Yawn Yawn, Wakey Wakey..!! MK 6..

Discussion in 'The Muppet Show' started by Kandy, Feb 24, 2012.

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  1. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Good early morning everyone

    I think i have beaten the birdies this morning for getting up early:snork:

    It is dark here at the moment so can't see if we have had a frost last night but mme weather stations says it is 7c so it was unlikely:)

    We heard yesterday that the weather is due to get much colder from next week so had better put my shorts away and get my wooly jumpers back out of storage:snork:

    We had a Red Kite over the garden the other day which was nice to see and also a Buzzard flying round the village pewing so all good stuff with nature:yes:

    Moyra, hope you enjoyed your bacon rolls and Good luck with the renal appointment today:blue thumb:

    Have a good day everyone:smile:
  2. Lolimac

    Lolimac Guest

    Good morning everyone....
    Moyra hope all goes well at the Clinic and enjoy your meal out,it will be nice to catch up:dbgrtmb:
    I've never seen Buzzards or Red kites in the wild Kandy only at country shows...they must be a lovely sight to see.
    I'm taking my brother to the doctors this morning as he has been diagnosed with high blood pressure....he has always been of a nervous disposition and suffered with stress which will only worsen his cause...so i'm hoping the doc will sort him out:thumbsup:
    It was a scorcher yesterday 19 degrees and set to be another today:phew:
    Have a lovely day everyone:SUNsmile:
  3. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    Good morning everyone,

    It's very sunny again today :SUNsmile:

    Moyra, good luck with your appointment today :dbgrtmb:

    Yesterday evening we had a baby long tailed tit in the greenhouse and Sarafi was prowling around so we spent quite a while trying to get it out without it getting hurt. The parents were flying around outside the greenhouse making a racket. It wouldn't keep still long enough for me to take a picture but I got this blurry one.

    Our male pheasant usually has seven females with him but he now has a male friend as well - maybe they're getting too much for him :heehee:. They were strolling around the garden together and when I put the sprinkler on a flower bed they both went and stood under it :)

    Have a great day :biggrin:
    • Like Like x 3
    • Kandy

      Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

      Apr 23, 2006
      Head gardener
      In the Middle Of Blighty
      Lovely photo of the Long Tailed Tit Shiney:dbgrtmb:

      Loli,we have the Red Kites over us as they were introduced to Fineshade Woods so often now we have them flying over our village although at times I nearly crash my car as I strain to see where they are going as I look out of the front windscreen:snork: Mr Kandy can often see them from his office window when he is at work as they fly round the town centre looking for food.It reminds me of when they used to get them flying round the streets of London until they were persecuted to near extintion{sp}:gaah:

      Good luck with your brother and his blood pressure.If he can do some exercises that will help to bring the levels down.At my review last week the Dr took mine and it was 176/76 which for me is high so i have to go back in a months time to see the nurse and if it is still high i shall have to see the Dr about meds:frown: Try and get your brother to the surgery in plenty of time before the appointment so he can calm down a bit before he has it checked.I have been told to go and sit in the waiting room for twenty minutes before i go in to see the nurse,but have to book the appointment first though:snork: I am sure your brother will be fine but am sending positive vibes to both of you first though:smile:

      I have just been and found my first three Lily beetles of the year so after capturing them on photos first have now squished them so that endeth their munching days:snork:

      Enjoy your day Shiney and Loli,and remember to Keep Calm and eat more Chokky as i have heard this week it helps make you slim :wow:
      • Like Like x 1
      • Penny in Ontario

        Penny in Ontario Total Gardener

        Sep 7, 2006
        Work for my husband.
        Ontario, Canada
        Morning everyone,

        Its warmer today, but really really windy out....ar least we didnt get any snow!!

        I'm off to Toronto today, so enjoy your day everybody.
      • moyra

        moyra A knackered Veteran Gardener

        Sep 17, 2005
        South East Essex
        Well the consultant responsible for my kidneys has decided to ask my doctor to refer me to a consultant who deals with gastric problems. She said she is satisfied that there has been no further deterioration in my kidneys. I asked her what they were going to do about the stone in my kidney and she said I haven't got a stone I must have misunderstood her. I have a small collection of gall stones in the tube coming from my liver which has enlarged the tube probably because of the stones............She'll change her story again next time I go I am sure.:gaah:

        I meant to say Loli I do love your photos and shiney that photo is quite good considering the difficult conditions. :)
      • shiney

        shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

        Jul 3, 2006
        Retired - Last Century!!!
        Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
        Good morning everyone,

        Moyra, that seems to be good news about your kidneys :thumbsup:

        The garden is certainly looking good now that everything seems to be coming into glorious life. I just need to try and catch up with the tidying up. It has all been neglected whilst I'm trying to get the pressure hosing done - only another week of it to go.

        We seem to have rats nesting and digging out the ground under our buddleia tree that is just outside our kitchen. I put some rat poison down the hole the other day and Mrs Shiney has now filled it with compost. We'll see how it goes.

        Have a great day :biggrin:
      • Lolimac

        Lolimac Guest

        Good morning everyone....
        Good news about your Kidleys Moyra:dbgrtmb: but if you need to have your gall bladder removed ...go for it...I kept putting it off for along time untill in the end i ended up in hospital for 3wks with 'obstructive gall stones' they blocked my bile duct completely and i turned bright yellow....i was petrified....the operation was so simple and i was out the next day and have been fine ever since:dbgrtmb:
        My brother has been prescribed with Beta blockers so here hoping they do the trick:dbgrtmb:
        Rats are a nuisance Shiney...hope they've scoffed up the poison:dbgrtmb:they've always been my biggest fear what with keeping chickens but thankfully i've got away with it so far:phew:...speaking of which i'm going to get 4 more 'sisters' for my girls today:dancy:..theres bound to be a few dramas whilst they are settling in...wish me luck:blue thumb:
        Have a great day everyone:chicken:
      • Penny in Ontario

        Penny in Ontario Total Gardener

        Sep 7, 2006
        Work for my husband.
        Ontario, Canada
        Morning everyone,

        Its a cool and chilly morning here, they said on the news that we may get some snow overnight.....sure hope not!!

        I'm home today.....i do have some errands to do for myself, as well as Brad, and Kait is off so she needs to do a few things....Natalie is working.
      • Kandy

        Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

        Apr 23, 2006
        Head gardener
        In the Middle Of Blighty
        Good morning everyone,

        Sorry to be late on parade but am struggling this week due to having the clocks messed about with and it is taking me some time to adjust as it usually does twice a year so feel like I am walking round jet lagged:frown:

        Shiney,a new member to our village community got right excited last night as they saw a real live rat when out dog walking last night.I don't know what they expected coming to live int he countryside surrounded by farms,water and 880 odd houses with people producing so much waste etc :lunapic 130165696578242 5:

        Moyra,glad to see that your kidneys are ok and lets hope that the gall stones don't start to cause too many problems in the furture:smile:

        Loli,sounds horrendous having gall stones and touch wood i have never had a problem with them or kidney stones and hope i don't have any in the coming years:snork:

        I have had my discharge papers from the hospital by a verty nice young man who shook hands with me before and after the appointment so made me feel like I wasn't a NHS patient after all.:biggrin: One of our young Dr's at the surgery is like that as well always stands up and shakes your hand when you first meet so things are looking upwards slightly in the NHS:snork:

        It is cooler here this morning and is supposed to be the same next week so we shall see how things pan out plus the panic buying can now end at the petrol pumps as the tanker drivers are no longer going to strike at Easter:ThankYou:
      • moyra

        moyra A knackered Veteran Gardener

        Sep 17, 2005
        South East Essex
        Hi Everyone. Yes it was good news about my kidneys. I am sure it was only a bad reading before because I damaged them taking a long course of ibuprofen when I had that sciatica. Steve is just finishing off the lounge. So all I am waiting for now is my new curtains. Not sure what they will do about the gall stones but if they are causing the duct to be enlarged then I suppose they may operate and if it were to go as smoothly as yours Loli then I shant mind that.

        I had a lovely day out yesterday with our SAGA group. Twelve of us altogether. Just one male. Very interesting male as well as he was a Hungarian refugee from the Germans during world war II. He has written a book about his life must get a copy of it and read it. After a lovely meal we took our drinks and sat out on their patio garden. Lovely with the sound of running water and sitting in the sunshine.

        I notice this morning that my beetroot seeds are through! Just have to hope the weather doesn't deteriorate too much now. I have them under cloches at night with fleece over the top so just hoping that is enough.

        Hope you have resolved your problem of rats Shiney and Loli I am sure the girls will appreciate some new sisters once they have adjusted to them.

        Have a great day everyone. Although it is getting late in the day to be wishing you that.:)
      • shiney

        shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

        Jul 3, 2006
        Retired - Last Century!!!
        Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
        Good afternoon all,

        Just got back from a charity bridge drive. We raised £600 for the Hospital League of Friends who will be adding the money to the fund to get a new special weighing machine for immobile patients. They need to be weighed accurately for the dietician to work out what they should be fed.

        Rats don't appear to have dug themselves out yet.

        The garden is begining to look really good now :dbgrtmb:

        I cooked some lovely lamb shanks yesterday and shall be heating the remainder up now and having it with mash and cabbage before I go off to the bridge club this evening.

        Enjoy your evening. :biggrin:
      • Lolimac

        Lolimac Guest

        Good morning everyone....
        I've been busy playing referee to the chooks...i had to put them into bed again last night as they daren't go by themselves because my old bird was 'ruling the roost'....having said that yesterday they were all pottering around together happily....things are going quite well really :dbgrtmb:
        At work all weekend so won't get alot done in the garden but i'll see how tired i am when i get home,might tr and do a bit...
        Hope everyone is keeping well,enjoy your weekend.
        Take care...:SUNsmile:
      • shiney

        shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

        Jul 3, 2006
        Retired - Last Century!!!
        Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
        Good morning loli and everyone,

        Loli, it looks as though your chooks have sorted out their pecking order already :dbgrtmb:

        Two of the prizes I won at the bridge drive yesterday were pots of white and yellow double primroses. Mrs Shiney had planted them out within 30 minutes of me getting home with them. The bottle of wine that I won won't be planted out :heehee:

        This morning we shall be taking a friend to a professional nursery that allows the public in. There are about a dozen of them in less than a mile of road about eight miles from here. A lot of them don't allow the public but the one we're going to sells the plants at least half the price the garden centres sell them for.

        This afternoon I'll carry on pressure hosing as the pressure is on me :heehee: to get it finished by Thursday.

        Have a great day :biggrin:
      • Kandy

        Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

        Apr 23, 2006
        Head gardener
        In the Middle Of Blighty
        Good morning all,Colder here this morning so won't be doing much outside but will see how it goes later.

        Mr Kandy is at work all weekend but if the work can be done today then he won't have to go in tomorrow.:smile:
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