Yawn Yawn, Wakey Wakey...!!!! MK7...

Discussion in 'The Muppet Show' started by Marley Farley, Aug 19, 2012.

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  1. wiseowl

    wiseowl Admin Staff Member

    Oct 29, 2006
    Philosophy of people
    Flying Free As A Bird over North Kent Marshes
    Not match I think it's a bad habit and very much over rated for an Owl;):lunapic 130165696578242 5:
  2. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    Aloha everyone,

    Woo, you should fly in about 3 p.m. and I'm sure there'll be some for you. You should have been here the other day when I rattled the bonfire before lighting it. Loads of mice ran out but some waited until it got quite hot before abandoning ship!

    Lili, send Fred up and I'll save the bone for him :doggieshmooze: Have good boot sale :dbgrtmb:

    Loli, tell Mr L that I give cooking lessons :thumbsup:

    jazmine, I hope you enjoyed your chill out :)

    Hi to Kandy, Moyra, Penny et al :biggrin:

    I've got the soup, spag bol, apple crumble and mousse all done. Later on I'll prepare the beans and stir fry veg whilst my sous chef peels the spud and preps the fruit salad. The rest is dead easy - just getting the timing right for serving at 1 p.m. on the dot :heehee:. I'll have to make the guacamole at the last minute. I prefer it as a chunky one so will put a little salt in a mortar, add a tiny amount of fresh garlic and a few coriander stalks and mash them with the pastle. Then add the flesh of one large avo and a little lime juice and mash with a fork. Then add a very finely chopped red onion and the chopped flesh of a tomato (prepared earlier), a pinch of chili powder and some chopped coriander leaves and stir with a fork. Finally, add another large avo chopped into small pieces and a bit more lime juice and stir with a fork. So much better than the horrible shop bought stuff. Delicious! And it only takes about 10 minutes.

    Keep well and have a great day :biggrin:

    • Like Like x 1
    • chitting kaz

      chitting kaz Total Gardener

      Mar 10, 2011
      OH MY what a long horrible week ..... have not been here in a week so i think there is going to be too much to catch up on ... sorry if i have missed any major happening, hope you have all had a good week ..... i have missed my chats and friends
      all have a safe day and be blessed in all that you do ffriends.jpg
      • Like Like x 1
      • moyra

        moyra A knackered Veteran Gardener

        Sep 17, 2005
        South East Essex
        Aloha everyone!

        WOO that's the problem with light coloured dogs as I know with Amber every bit of dirt shows. Unfortunately Amber is not much of a Labrador she is supposed to like water but cannot get her to like baths yet!

        That guacomole sounds lovely Shiney as you say far better home made. Even better MAN made. Lol.

        Waves to Kandy, Loli, Lili, Kaz and Penny with apologies to anyone forgotten Oh yes and Mum. Have a great day everyone and look after yourselves please.

      • Lolimac

        Lolimac Guest

        Good morning everyone,
        I hope everyone is well,i was listening to the foxs and the Woos in the night...facscinating:dbgrtmb:
        My ribs are still sore but i feel i'm slowly making progress:dbgrtmb: I'm going to do some gentle pottering in the garden as it's a shame to waste this lovely weather.
        Shiney,i think Mr L is a lost cause when it comes to cooking...unless it bleeps,flashes or he can take it appart he has the concentration span of a fish :catapult::snork:

        He walked around the garden with me yesterday and i was yattering on about all i should be doing....we came to the ligularia,which is brown and dieing back ,Mr L grabbed a great big clump and said shall i pull this up:psnp:told him to keep his hands off:old: or i'd go and start pulling wires out of the cameras he was putting up in the garden:heehee:...(the cameras are partly for security but mostly so we can look back and watch the antics of the foxes....a few years ago on the old cameras we got some great footage of the fox playing with the dogs big chew stick:dancy:)

        Waves to everyone ,take care and enjoy this amazing sunshine if you've got it:SUNsmile:
      • Kandy

        Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

        Apr 23, 2006
        Head gardener
        In the Middle Of Blighty
        Good morning everyone:smile:

        Hope you are all ok and enjoying your Sunday:smile:

        We have been out for our usual Sunday morning walkabout despite the fog but at least we have got some fantastic cobweb piccys:snork:

        Managed to get to the lottie yesterday afternoon after grocery shopping in the morning and while Mr K picked the last of the apples {He found a single pear:yes:1st and last one of the year and two plums which we gobbled up instaed of taking home:biggrin: }I got on with picking some more raspberries although they are slowing down now and then i did some more rough digging which Mr K raked over afterwards and planted our garlic bulbs and also four rows of Japanese onions so looking forward to them next year
        :snork:Checked over the runner beans and was shocked to see loads of the leaves covered in blackfly something we don't see in October.:eeew: I picked a couple of leaves and trod on them but there are far too many and i hope they don't damage the beans i am trying to dry off for seed:sad:

        Shiney,i tried taking a photo of Poppy's neck wound last night but a red light came on so she scarpered and this morning she is having none of it.It looks like there are two puncture marks so don't know how much blood they took as we wasn't allowed in the other room.When the vet rings with the results,if she doesn't leave a message i will ask why they take the blood from the neck rather than the paw.Poor old Oscar,it sounds like he suffered at their hands:eeew:

        Enjoy your meal Shiney,we have stew and dumplings today done in the slow cooker and hope everyone else has a good day as well.:spinning:
      • Kandy

        Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

        Apr 23, 2006
        Head gardener
        In the Middle Of Blighty
        Good morning Kandy and everyone:snork:

        Up early this morning as i can't sleep and have a moggy who is constantly hungry and is refusing to eat dried cat food so have had to get up to feed her wet food for the time being:ktykss:

        It is dark outside and dry so looks like we might have a nice day again weatherwise:biggrin: The stew and dumpling went down well and in the afternoon we went off for a nice five mile walk to burn it off although we were glad to get back to the car at the end of it:snork:

        Hope everyone is ok and that you all have a good day,and might see you later:smile:
      • shiney

        shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

        Jul 3, 2006
        Retired - Last Century!!!
        Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
        Aloha Kandy and everyone,

        It's a lot milder this morning and although it's dry at the moment they are forecasting rain.

        Kandy, our pears and plums were virtually non-existent but the apples are doing very well. We've had a lot of windfalls but the trees are covered in apples.

        The meals went well and we had a good time with our friends. It was a lovely day so, after dinner, we went for a walk. We went to the village and walked around it and out to the edge of the village where the old prisoner of war camp is. All the buildings were made of wood (lots of long barracks) and are now used as an egg farm. At the end of the war a lot of the prisoners didn't want to go home. They were treated fairly well as prisoners and a lot of them worked on the farms and for some of the local businesses. They used to play football and cricket against the villagers and, I think, that after the war some of them continued their work and even married some of the local girls.

        Its not been too good a week for me physically. My bad leg has now got better so, during the night, I got bad cramp in the other leg! :mad: I've been doing stretching exercises to ease it off and the calf is not too bad now, but the back of my knee is very painful and it's very awkward to walk. I'll do more stretching exercises and the best one is to walk backwards with long strides as it stretches the right muscles. I'm coping with that OK but the cramp brought on a migraine which is making me feel sick! Oh well, that's life! :)

        I've got a number of things scheduled to be done today but I'm not sure whether I'll bother. I'll have to do some of the work in preparation for the bridge tournament I'm runnig next Sunday. At this stage it's mainly chasing people up, over the phone, and making sure they're doing the jobs they are supposed to do. I've got two meetings to go to and I can't avoid one of them as I'm running it! :doh: This is the time I'd rather be sitting here relaxing, with a cat on my lap:cat-kittyandsmiley:

        Keep well and have a great day :biggrin:

      • Lolimac

        Lolimac Guest

        Good morning everyone...
        Take it easy Shiney,thankfully i don't suffer with migraines but even a bad headache floors me...awfull things....i'll certainly try those stretching exercises for cramp:dbgrtmb:
        Hope you managed to get back to sleep Kandy...:dbgrtmb: for what good i did going to bed i might aswell have just stayed up...(ribs) think i may have overdone the 'gentle' pottering...all i did was pot on a dozen aubretia cuttings:rolleyespink:
        Waves to all my friends,and wishing everyone well:wub2:

        Take care everyone :SUNsmile:
      • Kandy

        Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

        Apr 23, 2006
        Head gardener
        In the Middle Of Blighty
        Morning shiney,

        So sorry to hear you are having leg problems and a nasty migraine as well to contend with and hope you feel better soon:wub2: I will pass on your exercises to Mr Kandy because after we had done the twelve mile bike ride on holiday he complained of a pain behind the knee and it has remained with him ever since so your exercises might help:blue thumb:

        We only have three large fruit boxes of apples this year and only one of them is full,as he likes to keep all the varieties seperate.Also we have only got seven i think it is butternut squashes as a opposed to 32 last year and most of them are quiet tiny but he will still enjoy them:snork: Lets hope that next year it is a better year for crops:yes:

        Glad the meal went off ok and hope the meetings go well.Enjoy your day:smile:
      • Kandy

        Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

        Apr 23, 2006
        Head gardener
        In the Middle Of Blighty
        Hi Loli,you must have been typing while i was doing mine:smile: I crashed out on the settee after feeding all three cats and then mr Kandy woke me when he got up at six so have just finished brekkie:smile:

        Sorry to hear your ribs are still sore and hope that you start to feel brighter soon and can enjoy life again:dbgrtmb:
        • Like Like x 1
        • shiney

          shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

          Jul 3, 2006
          Retired - Last Century!!!
          Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
          Kandy, tel him to, slowly, take a long stride backwards, putting his toes down first and then rock back on to his heel. He'll feel the calf and the back of his knee stretching. :dbgrtmb:
        • wiseowl

          wiseowl Admin Staff Member

          Oct 29, 2006
          Philosophy of people
          Flying Free As A Bird over North Kent Marshes
          Good morning Kandy,Loli,Shiney,and all my other friends here at Gardeners Corner,to all those that feel below par I do hope that you feel better as the day goes by,have a good day and please take care:) This is the morning sky looks nice but a little ominous(Red sky in the morning)

          • Like Like x 3
          • chitting kaz

            chitting kaz Total Gardener

            Mar 10, 2011
            morning all
            wonderful pic as always Woo here is just dank and grey
            hope you are all being kind to your selves
            take care and be blessed woo family.jpg
            • Like Like x 5
            • moyra

              moyra A knackered Veteran Gardener

              Sep 17, 2005
              South East Essex
              Lloha everyone,

              Loli so sorry your ribs are still playing up pretty bad. You will have to rest more. I think that goes for you too Shiney with your legs and Kandy too, hows those little furry critters of yours are they on the mend, I do hope so.

              WOO lovely sky but not the onerous message it portrays!
              Kaz see you have been inundated with WOO's friends. Lol.

              I have to go to the doctors this morning to get my flu jab and it is going into the arm that I am still suffering pins and needles and tingly all the way down to the tips of my fingers. Maybe I will get the results of my x-ray that I had about 3 weeks ago!

              Have a good day everyone and look after yourselves please.

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