Yawn Yawn, Wakey Wakey...!!!! MK8...

Discussion in 'The Muppet Show' started by Marley Farley, Dec 30, 2012.

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  1. Hannah's Rose Garden

    Hannah's Rose Garden Total Gardener

    Apr 17, 2012
    morning woo :)
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    • shiney

      shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

      Jul 3, 2006
      Retired - Last Century!!!
      Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
      Aloha every,

      My back is a lot better today :blue thumb:. We've got our regular chiropractor appointments today and it's going to work out cheaper from now on :). Instead of having to go to his clinic (12 miles each way) he will now come to us. He found his rent was going up too much and now does house visits instead. He has a portable couch but doesn't need it for us as Mrs Shiney has her own - and it's much better.

      I'm going to need to do some mowing this afternoon and I'll take it easy - only let the grass box fill up half way before I empty it.

      Keep well and have a great day :biggrin:

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      • Lolimac

        Lolimac Guest

        Good morning everyone,

        Pleased to hear your back is easing Shiney:dbgrtmb:
        Hope everyone else is OK too:thumbsup:

        It really is a lovely morning here....some actuall warm sunshine:yes:and nice and quiet...apart from the odd announcement that an egg has been laid:chicken:....

        Have a good day everyone,enjoy the sunshine if you've got it.....
        Take care:SUNsmile:
        • Funny Funny x 1
        • wiseowl

          wiseowl Admin Staff Member

          Oct 29, 2006
          Philosophy of people
          Flying Free As A Bird over North Kent Marshes
          Good morning CH/R:)
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          • moyra

            moyra A knackered Veteran Gardener

            Sep 17, 2005
            South East Essex
            Aloha everyone,

            Andy's passing was a blessing for him as he suffered so much, all those visits up to St Barts and chemo and radiotherapy etc. Given four weeks to live and he survived 6 months such was the stamina of the man. He was so lovely and would give his last £ to anyone in need. He will certainly be tending St. Peter's garden now as he loved and lived for his garden and nature.

            Shiney, so glad your back is on the mend, Steve went to his chiropractor this morning. He reckons she is doing him good. Bought him the memory foam mattress and he gave up on it after less than 3 hours said his back hurt too much to bear the hardness of the mattress and yet you are supposed to lay on a board. Not sure whether he is going to try it again when his back is better otherwise I have a brand new foam mattress on my hands although the orthopaedic one he is on now I only bought him for Christmas so that is only 6 months old so either way a new mattress will be going begging.

            Nice to see you Woo. hope you are keeping well.

            Kandy, we have so much love within ourselves that it would be a shame not to share it with two more cats. They will bring you lots of love in return. Heartache when you lose them is just the price we pay for all that love shared. Think about it.

            Have a good day all, God bless and stay safe and well.


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            • shiney

              shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

              Jul 3, 2006
              Retired - Last Century!!!
              Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
              Moyra, lying on a board is now considered to be wrong. It is only supposed to work for very few ailments.

              Having soft, but supportive, mattresses is now thought to be the correct thing.

              I can't possibly lie on any firm mattress and, when I go to the Lake District, the mattress is too firm for me (although it's classified as medium). So they put three blankets under the sheet and I have a memory foam mattress topper on top of that. The topper is mine and they store it there. :blue thumb:
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              • moyra

                moyra A knackered Veteran Gardener

                Sep 17, 2005
                South East Essex
                I have outed all my VHS collection this afternoon from the cavity under my bed along with lots of linen and such to make room for the foam mattress which is now ensconced in the cavity under my bed. If Steve never uses it so what, it is always there as a spare bed should anyone come to stay. I see adverts where women fill that space with shoes. I have that mattress and another plastic covered greenhouse in a pack under there! That's enough for anyone. Have a good evening all. Goodnight, God bless. 236387.jpg
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                • Victoria

                  Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

                  Jun 9, 2006
                  Lady of Leisure
                  Messines, Algarve
                  Moyra, I have to ask, is there not at least a 30-day law there where if the product is not as you thought you can return it? I am quite shocked by what I have read that it was only used for three hours ...

                  Here (in this third world country) there is a 2-year guarantee with everything you buy!

                  I do hope you can resolve this problem especially since you bought an expensive mattress only six months ago ... :hate-shocked:
                • shiney

                  shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

                  Jul 3, 2006
                  Retired - Last Century!!!
                  Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
                  Victoria, we do have consumer laws here that cover most situations. Manufacturers do guarantee their products (for varying periods depending on the product) but retailers have the ultimate responsibility.

                  The Supply of Goods and Services Act covers most things. There's no set period as it depends on product but the item must be in 'Serviceable condition' and 'Fit for the Purpose'. If there is any dispute the retailer is responsible for proving it was fit for purpose if it's during the first six months. After that period the customer has the responsibility to show that it wasn't fit for purpose. Depending on the product, and value, there is usually some liability for up to six years.

                  Having read Moyra's post, I'm not sure there is anything wrong with the mattress. It sounds as though it may just be a case of it not suiting Steve.

                  If I was handling the case, there would be a number of questions I would need answered first.
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                  • wiseowl

                    wiseowl Admin Staff Member

                    Oct 29, 2006
                    Philosophy of people
                    Flying Free As A Bird over North Kent Marshes
                    Good morning all my friends on this bonus of a Saturday morning the 1st of June,I trust that you are all OK ,have a lovely weekend and please stay safe:)
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                    • Lolimac

                      Lolimac Guest

                      Good morning Woo and all,

                      It's turned a little dull here this morning but it's warm out there:blue thumb:
                      I've been watching the baby blackbirds bobbing around,they only fledged yesterday so they're still looking a little clumsy...also noticed only 3 fish left in the pond....i think 'Harry' the Heron has had an early breakfast:sad: i bet he thought 'quick...i'll fill my boots before that mad woman comes running out':whistle:i'm pleaseed to see the starlings back this year ,i haven't seen this many in a long time...they are making short work of the crane fly larvae in the lawn so hopefully it will improve:thumbsup:

                      I'm back at work today and can't say i'm looking forward to it but i'll soon get back into the swing of it:)
                      One more cuppa and then i'm off:biggrin:

                      Have a lovely day everyone,
                      Take care:SUNsmile:
                      • Like Like x 1
                      • shiney

                        shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

                        Jul 3, 2006
                        Retired - Last Century!!!
                        Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
                        Aloha everyone,

                        It looks as though we shall have another very bright day. :blue thumb:

                        I had to drive into town to Barry yesterday to sort out some problems. Twice in the last couple of weeks he hasn't been able to go out because, when he got his mobility scooter out and went round the corner, there were cars parked on the pavement blocking the way.

                        I'd given him a police number to call and, the first time, a couple of PCSO's came round but hadn't been able to contact the driver at his registered home address (a couple of streets away). They said they would go back to the station and try to arrange for the removal of the car.

                        Whilst they were on the way back to the station the car owner came to the car and Barry had a word with him. The driver was quite pleasant and apologised and Barry phoned the police to tell them he had gone. The peculiar thing was that Barry recognised the man as he had seen him a few times hanging washing on the lines in the back courtyard of the block of flats that Barry lives in. So we don't know about him having an address a couple of streets away! :scratch:

                        On Thursday a different car was blocking the way and Barry took the car's number and phoned it through to the police. It takes time for Barry to get his scooter stored away in his shed and get back indoors and, by then, the car was driving off. So he called the police to tell them and they said they,now, can't do anything about it. So I had a word with the police and told them they should still contact the owner. They said that, with the car not there, they don't have any proof that it was blocking the way and that he should report it to the Council. I told Barry that, if it happened again, he should take a photo of it with his phone.

                        I, next, phoned the Council who said they can't do anything as causing an obstruction is a police matter. After some persuasion, they shall now send letters to the local residents to refrain from obstructing access for disabled. I shall also provide windscreen stickers for Barry to put on any vehicle causing an obstruction.

                        On another matter, he received a form from the tax man saying that some of his benefit is taxable - which really worried him. I was able to calm him down after having read the form. It, correctly, said that part of his benefit is taxable but didn't tell him that it wasn't sufficient for him to need to pay any tax :doh:. The idiots hadn't checked to see that he's registered with them as unable to work and has no income apart from his Disability Living Allowance and Incapacity Benefit.

                        It's surprising how often there are problems or stupid official forms to be sorted out!

                        Well, that's got it off my chest :heehee:

                        I'll go out and do some more mowing soon.

                        Have a great day :biggrin:

                        • Friendly Friendly x 1
                        • moyra

                          moyra A knackered Veteran Gardener

                          Sep 17, 2005
                          South East Essex
                          Aloha everyone,

                          Shiney, you are so good to Barry but the poor man does seem to have his problems, glad you were able to sort them for him.

                          Loli, Shame about the heron getting your fish, it was my own stray cat I gave a home to that used to pinch my fish so much appreciation for feeding and worming him and brushing his beautiful ginger long coat. Oh how I miss that cat. I have starlings by the dozen they just love the fat coconuts I make up for them.

                          This morning I am suffering pretty badly with my back after moving all those videos, 2 sack fulls. so I am not surprised still glad I did it. I am sure Steve will give that mattress another go when his back is improved but if it still doesn't suit him then maybe I shall sell it on gumtree for half its value got to be a win for someone who wants one. Victoria there is nothing wrong with the mattress only Steve's back! If in the meantime I don't find someone to give it to if they are in need. Have a good day all. God bless.


                          • Like Like x 1
                          • moyra

                            moyra A knackered Veteran Gardener

                            Sep 17, 2005
                            South East Essex

                            Aloha everyone,

                            Last in, first in where is everyone. I know it is absolutely gorgeous out there. Too nice to be stuck indoors on a computer. Have a great day everyone. God bless. Moyra

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                            • Lolimac

                              Lolimac Guest

                              Good afternoon Moyra et al,

                              Not long been in from work and was going to do a spot of gardening 'for a change':biggrin: but have decided to enjoy the sunshine instead:dbgrtmb:
                              I did post this morning but keep getting evicted:dunno:....

                              Hope everyone is having a relaxing day,Take care:SUNsmile:
                              • Agree Agree x 1
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