Yawn Yawn, Wakey Wakey..!! MK 5

Discussion in 'The Muppet Show' started by Marley Farley, Oct 8, 2011.

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  1. wiseowl

    wiseowl Admin Staff Member

    Oct 29, 2006
    Philosophy of people
    Flying Free As A Bird over North Kent Marshes
    Good morning Kandy,Moyra,Penny,Lolimac,Shiney, Sixpence and all my other friends ,hope you are all OK,its 7 degrees centigrade and 49 humidity here,have a great day and please stay safe my friends.:)

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    • Lolimac

      Lolimac Guest

      Good morning everyone,
      I've got lots to do today so hopefully that will take my mind off 'dream cottages':D i've calmed myself down a bit now and tried to look for negatives as well as positives......it's difficult though....I think the way i think has a lot to do with the job that i do,working for people with dementia all these years makes me want to grasp every chance i get as you just don't know what's around the corner...the thing is i'm very happy with my 'lot' so why change things:rolleyespink: i've never been a 'go getter' and i'm easily pleased....Mr Lolimac is happy with that:D so for now dreams of an idylic retreat is on the back burner.....sounds like reality has hit home doesn't it......

      Moyra i've been lucky with Archi and Theo as the only damage they have actually done is tear up the odd news paper or letter,i think they take it out on each other:) i know it's naughty but i bet Amber looked really cute when you pointed out to her what she had done....you can't help but love them can you.....
      Wishing everyone well,it's a lovely spring like morning here hope it is where you are:sunny:
    • shiney

      shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

      Jul 3, 2006
      Retired - Last Century!!!
      Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
      Good morning everyone,

      Lovely photo, woo :dbgrtmb:

      Sunny and 6C this morning. I've done three hours of paperwork already :thumbsup:. Now that I've got all the quotes I'll call the insurance brokers to get them to reduce their premiums. Then do some tidying up in the garden, go shopping and to the library, sort out some things for one of the people I help, get some cooking done and, tonight, I have a bridge match so won't get home until about midnight. I'm pleased it's not a busy day :loll:

      The charity event went well yesterday. We were raising money for an orphanage/school in India that looks after handicapped children.

      Keep well, everyone, and have a great day :D
    • Penny in Ontario

      Penny in Ontario Total Gardener

      Sep 7, 2006
      Work for my husband.
      Ontario, Canada
      Good morning everyone,

      Its freezing rain here......i was supposed to go back down to Toronto today, but i'll go tomorrow instead.

      So i plan on going grocery shopping and pay some bills.
    • wiseowl

      wiseowl Admin Staff Member

      Oct 29, 2006
      Philosophy of people
      Flying Free As A Bird over North Kent Marshes
      Good morning all my friends hope you are all OK and full of bounce on this bonus of a day,enjoy your day and please stay safe my friends:)

      Sunrise this morning:)
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      • shiney

        shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

        Jul 3, 2006
        Retired - Last Century!!!
        Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
        Good morning everyone,

        Well, yesterday turned out to be a real spring day. Very mild and sunny. So I got a lot of mowing done and put some pictures on the 'What's looking good in feb' thread.

        Sarafi has definitely decided that one of Oscar's favourite sitting places in the greenhouse now belongs to him. He didn't seem the least bit bothered when Mrs Shiney was working in there (she didn't even realise he was there :heehee:) and when she finished working and went indoors he followed her. Unlike Oscar, he never seems to acknowledge that we are there. He strolled around the kitchen and utility room, had a nose around and then went out.



        It seems as though Amber, Archie and Theo are enjoying themselves. I can imagine they'll really love it when the weather is better and you can let them go a bit more. Have they learned to wipe their paws when they come indoors? It may sound a silly question but Oscar learned that he had to have his paws wiped when he came in. He quite happily stopped on the mat whilst Mrs Shiney wiped his paws on the mat - or, if they were really mucky, wiped them with a flannel. :D

        Loli, it's always difficult when you see something that appeals to you but you need to look at the negatives of a place before making decisions. There's nothing wrong with negatives if you can turn them into positves but you need to be aware of them. Is the SMALL cottage too small - don't forget that Archie and Theo need some space. Two acres can take a lot of looking after. My garden is nowhere near that size and it takes a lot of looking after - and you're working. I know that a lot of it would be paddock but then you would have to look after the livestock on that part - and, with a lot of deciduous trees there is an enormous amount of time taken up with clearing leaves. With us that seems never ending for a few months.

        If you have the energy to do your job, look after the boys and the livestock and look after the land then go for it - if the cottage is really enough. :thumbsup:

        I'm off for my regular visit to the chiropractor this morning. He's in a town two towns away so there's a bit of driving.

        Last night when I got home there was a message from Barry saying he's got his date for moving. So I'll have to go to him this afternoon and start phoning round everyone that needs to know. The most urgent one is BT. There's no phone in the flat he's moving to and he wants to take his number with him. As there isn't currently a phone there BT are going to have to have an engineer to go in to set up the connection and there is at least a three week waiting list - and Barry is moving in two weeks. Then there's all his utilities people, social services (although they're the ones who have put in the special bath for him, they're a different department :DOH:), DVLA (he has to have a tax disc for his mobility scooter!), hospital, doctor, and loads of others.

        Keep well everyone and have a great day. :D
        • Like Like x 3
        • moyra

          moyra A knackered Veteran Gardener

          Sep 17, 2005
          South East Essex
          Glad Barry has finally got a moving date, maybe BT will give him a bit more priority as a handicapped person.

          Sarafi certainly looks as though he has made himself at home, he is certainly a handsome cat. Funny you should say about Amber cleaning her paws. No she is not very good at it. We were trying to train her to clean her paws after digging in mud by then going and digging in her sand tray. But once the mud dries off the old Dyson soon cleans up after her.

          We had a great day in the garden yesterday all my wicker tubs are now ensconced on some tables that Steve has built me so they are off the ground and I do not have any bending to cultivate them. He even filled them up with soil for me. They look quite good as the actual tables I painted with the same green preservative as the palisade fencing around the patio which keeps Amber in when it is too wet to let her run around the garden. The fencing does save some of the mud being walked in.

          Now I have to do some seed shopping. I want to get my sweet peas and garden peas underway!

          Loli, so I take it you have probably talked yourself out of the little cottage, hope you do not regret it later.

          Have a good day everyone and thank you for the piccy WOO!:)
        • Kandy

          Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

          Apr 23, 2006
          Head gardener
          In the Middle Of Blighty
          Good morning everyone,

          I seem to have run out of time again.I know they say it speeds up the older you get but this is getting silly now:D

          Woo,thanks for brightening my day with your sunrise and hope that you wrap up warm when you out and about:)

          Loli,We wanted a stone cottage with a thatched roof and roses round the front door when we got married{chocolate box sort}but the cost of insurance and thatching prices put us off as we didn't have a lot of money in those days{even less than now:D}and since talking to my sister in Devon she said that her and her hubby looked at loads of cottages and didn't like the fact that the windows were so small{they would need the lights on all day}no parking for their two cars{company car and private}plus low ceilings {her hubby is over 6ft tall}they decided against it,so it has put us off that idea as well:(It is always nice to have dreams but if you are anything like us you have to weigh up all the good and bad points before deciding what to do:)

          Moyra,it sounds as if you have been quiet busy with all your whicker baskets and i bet they will look nice in the summer when they are full of flowers and out of the way of Ambers teeth:DMr Kandy is on holiday today and was hoping to get to the allotment to re felt our shed roof but it has been mizzling so he has given up with that idea for today:D

          Shiney lovely photos of Safari and nice to see he has made himself quiet at home in the greenhouse.I think he knows how much you miss Oscar so has now adopted you for the time being:D

          Davina/Uggy's owners parents knocked on our door the other week to say that Davinas owner has gone to Australia to work for two years and the other cat{sister}that a girl was looking after has gone missing so they were putting up posters round our village.The parents said that when Davinas owner gets back at the end of the year he is going to come round to see us.I expect he will want to take the cat back but she isn't happy with him so we don't know what to do.Perhaps we ought to bill him for the flea stuff we have had to buy and all the food we have fed his cat on since it decided to come and live with us:D

          Good luck with Barry and getting your tootsies sorted out today:)

          I spent a pleasant afternoon in the garden and greenhouse yesterday pottering around but was dissapointed to find plucked feathers on the lawn where the Sparrowhawk has caught one of my blackbirds and plucked all the feathers from it's body before flying off with it.It could have cleaned up the mess instead of leaving it for me:DProblem is it has scared off all the other birds now:mad:

          Have a nice afternoon everyone:)
        • Penny in Ontario

          Penny in Ontario Total Gardener

          Sep 7, 2006
          Work for my husband.
          Ontario, Canada
          Morning everyone!!

          Its cool here, and supposed to get some snow later on....just in time for the weekend!!

          Off to Toronto again shortly, so have a great day everyone.
        • Lolimac

          Lolimac Guest

          Good morning everyone,

          Thank you all for the sound advice:dbgrtmb: we've not completely discounted the cottage but are trying to be more sensible about it....and not so 'romantic' ...i read too many books i think:D

          What a pretty looking pussy cat Safari is ,i'm sure Oscar would approve:wub2:bet he's sent her to keep an eye on you and Mrs Shiney:sunny:
          It's funny Moyra when the furry 'kids' have been out and sneaked back in before we get chance to stop them ,then notice in horror big muddy paw marks all over,that as long it's left to dry and out comes the Dyson they disappear:yess:
          The sparrow hawk waltzed off with one of my Blackies too Kandy:mad: i know it's a natural thing to do but 'Harry' as i call him is either very greedy or very hungry as he constantly patrolls my garden looking for his next 'take away'...he even sits on the fence and stares at me and even when i go near him and start telling him off he just looks at me as though i'm mad:rolleyespink:.....he may have a point there:heehee:
          It's been nice flying weather here Woo but a bit windy this morning so go carefull...:WINK1:

          Off to work now ...so everyone take care:sunny:
        • shiney

          shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

          Jul 3, 2006
          Retired - Last Century!!!
          Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
          Good morning everyone,

          Even when Oscar appeared to be sleeping he would suddenly be up and on guard when the sparrowhawk was flying above. I think the birds used to wake him. I've seen him run across the garden towards where the hawk was coming down like a bullet (Oscar wasn't into running) and the hawk would pull up. The only times I'd seen the hawk get anything in the garden was when Oscar had gone to visit Monty. Since Oscar's been gone I've seen three piles of plucked feathers - all were pigeons.

          Although it's still mild it's becoming quite windy. It's student day today so I had better plan lunch. One of the students is a coeliac and another is dairy intolerant so I'll put my thinknig cap on. :scratch:

          Loli, I think an important thing to get done is to arrange a viewing of the cottage. There's no point in speculating about it without getting inside and getting a feel of the place. Like Kandy, I've been in some really lovely places that have all put me off because of the lack of natural light. I like big windows. :thumbsup:.

          Keep well and have a great day :D
        • wiseowl

          wiseowl Admin Staff Member

          Oct 29, 2006
          Philosophy of people
          Flying Free As A Bird over North Kent Marshes
          Good morning Loli and Shiney and all my other friends here at GC,have a lovely weekend and please stay safe my friends.:)
        • moyra

          moyra A knackered Veteran Gardener

          Sep 17, 2005
          South East Essex
          Morning everyone, walking Amber this morning I noticed that it has turned considerably colder and that the wind is biting. So its back to hibernating again. :sofa:Glad we got the garden sorted when we did though.

          I put up a new bird house for peanuts in my lilac tree which is my feeding station and since then the blue tits have been down to say very nice too but the hundreds of sparrows that used to empty two seed containers a day have all disappeared they don't think much of it. Still I'd rather see the blue tits than all those same old sparrows. :rolleyespink:

          Have a good day everyone. :)
        • moyra

          moyra A knackered Veteran Gardener

          Sep 17, 2005
          South East Essex
          I have just been watching the birds come and go from the feeders and was surprised to see a tiny little field mouse run up the tree to the peanut house and take one and run off!! Why can't he be satisfied with all the seed the birds spill on the ground beneath the tree?:what:
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          • Kandy

            Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

            Apr 23, 2006
            Head gardener
            In the Middle Of Blighty
            Good morning everyone,

            We had a little bit of frost last night but not as heavy as i thought it might be:D

            They have just been saying on the news that some chap has been found somewhere in the world buried in his car under snow and he had been there for two months:shocked:and was barely alive but is now in hospital.Dr's have said his body must have put him in a state of hibernation for him to be able to survive that long:rolleyespink:

            Moyra,the little mouse is going after the peanuts as opposed to the seed because there is going to be more goodness in the nuts rather than the seeds so for survival he will go for what is best for him.One reson why birds like to feed on nuts rather than seeds as it helps fuel them to keep them alive through the cold nights:)

            Sunny here this morning and we are expected to have a good day weather wise so will see how it goes:D
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