Yawn Yawn, Wakey Wakey..!! MK 6..

Discussion in 'The Muppet Show' started by Kandy, Feb 24, 2012.

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  1. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Good morning Woo,I didn't see you pop up there:D

    Have a good day in the garden:D
  2. Lolimac

    Lolimac Guest

    Good morning everyone.....

    It was beautiful here yesterday,just like a summers day:dbgrtmb:
    Hope everyone is in good shape this morning....
    Sounds like you are doing your own 'pot washing' marathon Shiney:D
    Well done Kandy:thumbsup: why people drop litter in the first place is beyond me:nono:
    Hope Moyra,Penny and Woo are in fine fettle:)
    Great job well done with the greenhouse Woo:dbgrtmb:

    Just going to massage my chinkens leg:rolleyespink:...you don't hear that every day do you:D:chicken:
    Take care everyone:sunny:
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    • takemore02withit

      takemore02withit Gardener

      Apr 8, 2008
      Morning everyone :) As you say Lolimac, what a beautiful day it was yesterday..........Even here in rainy old Mancheter!!! :WINK1:

      It was so lovely to feel the sun on your face again. I took full advantage of it and got out there in the garden.:gardening:

      The front garden is all tidy and weed free ready for planting. Both front lawn and back lawn mown.:happydance:

      A bit achey now but it was all worth it.:OUCH:
      • Like Like x 3
      • shiney

        shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

        Jul 3, 2006
        Retired - Last Century!!!
        Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
        Well done, Kandy. You deserve the acknowledgement. :dbgrtmb:

        O2, it sounds as though you've worked very hard :thumbsup:

        I don't wash the pots. That would take too much time. Only another 20 bin liners full to sort. :(

        Loli, I think it's legal :heehee:

        Hi, Woo :happydance:
        • Like Like x 1
        • moyra

          moyra A knackered Veteran Gardener

          Sep 17, 2005
          South East Essex
          Hello Everyone, well finally got my house back in order after the kitchen got its new coat of paint.

          Hope you are making your way through all those pots Shiney quite a mammoth task. I was going to make a start on sowing but I thought I would see what sort of weather this weekend brings before doing so.

          I have three tomato seeds growing well and 1 cucumber as well as a number of tiny tobacco seeds, not sure I am going to be able to keep them growig ok indoors. They have been out in the cold greenhouse for the last week but if it is going to be colder I thought I had better bring them in. We shall see.

          Have a good weekend everybody. :)
        • Lolimac

          Lolimac Guest

          Good morning everyone....

          That sounds like a good job well done Moyra,bet it looks lovely and fresh...We painted our kitchen a couple of weeks back and really ought to carry on right through but in the winter we said "lets leave it untill the weather picks up" now that it is getting better i can't keep out the garden:DOH:...
          I'm back at work all weekend so Mr lolimac is going to get something to protect one of the borders from my chickens....i'd like some wide gage green chinken wire....i'm hoping it will blend in well....i'd like to make a complete border for 'all that buzzes'...our garden is more of a shrub and tree garden as they are abit more chicken/dog proof so i thought i'd try a complete flower border.....:chicken:
          Have a lovely safe weekend everyone.....will miss you all tommorrow with the 'change over'.I don't understand all this technical stuff...i really should move with the times:heehee::sunny:
        • Kandy

          Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

          Apr 23, 2006
          Head gardener
          In the Middle Of Blighty
          Good morning everyone,

          Moyra,glad that the decorating has now been finished but it is a disgrace that the landylady refuses to spend money on keeping up the appearance of the place but then again when they are raking in the money keeping their properties in a good state of repair seems to be the last thing on their minds:nono:

          I must make a start on sowing some seeds this weekend as it is that time again although we are not growing toms this year as Mr Kandy has given them up to see if it was those that gives him mouth ulcers:whistle:Glad to hear though you have some good things growing though Moyra:dbgrtmb:

          Loli and Shiney,I managed to fill a charity bag,two of those black horse feed buckets and two carrier bags with all the rubbish.One of my friends said I should have tipped it all out on my drive and taken a photo of it but it took me long enough to pick it all up once without doing it all again:D

          02,glad that you have got the front garden bed done ready for the plants and I am sure you will have fun planting them up and then enjoying the displays in the summer months:)

          Shiney dear,if you don't wash the pots up what are you whinging about:scratch::D

          Anyway,I have been in the kitchen this morning preparing the meat and veggies for tonights din dins so that is cooking nicely in my slow cooker now:)We are off to town this morning to have our hair choppped and as it has been raining overnight will get some seeds sown and overwintering geraniums/pelargoniums repotted on:)

          Have a good day everyone:)
        • shiney

          shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

          Jul 3, 2006
          Retired - Last Century!!!
          Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
          Good morning everyone,

          Moyra, now you've got time for everything to do with the garden :thumbsup: I'm pleased that I never have to paint the kitchen or bathroom. I tiled both of them years ago so I wouldn't have to do much in my dotage :loll:

          I'm still sorting pots but now realise that I'm going to need some racking if I want to keep them tidy. I've been searching the web for cheap racking, needs to be metal as it'll be outside round the back of the summerhouse, but am having a problem finding something suitable at a reasonable price. I'm going to need it 6ft high and at least 6ft wide (possibly 9ft wide) but can't find it for a fiver :heehee:

          Kandy, the pots aren't ours! They're ones that people deliver to us throughout the year and most of them haven't bothered to clean them first. So most of them have old soil, leaves, plant roots, snails etc in them. As they probably stacked them (all different sizes together :DOH:) when the soil was wet they have stuck together and are extremely difficult to get apart. They bring them for us to use when growing plants for the charity. As we sell well over a thousand plants we do need pots so I don't want to tell them not to bother. We also need them different sizes because of potting on.

          As they tend to bring them in black bin liners we have the bags covering an area about 25ft long and 3ft wide, and stacked two high, behind the summerhouse. I've already sorted well over 2,000 (at a guess) and hope I'm more than halfway but can't tell what's in each bag until I open them. If I washed them I'd never get the job done.

          I'm hoping that I can keep them tidy if they are stacked on shelving. Giving them a quick clean and stacking them together in their sizes has reduced the space they take up by an enormous amount and Mrs Shiney doesn't have to waste time searching through bags for the size of pot she wants. When she knows she has to search for the pots it puts her off from bothering to do the plants.

          Keep well and have a great day :D
        • moyra

          moyra A knackered Veteran Gardener

          Sep 17, 2005
          South East Essex
          Loli, I would love to have a couple of chicken's running lose round the garden but the urban foxes round here are afraid of no one and I'm afraid chooks wouldn't last long here even in daylight hours.

          Shiney, your doing a grand job on the pots. I have lots of spare pots here but they are mainly large ones. Always handy though for potting stuff on I suppose.

          It started raining here so the washing I have done will have to dry indoors.

          Waves to WOO, Wendy, Kandy and Penny hope you are all ok too!

          Have a good weekend everyone.:grouphug:
        • wiseowl

          wiseowl Admin Staff Member

          Oct 29, 2006
          Philosophy of people
          Flying Free As A Bird over North Kent Marshes
          Good aftrenoon,Loli,Kandy,Shiney and Moyra and all my other friends here at Gardeners Corner,hope you are all Ok and have that bounce:WINK1:have a great weekend and please stay safe.:)
        • moyra

          moyra A knackered Veteran Gardener

          Sep 17, 2005
          South East Essex
          Hello Everyone, So the new site is up and running and looks as though it has gone quite smoothly.

          Hope everyone is ok. We have the rain a few of you were waiting for. Personally I would rather have some nice bright sunshine......bet I wont be saying that later in the summer when we are all dried up! Have a smooth transition everyone. :)
        • shiney

          shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

          Jul 3, 2006
          Retired - Last Century!!!
          Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
          Good afternoon everyone,

          I suppose we shall have to read up on the differences between this forum and the old one but I'm managing to get by at the moment without bothering. :dbgrtmb:

          We had some very heavy rain and it has just been snowing - not a lot. :)

          As the weather was bad we decided to go out to visit a garden :doh: and went to Capel Manor Gardens. There were only two other nutcases there and the staff looked very bored. It's a very interesting place and worth a visit and has the famous horticultural college there.

          We had intended to also visit Myddleton House Gardens, round the corner, which was the home of E A Bowles the famous plantsman but it was raining too hard by then.

          As things are running slowly for a while I shall have a slow cruise round the forum.

          Have a great day :biggrin:
        • Lolimac

          Lolimac Guest

          good everning everyone....
          Well i'm muddleing my way through....i'm not really offay with this computer kaper
          but i really admire those that are....
          Not a great start to my day....found Florence my sun worshiping chook lifeless in her bed at 6am...i did have a funny feeling about her last night as her comb had a slight blue tinge..gently wrapped her up,gave her a little kiss and thanked her for all the lovely eggs....Mr Lolimac buried her while i was at work:sad:
          On a lighter note ...what about the weather....has been 'sleeting' here all day...and still at it.....
          I hope that everyone is on good form and finding their way around ,i'm going to have a brouse around...i really should get more computer savvy:chicken:
        • wiseowl

          wiseowl Admin Staff Member

          Oct 29, 2006
          Philosophy of people
          Flying Free As A Bird over North Kent Marshes
          Good evening Loli so sorry to hear your sad news about Florence:cry3:
          • Like Like x 1
          • Jazmine

            Jazmine happy laydee

            Sep 1, 2008
            Retired-got my bus pass and loving it!
            Evening everyone, it has all changed since I last popped in! I have been busy here, have had little man to stay for three nights - I am not used to all this :snork:
            I hope everyone is ok.
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