Yawn Yawn, Wakey Wakey..!! MK 6..

Discussion in 'The Muppet Show' started by Kandy, Feb 24, 2012.

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  1. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    Good morning Shiney and everyone,

    The sun is coming up nicely and I think it will be a lovely day. :dbgrtmb:

    Today Mrs Shiney and I shall be taking one of my ex-staff out for lunch to celebrate her 11th birthday. After that we shall be going round to sort out Barry. Then we have a niece coming for dinner this evening so I've got to sort that out as well.

    Keep well and have a great day :biggrin:
  2. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Good morning Shiney and everyone,

    Moyra,hope the eye clinic went well and that the results come back ok.I shall have to have mine in a couple of months time so will see if mine are still ok.It is a pity you can't give the bill to the landlady for all this decorating you are doing for her as you are helping her with the value of her property

    Shiney,not sure if we had a frost last night as i was aslpee when you were scrapiong the car but have just been outside to hang out some washing and my hands soon got chilled.

    Penny,if you gently pull off the steri strips they should come off without too much problem as I found that with mine.I assume your stiches are dissolveable{sp} ones so that will be better than having to have them taken out

    Hope Woo and Loli are both ok and not working too hard.

    Have a good day everyone:smile:
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    • Lolimac

      Lolimac Guest

      Good morning everyone,
      It's a beautifull sunny morning here but still that nip in the air...My chooks were up before me today...6am..it's great to see these lighter mornings....:dbgrtmb:
      Hope everyone is feeling good this morning....
      Take care....:SUNsmile:
    • moyra

      moyra A knackered Veteran Gardener

      Sep 17, 2005
      South East Essex
      Morning Everyone.

      Penny hope that eye is less sore now.

      I had two results at the eye clinic yesterday. The pressure in my eyes from the glaucoma point of view is on the up and up and they said they will need to monitor it. But the diabetes retina scan was fine so that was good.

      I hope Barry's move went ok Shiney and he is ensconced in his nice new home.

      Loli and Kandy and WOO hope you are all ok too. Take care and have a good day all. :)
      • Like Like x 1
      • Penny in Ontario

        Penny in Ontario Total Gardener

        Sep 7, 2006
        Work for my husband.
        Ontario, Canada
        Morning everyone,

        Just got back in, i had to make a quick trip down to Toronto for Brad.....we had rain and winds overnight, and wow did it ever get rid of a pile of snow!!!

        Actually no Kandy, the stitches arent dissolvable, i have to go see my Doctor on Tuesday to get them out, which really sucks!!

        Off to make some lunch and take a pain pill.
      • Phil A

        Phil A Guest

        Thats a bummer Penny. Hope they give you an anesthetic spray first, remember having stiches out when I was a kid, think they put some meths or something on it to loosen the dried blood. Wasn't very nice.
        • Like Like x 1
        • Penny in Ontario

          Penny in Ontario Total Gardener

          Sep 7, 2006
          Work for my husband.
          Ontario, Canada
          I know....me too, i hope she puts somthing on it.....i've had them removed before, and i HATE it!!
          I can finally shower tomorrow, i've been having a quick shower and then washing my hair in the laundry sink, so i dont get the stitches wet, and i can go back to having a full shower tomorrow, so hopefully the surgical strips will come off, i had them all off yesturday, but one in on there good, and it hurt to take it off, so i just left it......i'm sure by showering fully, that'll help it off.
        • shiney

          shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

          Jul 3, 2006
          Retired - Last Century!!!
          Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
          Good morning everyone,

          Penny, I hope you're feeling better this morning :thumbsup:

          I went to Barry and the place looks as though a bomb has hit it. We could hardly move for all the boxes of his stuff taking up the space. He's sleeping on the settee because there's no room in the bedroom to get the bed put up. I don't think it's lack of space but simply the packing boxes are taking up all the space.

          I was there to sort out the utility companies (which I did) and they were all quite helpful. I used the magic words "I'm talking on behalf of someone who is registered disabled" and they worked very well. There loads of forms to fill in for him as well. Council Tax, Benefits, Council Tenant forms (although they were the ones who moved him :scratch:), Rent Allowance etc, etc.

          A friend came round whilst I was there to work out how to get the place sorted out. First thing was to get curtains up but he thinks that Barry's curtains may not have the right fittings for the curtain rails. He won't know until he finds the box they are in. I pointed out that there would immediately be more space if the settee was moved to a different position, and I made a number of suggestions about where the furniture should go. I also suggested that the friend and Barry work out a plan of where things should be put before starting doing anything. Once that was done they would be able to work to a method even if Barry decided that he would prefer things different in the future.

          There were a number of things that had been missed when putting in the aids for his disabilities such as the hanfrail in the toilet hadn't been installed (Social Services fault and not the Council but the Council said they would get in touch with Social Services about it). It turned out that the entryphone system intercom works OK but the release of the lock to the front door of the flats doesn't work! So I've organised for the Council to come later today to fix it.

          I've left everything to do with furniture moving and unpacking to the friend and his wife and they will call me if any organising needs doing or officials need handling. I think it will take a long time to get sorted but it will work out well in the end.

          Have a great day :biggrin:
        • Lolimac

          Lolimac Guest

          Good morning Shineyand everyone,
          You've done a wonderful job getting Barry sorted but it sounds he still has a way to go to get properly settled...moving house can be difficult at the best of times...i can just imagine all those boxes:phew:...
          Aw Penny that eye of yours really does sound so sore,i hope the pain is easing up a bit..
          I hope everyone is ok and looking forward to the weekend..my first one off in 3 weeks:yes:..Mr Lolimac has arranged a meal out tonight with friends...now i know i sound ungrateful but i've been 'wittering on'all week about how i've been looking forward to today...end of the working week,then tonight...bath ,pj's then settleing down with a tipple to watch the new series of Gardeners World :yes:..now not to be :gaah:I do wish he would listen sometimes :wallbanging:...the meal better be good... :biggrin:
          I hope everyones weather forecast is as good for the weekend as is predicted for east yorkshire:dbgrtmb:...we'll see...i've got big plans for a gardening weekend and can't wait:yahoo:
          Take care everyone:SUNsmile:
          • Like Like x 1
          • Kandy

            Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

            Apr 23, 2006
            Head gardener
            In the Middle Of Blighty
            Good morning Shiney,Loli and everyone.

            Penny,sorry to hear about the stitches coming out and I do they can do it with as little discomfort to yourself as possible and I send my very best wishes to you and hope you feel better soon.:dbgrtmb:

            Moyra,I to hear that everything is going ok with the eye problem as time goes on.I am sure they will be ok once they have settled down:blue thumb: Hope to that the Retinal exam results are also good.I go for my yearly one in May so will see if they are still ok.

            Shiney,Glad to hear that Barry's move went off ok although I can sympathise with the boxes,been there done that although for us it was easier as we were fit and healthy at the time.:snork: Hope he is settled soon:smile:

            Loli,don't look a gift horse in the mouth as in these bad times it is good that he is looking after you and spoiling you once in a while.:snork:

            Woo,hope you are keeping well and enjoying the spring flowers:smile:

            Well,it was a bit blowy yesterday but I still managed to get out in the garden with my camera and got some nice photos of my spring flowers especially the Hepaticas and the anemones,plus spring snowflake now they are in flower:)

            Have a good day everyone:smile:
            • Like Like x 1
            • Lolimac

              Lolimac Guest

              Good morning everyone....
              I could have done with a lie in this morning...it's something i haven't done for years but i feel really tired:yawn:.... It's glorious sunshine here and warm too:yes:so it's going to be a great day to get all the things i want to get done in the garden....i'm making a 'buzzy' border...for the bees and insects....yes i watched Sarah Raven as well:).....
              Our meal went well,the food was divine and the company was lovely....but now back to doing what i love the most....gardening,chooks,dogs etc...i'm not a night out person these days but do enjoy it occasionally....i like to entertain at home best:dbgrtmb: i'll watch GW on the i-player thingy me bob seen as i missed it last night....
              I hope everyone is tickety boo today:dbgrtmb:
              Have a lovely day whatever you are all doing:SUNsmile:
            • shiney

              shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

              Jul 3, 2006
              Retired - Last Century!!!
              Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
              Good morning everyone,

              Not a good morning for me today :sad:. Very painful lower back and I've taken painkillers (really don't like doing that) and waiting for it to ease up.

              We'll be going off to Myddleton House later so will make sandwiches.

              Keep well and have a great day :biggrin:
            • Lolimac

              Lolimac Guest

              Really sorry your back is playing up Shiney,take it easy and enjoy your day out:dbgrtmb:
            • Kandy

              Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

              Apr 23, 2006
              Head gardener
              In the Middle Of Blighty
              Good morning everyone,

              I actually overslept this morning but that is probably due to a rotten nights sleep.

              Just been out to hang out a load of washing and will hang some more out when the next lot is finished.The sun has just shown it's face:dancy:

              Glad you enjoyed your meal Loli and that you enjoy GW on iplayer:)

              Shiney sorry your back is giving you jip and hope that the walking helps it to get better:dbgrtmb:

              We are both of to Boots optitions this morning to have our eyes tested and I definetly know I need new glasses as these crappy cheap Specsaver ones are falling to bits so would rather pay extra and get some decent ones:snork:

              Have an enjoyable day everyone in all that you do :smile:
            • Kandy

              Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

              Apr 23, 2006
              Head gardener
              In the Middle Of Blighty
              Good morning Kandy and everyone,

              Well yesterday turned out a long day in the shopping center but we have both had our eyes tested and new glasses ordered so will be glad to get them when they are ready:snork:

              When I had my eyes tested the lady doing it spent some time looking at my left eye and has informed me that I have a very very small hazy patch on my left eye which is the start of a cataract so will have to see how it develops but she said it is nothing to worry about and it will be years before it has to be treated.I also had a couple of photos taken of the vessels of the back of my eye like I have when i have the retinal screening done and everything is perfect and i was shown the photos and all the vessles are nice and healthy with no sign of leakage:hapydancsmil:

              When we eventually got back home we had a walk across the fields to the next village and as we approached the woods two muntjac deer came hurtling though the woods and we think it was a male chasing a female but she was playing hard to get:snork:

              Hope that everyone is well and that you are looking forward to another new day:smile:
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