has always been a struggle and we usually get either bitten or scratched:mad:

      Well we had a right dreak day yesterday and the weather wasn't much better so will have to wait and see what today brings.:D

      Have a good one everyone whatever you may be doing :)
    • Louise D

      Louise D Total Gardener

      Mar 24, 2011
      Somerset Coast
    • Lolimac

      Lolimac Guest

      Good morning all,enjoy your day:sunny:
      The 'new dawn' rose looks lovely Woo thank you.Can you believe i planted one of those yesterday...can't wait to see how she grows:dbgrtmb:
    • shiney

      shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

      Jul 3, 2006
      Retired - Last Century!!!
      Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
      Good morning everyone,

      It rained most of the night but has stopped now. It'll be too wet to mow up leaves.

      Woo, it's a very rosy morning :)

      Mrs Shiney thinks that Oscar may be becoming diabetic. He seems to be drinking a lot more often than usual. It's possible that we have just been noticing the times he drinks but I agree it does appear to be more frequent. He is also eating a bit more and seems to be quite a bit less active but we think that is because he is getting older.

      In the last six months we have put a chair in the greenhouse to make it easier for him to get up onto the bench as he was sometimes finding it difficult to jump up there. Another change of habit is that he now stalks and catches some of the birds, and eats them, which he never did before.

      He doesn't seem to be different in any other way but we think we should get him checked by a vet. We've never taken him to a vet and he doesn't like cars and will not go within 3ft of the road. He has always been so happy just being on his own patch that we don't really want to upset him by putting him in a cage and taking him out. So I'm going to arrange for the vet to come here. I know it will cost quite a bit more but we have never had to spend anything on him and he's worth it :kittykiss:

      Have a great day :D
    • Lolimac

      Lolimac Guest

      Good morning shiney,please keep us posted on Oscars progress....May be it's an 'age' thing ...as i'm getting older i'm changing my habits:D
    • shiney

      shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

      Jul 3, 2006
      Retired - Last Century!!!
      Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
      Thanks lolli,
      at my age I can't remember whether I have changed my habits :loll:
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      • moyra

        moyra A knackered Veteran Gardener

        Sep 17, 2005
        South East Essex
        Morning Everyone,

        Beautiful Rose WOO, I have one very similar by my back patio door.:)

        Another dreary day. When I walked Amber a little while ago it was that fine drizzle. :cry3:

        Kandy I don't know whether I mentioned it when I first got Amber but I joined the vets Puppy club where you pay £9.99 per month for the first year and it covers all the innoculations including the kennel cough prevention, all worming and flea treatments and 3 check overs during the year. Also 20% off all other treatments that may be necessary and that includes the spaying operation too. When I joined I understood it to include the full spay operation but then reading up afterwards only the 20% off still after paying £65 which had the 20% just for a check over and the antibiotics perhaps it was worth the tenner a month otherwise the bills would be astronomical. Not that there not anyway. :rolleyespink:

        Oh well it is still pretty mild so must be thankful for that. Have a good day all. :)
      • Kandy

        Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

        Apr 23, 2006
        Head gardener
        In the Middle Of Blighty
        Good afternoon everyone,

        Shiney sorry to hear that Oscar is unwell with what could be Diabetes.I never found that i had the urge to catch birds when i first got the symptoms of the disease:mute::DSeriuosly though I do hope he hasn't got it because if it is type 1 it might be a question of Mrs Shiney having to give Oscar Insulin Injections like a friend Of ours has to do when her Cavie{dog}developed it a few years ago.Lets just hope it is an age thing :thumbsup:

        Moyra,I didn't know that about the scheme you are in for Amber and at least you are getting something off of your bills.there was no such thing when we rescued our Tina twenty odd years ago so get everything going if you can:thumbsup:

        Went to the Dr this morning as I have a large red sore develop on the inside of my left arm since October 30th and she reckons it is Exmere {sp} so have some Betnovate to spread on it twice a day for a week to see if that clears it up.The Dr said it could be brought on by stress possibly due to me worrying about Mr Kandys health these last few weeks.He is due to go and see her tomorrow about his blood pressure so i told the Dr about his health problems and his refusal to have an examination so she is going to have a chat with him tomorrow:heehee:She also wants me to go and have a chat with the Dr sometime about going on Ramiphrill as it will protect my kidneys but I struggle to remember my diet betes tablet i have to take each day without another one to worry about taking :D

        Loli hope you are feeling better with your cold now:thumbsup:

        Have a good afternoon everyone:)
      • Penny in Ontario

        Penny in Ontario Total Gardener

        Sep 7, 2006
        Work for my husband.
        Ontario, Canada
        Good morning everyone,

        It feels like its going to rain today, but its better then snow!!

        I'm off to Toronto soon.....so have a great day everybody.
      • Lolimac

        Lolimac Guest

        Thank you Kandy i think my cold is on the wain ! Sorry to hear you are'nt on top form.Try not to worry as it just exasperates excema..i know thats easy to say.Lets hope the Dr sorts Mr Kandy out...he'll have no choice once she has him trapped in the chair:D healing thoughts heading your way:sunny:
        • Like Like x 1
        • moyra

          moyra A knackered Veteran Gardener

          Sep 17, 2005
          South East Essex
          Sorry Shiney, only just noticed your post saying Oscar is not well. Hmm if it's not diabetes it could be his kidneys. Oh dear do hope it is nothing serious. Please keep us advised as to what the vet thinks.

          Kandy, yes exzema is connected with stress. I hope it clears up fairly quickly. Look after yourself. Glad Mr. K is going to see the doc.
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          • shiney

            shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

            Jul 3, 2006
            Retired - Last Century!!!
            Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
            Thanks everyone for your good wishes for Oscar. I passed on the messages. :) We haven't seen him drinking so much water today so maybe it is just a kidney infection (which Mrs Shiney has been treating him for). I had a chat with the vet about him and she said that, because of his age, it is more likely to be his kidneys than diabetes. She said that we should give it some time and see how he gets on. All we have to do is call her and she will come out and a do a blood test. She said she charges £40 extra for house calls and I think that is worht it to keep Oscar happier :dbgrtmb:

            Kandy, exczema in adults is most often brought on by stress so tell Mr K to get his finger out and have a proper check up.
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