Yawn Yawn, Wakey Wakey...!!!! MK8...

Discussion in 'The Muppet Show' started by Marley Farley, Dec 30, 2012.

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  1. wiseowl

    wiseowl Amicable and friendly Admin Staff Member

    Oct 29, 2006
    Philosophy of people
    Flying Free As A Bird over North Kent Marshes
    Good morning all my friends how are we all to day feeling good I trust,its raining here and quite dark but the rain is most welcome,enjoy your day and put on your best smile,and please stay safe:)

    Royal William in the rain this morning:)

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    • Kandy

      Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

      Apr 23, 2006
      Head gardener
      In the Middle Of Blighty
      Good morning Woo and everyone.

      Woo,we had rain non stop from 3pm onwards yesterday so the slugs and snails would have had a field day last night and I think more is forecast for today before the sun comes back out.At least my fruit and veggies will have got well watered and the other night we picked our first strawberries{4}:biggrin:

      Shiney as an ex hairdresser do you know if hairdressers are allowed to raise their prices on a Saturday?We use a walk in hairdressers {a small booth in our shopping center}and we have been pleased with the girls but all of a sudden they are charging more for the ladies to have their hair cut{men are still the same}despite there being no signage to say the prices go up on a saturday and was wondering if by law they can do this?The chap who owns this place has a proper salon somewhere else in the town and sometimes helps out where these girls work but i don't know whether he has told them to do this or whether it is something they have thought up themselves.I always used to give the girl who did my hair a tip to help her out as did many of her customers but it looks like someone is taking the mick:gaah:

      Hope Loli,Moyra and everyone else who follows are all ok despite this damp weather and looking forward to the weekend:smile:
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      • Kandy

        Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

        Apr 23, 2006
        Head gardener
        In the Middle Of Blighty
        Hi Woo,

        Your Royal William looks lovely with the rain drops on it:dbgrtmb: We have our first Deep Secret in flower plus loads of flowers on Dublin Bay and Gertrude Jeykll{sp}is flowering her heart out but although Compassion is in full flower I can only admire them from our bedroom window as most of the flowers are at the top so can't appreciate the beauty of the flowers until we go to bed and then all the flowers are facing East for when the sun comes up each day:biggrin:

        Thanks for sharing Royal William with us :smile:
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        • wiseowl

          wiseowl Amicable and friendly Admin Staff Member

          Oct 29, 2006
          Philosophy of people
          Flying Free As A Bird over North Kent Marshes
          Hi Kandy I wish I had Dublin Bay any chance of a photo my friend ,I have heard its a lovely climber, have a good day:)
        • shiney

          shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

          Jul 3, 2006
          Retired - Last Century!!!
          Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
          Aloha everyone,

          Woo, lovely photo of a lovely rose :)

          Kandy, yes, they can do what they like with prices exactly the same as any shop can charge what they like for a product.

          It's not an uncommon practice as, with some salons, it's the only way they can survive. Unfortunately, running a salon is very difficult becuase most of the trade is done at the weekend. so during the week the staff sit around doing nothing for a lot of the time. The wages and overheads still have to be paid although they're not doing much work.

          Therefore, on a Saturday, when they find that they have more customers than they can cope with, they put their prices up to try and bring in more money. This has the chance of two effects. One is to get the extra money and the other is to encourage people to come in during the week when it is quieter.

          A good example, in hairdressing, used to be in the barber shops. In the old days, most men worked Mon-Fri so went to get their hair cut in a Saturday. So the barber shops used to be crowded (at my place on a Saturday, even in the mid to late 1980's, the men used to queue through the shop and out the door all day long) and most salons wouldn't do children or would charge them the same price as the men.

          In the tourism industry it works the same way. The tour operators and airlines do over two thirds of their annual business during the summer holidays, Christmas and Easter. So 70% of their customers book for only 20% of the year. Most of the year they are running at a loss and have to make it up during the peak times. That's why so many of them have been going bust! The same happens with hotels, guest houses and B&B's in this country. They have 'Peak Period' prices.

          It would be better if the salon did have their different prices shown but in some salons they not only have different prices at the weekend but different charges for different stylists. If you look closely at their price list you will almost certainly see that before the price is the word 'from' :blue thumb:. That is the standard practice and covers all situations. It happens in lots of different types of business and shows what the lowest price is. (Car wash from .... etc)

          I used to have the same price throughout the salons and throughout my staff. The only difference was that, in the barbers, we did not cut boys hair on a Saturday. That was for two reasons, the first was because we needed the time for the men and the second was that, with so many men in the salon, the conversation wasn't always suitable for young kids. :heehee:

          Still dry outside but we had a little bit of light rain last night. Not enough for me to turn the sprinkler off!

          My car goes in for a service today :sad:, my shower has packed up :mad: and the greenhouse glass is trying to slide out of the roof :hate-shocked:. The roof glass panels are 6' x 2' 6" each. the wood on the greenhouse is begining to rot (more than just begining in some places) and the small clips that stop the panes from sliding out are coming out of the rotten wood! I've bought some wood hardener but can't use it now that we had that bit of drizzle unless the sun comes out the lift the dampness out of the wood. A friend is coming round today to give me a hand as we're going to try and put in new clips (if they'll hold) and it's a two man job. We need to slide the glass panels back up in their channels (not easy as the wood has warped over the last 37 years) and then one person needs to hold in place whilst the other screws the clips in.

          Keep well and have a great day :biggrin:

        • Kandy

          Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

          Apr 23, 2006
          Head gardener
          In the Middle Of Blighty
          Hi Woo,

          It is bucketing it down here at the moment so as soon as i can get outside i will take a couple of photos to show you:smile:

          We got Dublin Bay from our favourite garden centre/nursery a few years ago when there were roses sponsered by gardening experts and this one was Dermot Gavin{can't remember how to spell his name but he is Irish and has been on the telly at Chelsea:snork:}This rose flowers non stop once it starts and have even taken photos of it if you remember with hoar frost on it.The only down side to it is the fact that it has no scent but we love it for the loads of flowers it produces over many months. :cool:
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          • Lolimac

            Lolimac Guest

            Good morning everyone,

            Woo, Royal William looks just as good in the rain....a beauty:wub2:

            Shiney i don't envy you that task today:phew:....still it will be a good job done :dbgrtmb: I hope Mrs S is taking it easy and her knee is on the mend:blue thumb:...Oh and guess what i found.....the labels that should have been in the plants i brought to Shineyland:oops:....sorry about that....why were they in the bottom of my bag:rolleyespink:

            Kandy you're right about the slugs and snails....they're having a field day here.....my Hostas are marmalized but the chooks have also helped in that depatment too....they were oviously going for the slugs and got the taste for the plants themselves:whistle:....hope you are taking care with that toe :thumbsup:
            Hope you are OK Moyra and your back has eased off:dbgrtmb:

            It's raining quite heavily here this morning but it's making life easier for the Blackbirds to get their nice juicy worms for breakfast:dbgrtmb:

            Wishing everyone well,
            Have a great day and take care:SUNsmile:
            • Like Like x 1
            • moyra

              moyra A knackered Veteran Gardener

              Sep 17, 2005
              South East Essex
              Aloha everyone,

              Nice drop of rain for the gardens, the lawn needs it badly too as cracks are beginning to appear. Doesn't look like Steve is going to be able to go back to work for a while the way his back is at the moment. Mine is a lot better but my legs and knees are bad.

              Loli there are a lot of slugs about again this year. ok if the chooks dispose of them but you don't want the chooks eating your hostas.

              Shiney sounds like you have got a hell of a lot of work on there with the greenhouse problems.

              WOO, that Royal William is a beautiful rose and even lovelier in the rain with the rain drops on it.

              Kandy Hope that toe is very much better. Shiney I hope Mrs. S's. Knee is on the mend too.

              Have a good day everyone, and stay safe.


            • wiseowl

              wiseowl Amicable and friendly Admin Staff Member

              Oct 29, 2006
              Philosophy of people
              Flying Free As A Bird over North Kent Marshes
              Good morning all my friends on this next to last day of June,doesn't time fly just like an Owl ;) hope you are all OK and feeling good,its overcast here but dry so that's a bonus,enjoy your day and please stay safe:)

              6am Sunrise:)

            • Lolimac

              Lolimac Guest

              Good Morning Woo et al,

              Woo it's the last day of June tomorrow:blue thumb: .....just had to double check...i thought i'd lost a day:phew:.....fabulous Sky :love30:......

              I hope everyone is on form this morning:dbgrtmb:

              It's a little overcast here but that said a glorious day is in the offing according to our forecast:th scifD36:...it's bound to be....i'm going to work:whistle:

              Wishing you all a great day,takecare:SUNsmile:
            • shiney

              shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

              Jul 3, 2006
              Retired - Last Century!!!
              Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
              Aloha everyone,

              The very light drizzle continued, on and off, throughout the day yesterday but it was quite warm and muggy. We weren't able to do the job on the greenhouse because of it. There are 16 panes of the 6ft glass in the roof and it will take a long time!

              I was able to wander round the garden taking photos as it wasn't raining enough to bother the camera. The dampness seem to bring out the tones in the flowers and the air was full of their scents. :blue thumb:

              Mrs Shiney has got a craft and plant stall at someones open garden this weekend. They open with 30 others in the town in aid of the local hospice. I think we raise more money at our open garden than the 30 do together! I may pop over and give her a hand :) (but not the right one as I'm having trouble with my wrist at the moment :sad:.

              Loli, you'll just have to bring the labels (and plants) along next year :heehee:

              Keep well and have a great day :biggrin:

              • Like Like x 1
              • moyra

                moyra A knackered Veteran Gardener

                Sep 17, 2005
                South East Essex
                Aloha everyone,

                Shiney, I hope Mrs S does well with her craft stall at the open garden this weekend and I hope that your wrist takes a turn for the better.

                WOO what an incredible sky, it looks angry?!

                Sorry you have to work Loli on what appears to be a grand day ahead of us. Have a good day all and do take care and look after yourselves. God bless.


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                • wiseowl

                  wiseowl Amicable and friendly Admin Staff Member

                  Oct 29, 2006
                  Philosophy of people
                  Flying Free As A Bird over North Kent Marshes
                  Good morning all my friends on this yet another bonus of a June day(I am not going to say anything about it being the last day):heehee:its beautiful out here as I am sitting in my garden ,the sun is shining there is a blue sky overhead and the birds are singing:) have a great day and please stay safe my friends:)
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                  • Lolimac

                    Lolimac Guest

                    Good morning everyone,

                    Woo you're confusing me:heehee:....i've been out there too and what a lovely morning:dancy: the birds here are singing away and i've been listening to yet another nest full of 'squeakers' ....the birds are all doing well this year:dbgrtmb:

                    Hope your wrist is OK Shiney:dbgrtmb: .....lovely pics too....this muggy weather certainly brings out the scents of the flowers ....now we seem to be over the 'heavy' gardening work(preparing,planting and digging) it's lovely to be able to stop a little and take in what we've all been doing over the past months ....i can't resist sticking my nose in all the flowers,but there's always still jobs to do isn't there:rolleyespink:

                    Hey ho....it's of to the workhouse i go....enjoy the day everyone...it's going to be a warm one by the looks:SUNsmile:

                    Take care:SUNsmile:
                    • Friendly Friendly x 1
                    • shiney

                      shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

                      Jul 3, 2006
                      Retired - Last Century!!!
                      Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
                      Aloha everyone,

                      I spent five hours, hot, working on the greenhouse. Unfortunately it's getting old and falling apart (sounds like someone I know :old: :heehee:) and it's a battle to keep it going. I scraped half a bucket of moss and fungus off the wood and from between the glass and the wood. Then we screwed plastic stoppers into the rotten wood to stop the glass sliding further down the roof. If the wood under the glass, where the moss was keeping it wet and making it rot, has dried properly in today's sun I shall soak it in wood hardener and hope that will give it a few extra years. I then started work on repairing the gutters.

                      I was still working on the gutters when Mrs Shiney came home at 6 p.m. with two friends and said they were staying for dinner. What dinner? :scratch: :hate-shocked: I finished off the gutters, had a shower and had a three course dinner ready by 8 p.m. :blue thumb:

                      Mowing and weeding today.

                      Keep well and have a great day :biggrin:
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