Yawn Yawn, Wakey Wakey..!! MK 6..

Discussion in 'The Muppet Show' started by Kandy, Feb 24, 2012.

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  1. Lolimac

    Lolimac Guest

    Lovely to here from you Woo....:dbgrtmb:
  2. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Good morning everyone,

    Shiney,glad that you all enjoyed the chicken casserole.We went off to Mr T's yesterday as they were doing another deal and managed to get a chicken that was reduced down to £2.48 so that was another good bargain plus we got loads of reduced red meat joints plus pack of mince so they are now all wrapped and in the freezer.:snork:People can't afford to pay top prices for joints of meat so the shops are full of meat that are not being bought{until the prices get reduced that is :snork: then there are swarms of people round that part of the fridges:dancy:}

    Moyra,that is a very good bargain with the curtains and hope that when they come they help to freshen the room up:dbgrtmb:Hope all is well with you and that you,Steve and Amber are enjoying the sunshine we are having at the moment :smile:

    Loli,I was listening to Raido 4 on Friday and they were saying on Gardeners Question Time that chooks like to have moss from lawns in their nest boxes to lay their eggs on as it is nice and soft and even enjoy it in their runs to sit and scratch around on:smile: Hope you enjoy the fret saw and it would be nice to see some photos of the finished articals when you have done your work:smile:

    Lovely to see you Woo:dbgrtmb:

    Anyway,we had a busy day yesterday as I got the hoover decoked to keep the filters etc nice and clean and not gummed up with dust and fluff,went to Mr T's for shopping,hung out to lots of washing,picked up our new glasses from Boots,changed our holiday from Cornwall to Wight as the CC are doing a good deal,and then plied the heating engineer with mugs of coffee as he came with the new pump and valves to replace the ones that had conked out.It cost us £145 including labour but at least we now have heating and hot water again so we are happy bunnies:hapydancsmil:

    Oh and has anyone else noticed how the fuel prices are going up by 1p a week so now Mr Kandys diesel has gone up to £143.9 a litre and that is without the 3p rise that is coming in August:nonofinger:

    Hope you all have a lovely Sunday:smile:
  3. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    Good morning everyone,

    Woo, it's great to see you on here :thumbsup:. I hope you're not kept waiting too long for your date and that things go really well :)

    Loli, I don't need a saw to fret, I can fret easily enough without it :heehee:. I've also got loads of moss if you want to come and get it. We have enough to fill a few hundred big bin bags waiting for you to come and rake it out :dbgrtmb:

    Moyra, our curtains still look as good as new - or maybe my eyes aren't up to it nowadays :heehee:

    Kandy, that's not a bad price for having the pump changed. :thumbsup:

    I started on getting the lawn edging done yesterday as I couldn't carry on with the pressure hosing. The hoselock connector that you clip accessories into has cracked. I managed to make another one from old parts but it wasn't good enough to withatand the pressure. I was able to use it for the normal nozzle gun on the hose (leaking a bit) so Mrs Shiney got me to water all the big pot plants and all the trays and pots of plants that she has potted on for Open Day. That took me almost an hour! The gun is leaky as well as the connector so I got quite wet.
    Tomorrow I'll have to go out and get some new ones. I need to get the beds well watered before the ban comes in but the sprinkler won't work until I get the connector.

    Our nephew came round yesterday to fix a load of pointing on our roof, he has a cheaper price for family work :thumbsup:, and does an excellent job. I always give him more than he asks for as he has to make a living. Otherwise I would feel too awkward asking him to do work for us.

    The young lad (professional landscaper/gardener) that helps my neighbour in the garden popped round to hammer in the 8ft posts I'd put up in the veg plot. I couldn't get them in any further (neither could Tracey whis is tougher than me) and he managed to drive them in another 9", which made them much firmer. He looked really puffed when he'd finished and then had to go back next door to cut down two trees and get their roots out!

    I'm off to an all day national bridge tournament later this morning so no gardening for me.

    have a great day :biggrin:
  4. wiseowl

    wiseowl Admin Staff Member

    Oct 29, 2006
    Philosophy of people
    Flying Free As A Bird over North Kent Marshes
    Good morning Shiney,Kandy,Lolli,Moyra and all my other friends,many thanks for all your warm wishes,have a lovely day and please stay safe.:)
  5. Lolimac

    Lolimac Guest

    Good morning Everyone.....
    I'll be listening to GQT today Kandy ...so i'll listen out for the chicken/moss bit:blue thumb:as if they're not spoilt enough. With this lovely weather the doors are wide open for the dogs to wander in and out AND the' girls'...can you believe they come in for a wander or a sleep but actually go outside to the toilet then come back in again:heehee:.
    I'm only a beginner with the fret saw ,but i'll get the hang of it,i'm going to start off doing a few 'shapes' and see how i get on....
    There's no talk of a hosepipe ban here YET...but i'm sure it won't be long....did lots of watering yesterday but it soon disappears....
    Woo will be so proud of me...being a total rose novice i thought i'd take a few cuttings of an old climbing rose we have.....they've taken:hapydancsmil:...can't believe it....so i'll have to get a photo taken:dbgrtmb:
    Enjoy your Bridge day Shiney....

    Have a lovely day everyone,enjoy this beautifull sunshine:SUNsmile:
  6. moyra

    moyra A knackered Veteran Gardener

    Sep 17, 2005
    South East Essex
    Morning Everyone, Somebody forgot to tell the sunshine here that the clocks went forward overnight. Very dull and none too warm either. So the cloches and the greenhouse door remain in place.

    Decorating still progressing slowly. 1½ wall preparation to go. He is doing a super job but oh the time it is taking.:phew:

    Shiney enjoy the bridge day out. WOO take care of yourself. Lolli your girls love their freedom and such gentle ladies too! Well brought up girls.

    Hope you all have a lovely day today.:)
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    • Kandy

      Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

      Apr 23, 2006
      Head gardener
      In the Middle Of Blighty
      Good morning everyone

      I must say I don't like this messing about with the clocks and feel quiet shattered so need to catch up on my sleep at some point as my body clock is all in a mess again:eeew:

      We had another glorious day with wall to wall sunshine after finding some fog in the village where our allotment is but the sun soon burnt it off and we had a good morning doing gentle work so as not to mess up our backs as Mr Kandy's is still dodgy and i didn't want to set mine off:snork:

      In the afternoon we drove to the disused railway near by and had a nice three mile walk,plus saw our first Chiff Chaff of the year plus saw loads of primroses and violets in flower:yes:

      Hope you all have a very good day:smile:
    • shiney

      shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

      Jul 3, 2006
      Retired - Last Century!!!
      Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
      Good morning Kandy and everyone,

      The bridge tournament went well and I did quite well at our section of it. I won't know the national result of the event until they've amalgamated the results from all of the venues and publish them later in the week.

      It's a little bit frosty out there at the moment but the sun is already coming up and shining on the tops of the trees. The garden is already looking quite colourful with all the spring flowers showing their pretty faces. Loads of primulas and primroses are in bloom and just a few cowslips have popped their heads out. If I get a chance this afternoon I shall take a few photos.

      I have a meeting all morning but don't have to travel far to it - as it's being held in the summerhouse. :)

      Woo, good to see you on here :dbgrtmb:

      Loli, well done with your roses :thumbsup:

      Moyra, it seem as though you're getting on well with the decorating :hapydancsmil:

      Kandy, I tend to feel a bit ashamed when you say that you both get out on your walks. I always have good intentions of doing some walks but never seem to get around to them. I'm definitely not getting enough exercise and don't know how I'm going to manage the fells when we go to the Lake District :scratch: :sad:

      Keep well and have a great day :biggrin:
      • Like Like x 1
      • moyra

        moyra A knackered Veteran Gardener

        Sep 17, 2005
        South East Essex
        Morning Everyone, Another beautiful day. The Resident's Housing Association have planted daffodils all round the shrubberies round the estate and they do look lovely. I have noticed too that violets are seeding themselves all round too. Beautiful.

        Have a lovely day everyone and don't overdo your backs whatever you are doing today!:)
      • Lolimac

        Lolimac Guest

        DSCF9089.JPG DSCF9084.JPG DSCF9086.JPG Good evening everyone...
        I know i'm rather late but it's the first time i've sat down today....:rolleyespink: i finished work at 2pm then came home and started watering the garden...it's so dry...but what another beautifull afternoon....after a frosty start....It won't belong before i'm fast asleep:yawn:i've posted one or two pics...not brilliant ones but you'll get the gist....Love to all:SUNsmile:
        • Like Like x 2
        • shiney

          shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

          Jul 3, 2006
          Retired - Last Century!!!
          Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
          What a lovely picture :wub2:
          • Like Like x 1
          • Kandy

            Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

            Apr 23, 2006
            Head gardener
            In the Middle Of Blighty
            Good morning everyone,

            Lovely photo Loli,nice to see dogs and chooks getting on so well together:smile:

            Moyra,yes the daffs look lovely everywhere and at leats they brighten up what could be dull days:)

            Shiney,we have always been walkers and more so when we had a dog as she was a cross breed Collie x Terrier so had both types of working dog in her genes so needed plenty of exercise.You do lots of walking as you mow your lawns and then edge them so walking up and down your acres of garden helps with the exercise:snork:

            Hope that Woo and Penny are both ok and enjoying the spring sunshine:smile:

            Have a good day everyone:smile:
          • shiney

            shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

            Jul 3, 2006
            Retired - Last Century!!!
            Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
            Good morning everyone,

            Once again there is a slight touch of frost but not as much as yesterday - but the sun is shining brightly.

            I got the parts for the hose yesterday so have fixed all our leaky bits and can water efficiently. If the water authorities would fix their leaks we wouldn't have a hosepipe ban coming in. Our water barrels are totally useless as they have been bone dry for months. It wouldn't surprise me if the washers round the tap fixtures have dried out and become useless as well. so when it does eventually rain the water will run out the bottom of the barrels. :wallbanging:

            I'll try and get a little more pressure washing done this morning now that I've got the hose fixed.

            It was quite funny yesterday morning as I had a meeting in the summerhouse. Whilst we were waiting for everyone to turn up some of us were standing in the warm sunshine chatting whilst some of the female pheasants were happily wandering round us looking for food in the lawn (it gets thrown all over the lawn from the birds on the feeder).

            I was pleased to hear, yesteday, that the village festival committee have said yes to our request to borrow one of their open marquees for our Open Garden. At least that takes away some of the worry of people disappearing if the rain starts. They'll still be able to have tea and cakes under cover :thumbsup:

            Have a great day :biggrin:
          • Lolimac

            Lolimac Guest

            Good morning everyone,
            Another bright sunny one here but Mr Lolimac has just had to defrost the car.....
            The dogs and chooks do get on well Kandy but i still keep a close watch on them when they are 'playing'...it's the dogs i'm more worried about because it's the chickens that are actually in charge...even the odd cat that ventures into the garden are more afraid of the chooks than the dogs....
            Good news about the marquee Shiney:blue thumb:though your guests will hopefully need it for the shade instead of the rain....that's also a good reminder for us to check the washers on the water butts whilst they're empty :dbgrtmb:
            I hope Moyra ,Penny and Woo are all ok.....
            Enjoy another beautifull Spring/summers day:SUNsmile:
          • moyra

            moyra A knackered Veteran Gardener

            Sep 17, 2005
            South East Essex
            Hello everyone, late on parade. Got carried away uncovering the cloches and plants and then watering and walking Amber and before you know it the morning has gone.
            Hospital tomorrow for the Renal Clinic, lets hope that goes ok. Thursday I have a luncheon out 13 of us all from the Essex Saga Zone going to lunch at the Ship at Tiptree where the jam comes from. We are going to have to swop place mid courses so that we get to talk to everyone. Only one male amongst that lot which is disappointing we normally have up to three males in our group.

            Have a lovely day off to cook bacon rolls for lunch!:)
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