Yawn Yawn, Wakey Wakey...!!!! MK8...

Discussion in 'The Muppet Show' started by Marley Farley, Dec 30, 2012.

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  1. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Good morning everyone

    I think I mentioned ages ago about a health thread when we were talking about various ailments but nothing came of it so I let it go:snork:

    Moyra,I think sometimes the health experts know less than us because after all what they know about medical issues they have learnt from out of a book when medical students or in practise on the public in general:biggrin:It makes me wonder what these drugs are doing to our bodies but they insist on topping us up with pills to keep us out of the surgeries:snork:

    Woo,I expect Mrs Woos BP was up once or twice in the past so some bright spark decided to give her some pills when she probably didn't need them.Mr Kandys sister has been on BP tablets since the age of thirty but the BP came down naturally once she started to exercise more instead of lying on her bed resting.If she had been given a prescription for exercise she probably would have saved the NHS lots of money in the drugs she was prescribed:hate-shocked:Lets hope Mrs Woo is on the road to recovery now:blue thumb:

    It's all downhill Java once you hit the big 50 and you start falling apart.I think a lot of ailments that we suffer with come from what was passed down in our Genes from our parents so are b ound to have problems healthwise in life,plus all the rubbish that is pumped in to manufactured foods and animals/fish/fruit/vegetables that end up being consumed by all of us:eeew:

    Anyway, the world has been put to rights and I am up early due to Mr Kandys snoring and a certain moggy called Poppy bringing a dead mouse upstairs which she has caught now the fields have been harvested:eeew:As it is going to be a scorcher today I have got loads of washing done and will start to hang it out once the sun comes up:biggrin:

    Have a good day everyone:SUNsmile:
    • Like Like x 2
    • shiney

      shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

      Jul 3, 2006
      Retired - Last Century!!!
      Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
      Aloha everyone,

      It's going to be a hot one today and I'm not really feeling like doing much out in the garden. I've still got the rest of the wild area to mow but it's probably still too wet to cut. Some of it is up to my shoulders withe the rest being about waist high.

      I thought I was going to be able to have a bonfire as they were harvesting the fieldthe other night. I just needed to wait for them to clear the straw as well. Unfortunately, they've bailed the straw in giant cubes and left them all over the field. So now I've got to wait until they take them away. I guess that won't be until they've done all the harvesting.

      Mrs Shiney took the casserole round to the invalids and it was enough for four meals for both of them. I picked the 10lb of beans, which will be picked up this morning, and then picked 20lb of golden plums (beware of wasps :hate-shocked:) and 3.5lb of blackberries (beware of thorns). It was much more difficult to pick the blackberries than all the others because I have to stoop over to pick them as the branches droop to the ground.

      Lots more beans to pick today for tonights orders from the club. I seem to be spending so much time harvesting that I don't get much else done! I need to mow the main lawns as we have visitors over the weekend as well as going to the Palace for the Coronation Exhibition, and to the Chilli festival.

      I'm as fit as a fiddle. Well, except for .......... :doh: :rolleyespink: :heehee:

      Keep well and have a great day :biggrin:

    • wiseowl

      wiseowl Admin Staff Member

      Oct 29, 2006
      Philosophy of people
      Flying Free As A Bird over North Kent Marshes
      Good morning all my friends ,hope you are all Ok,My Health thread comment was said with a touch of tongue in cheek ,I think we have to be very wary of such a thread as regarding medications and advice given etc,everyone is different and what might possibly work for one doesn't always work for another,just my honest opinion of course;)

      Anyway I digress my friends sincerely hope that you all have a great day and a lovely Bank Holiday weekend.:)
    • Lolimac

      Lolimac Guest

      Good morning everyone,

      Kandy,i was woken early with a poorly dog....infact he spent half the night vomiting, he wasn't himself yesterday so something has upset him...he's on cooled boiled water for now to see if that settles his stomach...he's still bright in himself but he would be if his tail was on fire...it's just the way he is.....He's at the vets tonight for his check up anyway so we'll see how he gets on today.....he's on far too many tablets for my liking for a young dog so that will be discussed aswell...

      Woo.i'm pleased Mrs Woo is feeling better...speaking of tablets...my MIL has been on tablets for Angina and many other problems for the last 30 years....in a morning they were like a breakfast in themselves....she was taken poorly at the end of last year...went into hospital and came out on no medication at all not even her Angina pills.....she's not exactly as fit as a fiddle but she's certainly no worse for not being on them.....
      I haven't hit 50 yet(not far off) but i've already started with the early morning shuffle....my ankles don't work:old:....but by the time i reach the kitchen i've limbered up:hapfeet:

      I picked a few Brambles yesterday,there wasn't many ripe but enough for a couple of pies...they've been sat in a bowl all night while i've been drowning anything wriggley that may be lurking....

      I hope everyone else has limbered up this morning:biggrin:

      Have a lovely day and take care everyone:SUNsmile:
    • shiney

      shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

      Jul 3, 2006
      Retired - Last Century!!!
      Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
      I'm sure the doctor can give you something for that! :heehee:

      Loli, I wish your furry better :blue thumb:.
      You don't need to bother about anything wriggly in your food, they says it's good protein. I wasn't quite so casual about it last night when I bit into one of the plums I picked and it had a load of maggots in it (well, three of them - plus anything I ate :hate-shocked:). That'll teach me not to cut them open first! :snork:
      • Funny Funny x 1
      • Lolimac

        Lolimac Guest

        The times i've done that Shiney,chomped away merrily while picking the plums until one day i actually looked at what i was doing:yikes:...that's probably why i can't keep still:hapfeet::heehee:
      • moyra

        moyra A knackered Veteran Gardener

        Sep 17, 2005
        South East Essex
        Aloha everyone,
        Tried to get away without using the notepad this morning but to no avail. one sentence and it crashed.
        Have a great day everyone, it is going to be a scorcher again. Too much for me shall put my washing out and that will be it I shall hibernate in a cool room. Have a good day all, God bless.

      • shiney

        shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

        Jul 3, 2006
        Retired - Last Century!!!
        Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
        Are you still wriggling? :heehee:

        I had better keep still soon as I'm just off to the hygienist!
        • Funny Funny x 1
        • miraflores

          miraflores Total Gardener

          Apr 16, 2006
          mean daily minimum temperatures -1 -2
          It is very true Woo that what works on one person not necessarily works on another because there are so many factors involved like predisposition, genes, other medications that we already take etc...
          My view is that our body is able to adjust itself to counteract health issues over time, but he has to be allowed to do so.
          If we cover the problem with a medicine we will never have a chance to see if the health issue can get better with some other solution less invasive than a medicine.
          (For example; changes in diet,massage, hot baths, ice etc...)

          When we take a medicine it will bring some modifications in our system which in turn will make something else go wrong and then we will have to counteract that with yet another medicine.

          For instance we got cancer because we are stressed, instead of relieving the stress we make chemiotherapy and that causes the kidneys to fail which is very bad-read about it.

          Of course the above post is just my theory and please treat it as such....

          Best of luck for the dog, Loli, keep us updated...
          • Agree Agree x 1
          • Friendly Friendly x 1
          • wiseowl

            wiseowl Admin Staff Member

            Oct 29, 2006
            Philosophy of people
            Flying Free As A Bird over North Kent Marshes
            Good evening Java my friend what you say is very true :blue thumb: ,just to add, only my opinion of course is that GP's are to quick to hand out tablets by the 1000's when there are many other solutions,lifestyle's, etc;)
          • Kandy

            Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

            Apr 23, 2006
            Head gardener
            In the Middle Of Blighty
            Good morning everyone

            Well we didn't get the rain of thunder/lightening that was forecast overnight so will see what the day slings at us as we have loads to do outside over the next few weeks and could do with the rain at night and fine during the day:biggrin:
          • Lolimac

            Lolimac Guest

            Good morning Kandy and all,

            Hope everyone is OK today:dbgrtmb:

            The forecast overnight rain came to us here in East Yorkshire Kandy:dbgrtmb:...it's been teeming down all night and looks to have set in for some time....it at last looks like it's actually soaking into the ground...there wasn't any thunder forecast but it looks like we could get some,there's that heavy misty atmosphere out there....

            My little furry boy seems to have recovered fully :doggieshmooze: don't know what upset him but he seems back on form....i was just about to take him to the vets for his check up last night, got his appointment card out and read that it was next Friday:doh:....

            Work is calling so i wish you all a lovely day,

            Take care:SUNsmile:
          • shiney

            shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

            Jul 3, 2006
            Retired - Last Century!!!
            Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
            Aloha everyone,

            Woo, I agree with you. My doctor keeps trying to put me on pills :hate-shocked: with no success at all :snork:. I now tend to only book appointments with the practice nurse. I have a lot more confidence in her as she has many years of hansd on experience and actually listens to what I say. We discuss what the problem may be, what the chemical 'solution' is and what other ways may be better to try first. She accepts that I have an opinion and have usually diagnosed what the problem is. She then uses her knowledge and access to diagnostic equipment that I don't have - normally, blood tests.

            No storms here, yet but the forecast isn't too good. We're of to the Palce for tea with the Queen today :heehee:. I'll give her all your good wishes :blue thumb:

            Moyra, I hope your computer stops playing up soon. :)

            Kandy, I expect your crops have gone mad, just like ours :rolleyespink:

            Loli, good to hear furry boy is better :dbgrtmb:

            Have a great day :biggrin:

            • Friendly Friendly x 1
            • moyra

              moyra A knackered Veteran Gardener

              Sep 17, 2005
              South East Essex
              Aloha everyone,
              Nice wet one this morning out with Amber. Still the gardens need it badly all the lawn is cracked up so at least I wont have to cut it until it dries out. I purposely left it long to protect it a bit from the sun.

              Shiney, it is not my computer she is perfectly ok on everything else it is just this site that she closes down on to protect me for some reason. So I shall persevere with the note pad. Have a good day everyone, God bless.
              Aloha! :wub2:

            • Hairy Gardener

              Hairy Gardener Official Ass. (as given by Shiney)

              Aug 14, 2013
              Official Ass.
              @moyra, morning. Can I ask what anti-vius software you are using? As that could be the cause of your site problems.
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