Yawn Yawn, Wakey Wakey...!!!! MK8...

Discussion in 'The Muppet Show' started by Marley Farley, Dec 30, 2012.

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  1. Lolimac

    Lolimac Guest

    Good morning everyone,
    Belated anniversary wishes Penny:spinning:
    Woo ...for all this dreary weather of late there is a faint glimmer of Spring on the horizon:yes:
    You stay cozy Shiney:dbgrtmb:
    :ouch1: Mum...shin splints ....that's nasty..make sure you keep rested....walking Ozzy will only aggrevate them....I'm sure that lovely big ball of fur will forgive you this once:doggieshmooze:
    I never got my stroll yesterday as when i popped to check how mum was she had taken a few steps backwards.....she over did things on sunday:nonofinger: so i did her shopping and made sure all was well:dbgrtmb:

    Waves to Moyra, Kandy,Jazmine and Lili,hope you are all OK:dbgrtmb:
    Enjoy your Pancakes :dancy:
    Have a great day and Take care:SUNsmile:
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    • moyra

      moyra A knackered Veteran Gardener

      Sep 17, 2005
      South East Essex
      Aloha everyone,

      Congratulations on your Anniversary Penny.

      Mum, that does sound painful. Oh dear we all seem to have our share of problems with our legs one way and another. Trouble is the dogs do not understand and still want their walks. No the Park is to far for me to walk maybe on a good day in summer but it is all under water according to the other dog walkers that go across there. I have to walk around the green just outside our flats. The only problem is that it is also flooded even the paths, makes life very difficult. The other problem is that sum dog walkers refuse to clean up after their dogs and of course that mounts up and leaves few places for our dogs to go. There is no reason for it because our council have provided two bins up the top green and another round the bottom green. The top green is so dirty and fouled I no longer go up there, the bottom green is fast becoming the same. I wish Amber liked riding in the car because I would take her down to a main park where it is much cleaner, still too far for me to walk though.

      Loli, Sorry your mum has taken a step backwards I hope you gave her a rocket for doing too much on Sunday and she takes it easy in future.

      Shiney and WOO, hope you have been over doing things either of you. Kandy hope alls well in your world too. Take care all and have a lovely day. It's very dull and overcast here.

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      • Jazmine

        Jazmine happy laydee

        Sep 1, 2008
        Retired-got my bus pass and loving it!
        Morning to everyone :spinning:
        Shiney thanks for the dates, will start looking around, which day are the GC people coming as I would like to meet as many as possible.
        Kandy, yes I will, I have to say I am very well looked after as they both spoil me and treat us to a lot to show their appreciation. Hope the snow and rain clears up soon-it is dragging on now.
        Woo I see you have gone all bashful :) I love the mood thingies!
        Take care Moyra, Loli and Penny and don't work too hard. Have a lovely day all.
        • Like Like x 2
        • "M"

          "M" Total Gardener

          Aug 11, 2012
          The Garden of England
          Thank you, loli and Moyra. I've never heard of it before but one of Mr Mum's colleagues gets it (he's a rugby player: I'm not!). I think mine is more due to long walks in wellies (little support) coupled with recently trying out a new woodland with Ozzy which has a lot of ups and downs within it's landscape. Fabulous walk though, but maybe I should have broken myself in more gently :heehee:

          Moyra: one of the women at Ozzy's school had trouble getting her dog used to car travel. She was advised to begin by just sitting in the car, door open, with the dog outside on its lead, for a few minutes at a time and then gradually building up. Next stage was to put the dog where ever it was intended to travel for no more than a second-praise and gradually build that up. Next stage was to a) get the dog in it's travel place, b) get yourself in the driving seat and c) turn the engine on (but *not* drive). Final stage a-c followed by, drive a short distance/return/masses of praise. It does sound long winded, but the woman claims that within 2 weeks her dog was making fabulous progress to the point where her dog could now join her on the school runs in the car! If you could manage that, I think your walks in the main park would be so much more enjoyable: for both of you. Could prove very useful if you need to get Amber to the vets in an emergency too.
          Totally agree about the dog mess, but I won't go on about that.
        • moyra

          moyra A knackered Veteran Gardener

          Sep 17, 2005
          South East Essex
          I do take Amber in the car when I take her to the vets but she doesn't like it and sits on the front seat next to me. I would prefer that she settle down in the back where now she is bigger she would be far more comfortable. In the summer I may try that getting her to sit on the back seat while I clean the car. See how it goes. Thanks for that tip. Dog mess is my main moan. What are these people like? If I can clean it up leaning on a crutch then I am sure those more able bodied than I damn well can. Moan over off my soap box.
        • "M"

          "M" Total Gardener

          Aug 11, 2012
          The Garden of England
          Totally agree!!

          My neighbour's x (don't ask!) is a "professional" gardener. One of his clients has a large garden, plus dogs. The client wants to hire his 'services' for lawn mowing (fair enough!); however, that means mowing through her dogs deposits - he refuses on the basis: "I have three dogs and I clean up after them; I am not prepared to clean up months worth of your doggie do-doo's! If I can do it, so can you!"

          I admire his principles ;)

          Do persevere, Moyra (on the dog/car front!); I genuinely believe that it will make the world of difference between your choice of doggy walks, freedom of movement/choice and will acclimatise her for *any* eventuality (walks/outings to see friends/vet emergencies!) which, in turn, will expand your own world/choices. Just take it one step at a time and build up gradually :grphg:
        • wiseowl

          wiseowl Admin Staff Member

          Oct 29, 2006
          Philosophy of people
          Flying Free As A Bird over North Kent Marshes
          Good morning all my friends and welcome to another bonus of a day,hope you are all Ok and feeling that Spring in your step,enjoy your day and put your best smile on and stay safe:)

          Its not long now:dbgrtmb:

          First Day Of Spring

          Spring is on Wednesday, 20 March 2013
          34 days, 17 hours remain till Spring
        • Lolimac

          Lolimac Guest

          Good morning Woo and all,
          I'm counting them down Woo:dancy: :dbgrtmb: it's better than Christmas:yahoo:
          I hope everyone is on form this morning:dbgrtmb:
          it's not too bad out there ,fresh but dry.....snow is expected in these parts by tea time though.....just when the garden was starting to dry out a little too:rolleyespink:
          A quick look at my Onions and then i'm off...Hi Ho:whistle:
          Waves to all,
          Have a lovely day and take care:SUNsmile:
        • shiney

          shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

          Jul 3, 2006
          Retired - Last Century!!!
          Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
          Aloha everyone,

          Loli, it's always good to know your onions :heehee:

          Jazmine, Open Day for GC is Saturday 25th May. It looks as though we shall only have two Flamenco dancers this year but we shall also have a singer. The singer was here a couple of years ago and she has the voice of an angel!

          Mum, shin splints can be pretty painful :sad:. Cold packs can help. You need to take it easy but get some gentle exercise only. Arch supports can help when out walking in wellies. :blue thumb:

          The sun is coming up but it's below zero at the moment. Rain forecast for tomorrow.

          Have a great day, spring is on the way (a little birdie told me :heehee:)

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          • Funny Funny x 1
          • moyra

            moyra A knackered Veteran Gardener

            Sep 17, 2005
            South East Essex
            Aloha everyone,

            Thanks Mum will follow your advice re Amber in the car. Oh WOO that is good makes it feel closer not that it means the weather is going to be any better. Doesn't seem possible that your open day is only a couple of months away, Shiney.

            Bad night last night I feel as though I need some sleep. Mum hope your legs are feeling a bit better this morning. Mine are not too bad today. How's your onions doing then Loli, hope they are all ok.

            Waves to Kandy, Penny, Jaz et al and hopeing you are all ok. Stay safe and have a good day all.

            • Like Like x 1
            • "M"

              "M" Total Gardener

              Aug 11, 2012
              The Garden of England
              Shiney - never heard of those before, but I'll be shopping around for some arch supports for my wellies :dbgrtmb:

              Moyra, thank you for asking, they are not too, too bad today. Hope you manage to get an afternoon snooze to top up your tank.

              Miles of smiles
            • moyra

              moyra A knackered Veteran Gardener

              Sep 17, 2005
              South East Essex
              No, afraid there was no topups for me. Am going to get an early night instead though. God bless.
            • Lolimac

              Lolimac Guest

              Good morning everyone,
              Hope everyone is on the up:dbgrtmb:
              The snow came yesterday afternoon then turned to rain at around midnight.....it's been constant ever since....the garden is yet again under water....so my outfit this morning whilst checking the chooks has been hooded dressing gown and wellies:whistle: just dried the dogs off and now it's my turn......then i'm off again...Hi Ho:whistle: (note to self)must stop whistleing...you know what they say about a whistleing woman.....:rolleyespink:
              Watch out for cupids arrows today folks:imphrt: ;)
              Keep dry everyone,take care:SUNsmile:
            • wiseowl

              wiseowl Admin Staff Member

              Oct 29, 2006
              Philosophy of people
              Flying Free As A Bird over North Kent Marshes
              God morning Loli and all my other friends,its been raining all night and it is still raining,Mrs Woo has given me 500 lines to write," I must keep a positive mental attitude":heehee: do you know I think its working,every cloud has a silver lining,the sun has got its hat on,Oh what a beautiful morning,every day is a bonus,anyway on this beautiful February morning I hope that you are all Ok and for those who aren't feeling 100% please get better soon and have a good day my friends:)

              Believe in this or not this is for all the lovely ladies on Valentines Day;)

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              • shiney

                shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

                Jul 3, 2006
                Retired - Last Century!!!
                Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
                Aloha everyone,

                A very wet night has left a few puddles in the garden! So I can't carry on with the edging but can get some more fruit trees pruned (have to put the feet of the ladder on planks to stop it sinking). :blue thumb:

                Mum, you should really see a podiatrist before getting any supports. It really depends on the cause. The podiatrist will, almost certainly, be able to sell you the orthotics that you may need, if you need them. :thumbsup: You've probably had a look at websites about it but here's the NHS one

                Happy Valentines Day to all you lovely ladies. :wub2:

                Have a great day :biggrin:

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