Yawn yawn, wakey wakey summer (or is it) 2017

Discussion in 'The Muppet Show' started by Phil A, May 29, 2017.

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  1. CanadianLori

    CanadianLori Total Gardener

    Sep 20, 2015
    Battle Axe
    Oakville, Ontario, Canada Zone 5A
    Good day everyone
    @shiney It would have lasted longer however I believe I escalated it's wear and tear by trying to ride side saddle... :)

    I was so glad to get all the dead heading done yesterday and pulled anything else that was going down hill. The gardens look a bit fresher now.

    Today we are having a sunny day and I will be using the sun oven to melt chunks of parrafin to make fire starters for use with the wood oven and also for my living room fire place this coming winter.

    Then I think I will bake a casserole in there. It usually heats up to 350f on clear days like this and it is so nice to know it is silently cooking whilst not costing me a penny in electricity. :)

    I also need to get a start on replacing some of the window film insulation in my greenhouse. I had accidentally ripped some of it a few months ago and I need to replace it before things get too chilly. This means taking everything out of the greenhouse that is parked in front of those panels, disconnecting fans etc... should keep me busy and out of trouble.

    I'm looking forward to this fun day playing outside and hope everyone here has a fun day too!
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    • toppington

      toppington Tiny garden, always on the cheap!

      Mar 19, 2016
      South Midlands, UK
      Morning all! Up early for a blackberry wander today. Hope you all have excellent mornings and a good day.
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      • moyra

        moyra A knackered Veteran Gardener

        Sep 17, 2005
        South East Essex
        Good morning all, sounds as if you are all going to be busy today. Sky is quite cloudy out there at the moment lets hope it will clear.
        Have a good day all, stay warm and dry and above all safe and well, God bless. :wub2:

        • Friendly Friendly x 3
        • shiney

          shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

          Jul 3, 2006
          Retired - Last Century!!!
          Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
          Aloha everyone,

          @toppington I've already had my blackberry wander this morning - down to the bottom of the garden :). It's been a good year for blackberries. :blue thumb:

          Mrs Shiney had a group of friends round for supper (all bring some food) and an annual get together of their group. I can't remember, if I did know, which group it was. Could have been any of her multifarious (@Zigs - word of the day?) interests. When I arrived home at 11.45 p.m. (picked up some shopping, after bridge, ready for friends coming tomorrow) they were still all there and as I opened the front door, shopping bags in hand, a streak of fur went by. :rolleyespink:

          Sarafi had decided that he might be missing something so marched into the lounge to investigate. Apparently he inspected each person in turn and by the time I had put the shopping away he had made himself comfortable in my armchair!


          I told him he had only a few minutes, whilst I made a cuppa for myself, before he had to go. By the time I got back in there he was fast asleep :doh:. Mrs Shiney picked him up carefully, still curled up in a circle, and laid him down on the front doormat. He was still asleep when the visitors left! :)

          I'll have my brisk walk (as recommended by Public Health England) soon. According to the results of medical research a ten minute brisk walk is much healthier than an hour or two strolling. They say it's better for weight loss, strengthening the heart and fighting off cancer and Alzheimers. So I'm now doing 20 minutes at 4 mph instead of 40 minutes at 2.5 mph. I don't know if it will work for the last three things mentioned but I'll be able to measure if it works better for weight loss. I don't remember them saying anything about cutting down on food :rasp:

          More lawn cutting and edging to do today. :phew:

          Keep well and have a great day :biggrin:

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          • Phil A

            Phil A Guest

            Morning early people :)

            Sunny here :SUNsmile:

            Not much going on here today, still tired :yawn:

            Winner of GC's naughty word of the day....

            Have a good day everyone and DON'T LOOK ETHYL!! :heehee:
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            • CanadianLori

              CanadianLori Total Gardener

              Sep 20, 2015
              Battle Axe
              Oakville, Ontario, Canada Zone 5A
              Good day everyone
              Yesterday it took me until 3ish to get the areas of damaged window film replaced in the greenhouse I'll have to wait for a good chill to see if any more needs doing :fingers crossed: Once I start heating it in a few months, I'll know for sure.

              I didn't get time to make the parrafin fire starters in the sun oven but I did make some casserole with it. Today I believe it shall be parrafin playing and using the wood oven to bake the dirt in the already de-populated pots. And maybe bake some bread later using the indoor oven.

              I think I have figure out how to restring my electric fence. I saw some raccoon poo at the back corner and don't want to see it again :paladin:

              Have a fun Saturday everyone and please play safe :)
              • Friendly Friendly x 3
              • toppington

                toppington Tiny garden, always on the cheap!

                Mar 19, 2016
                South Midlands, UK
                Morning all! Hope you have a fab day planned and Sunday is kind to everyone.

                Out in the garden having a quiet cuppa before the world wakes up. The birds have just woken and are chittering and chattering in the trees, and plants are very gently swaying in the tiny breeze. Cool now but will be sunny and warm later. Enjoy Sunday!
                • Friendly Friendly x 4
                • wiseowl

                  wiseowl Admin Staff Member

                  Oct 29, 2006
                  Philosophy of people
                  Flying Free As A Bird over North Kent Marshes
                  Good morning all my friends its another lovely sunny Sunday,I am just tidying up the garden as I go in between sitting under the apple tree:heehee: which works out roughly 10% working and 90% sitting under the apple tree;) the pond needs cleaning out but then there is always tomorrow,have a lovely Sunday:smile:

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                  • shiney

                    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

                    Jul 3, 2006
                    Retired - Last Century!!!
                    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
                    Aloha everyone,

                    Yesterday got very hot and sticky so I gave up gardening by lunchtime. Today is forecast to be even hotter :phew:

                    We have friends coming for Sunday dinner and I had everything organised perfectly :). Then we got a phone call yesterday evening from some cousins who live a fair distance away asking whether they could pop in and see us as they would be in the area. We never turn any friends or relatives away, if we're going to be home, so we told them to come at 3.30 for afternoon tea with us and our friends.

                    Mrs Shiney then got a home made chocolate cake out of the freezer (be prepared :heehee:) so that we would have enough food for tea. Then, late last night, we got an email from a nephew (lives on the south coast) saying that they would be bringing their daughter to stay with the grandparents (live down the road) for a week and could they come and see us. So we tell them to come at 3.30 as well. He's coeliac so Mrs Shiney has made a gluten free apple cake!

                    They've all been invited to stay for supper as well but I'm pretty sure they won't.

                    Michael was supposed to come yesterday morning (after postponing it twice this week :doh:) but hadn't turned up by 10 a.m. So Mrs Shiney phoned him and got him out of bed. He arrived at 11.30! We had lined up shaping the three specimen conifers as his job for the day, and also to cut back and shape the Corylus contorta (needs 4ft off all round and 5ft off the top). It turns out that he had postponed his visit because he had been working hard for his tree surgeon cousin all week. He looked exhausted so Mrs Shiney got him to just do the Corylus and then sent him home. He 'says' he'll turn up on Monday but I won't hold my breath. His cousin pays better money than we do :noidea:

                    Keep well and have a great day :biggrin:

                    • Friendly Friendly x 3
                    • moyra

                      moyra A knackered Veteran Gardener

                      Sep 17, 2005
                      South East Essex
                      Good morning everyone, looks like it maybe another hot one today. Glad I got the beds changed and the sheets all washed and dry yesterday Time to take Amber for her walk, though she hasn't had her breakfast yet, unlike her.
                      Have a good day everyone stay warm and dry and above all safe and well. God bless.:wub2:

                      Enjoy your company today Shiney.

                      attachment Sunday.jpg
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                      • Phil A

                        Phil A Guest

                        Morning early people :)

                        Feeling a bit more recovered from last week this morning :phew:

                        Lovely day here, hopefully enough sun to dry me plums out :snorky:


                        You deffo not noticed one of these in your garden yet then? :heehee:


                        Have a good day everyone and don't sit under the apple tree :spinning:
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                        • shiney

                          shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

                          Jul 3, 2006
                          Retired - Last Century!!!
                          Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
                          @Zigs Not where you said you planted it. :noidea: It may have been removed when work was done on that bed. :sad:
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                          • Phil A

                            Phil A Guest

                            I'll have to sneak a fully grown one past you next year :snorky:
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                            • Beckie76

                              Beckie76 Total Gardener

                              Jan 26, 2015
                              Near Bury St Edmunds in Suffolk
                              Morning All,

                              I trust you are all keeping well & your gardens are looking super :dbgrtmb:.

                              Work has been very busy for me, my garden is going to get the attention it needs today! I have a lot to do!

                              We are in the process of having some work done in our kitchen which means the whole house is upside down & covered in dust! I think most of the dusty jobs are now done so I hope to get everything cleaned up this weekend.

                              The hens are starting to moult, I will make them some scrambled eggs later to give them a boast, I'm still waiting for Kev to make me a bigger run so I can increase my flock! A girl can never have enough hens! :chicken::chicken::chicken::chicken::chicken::chicken:

                              Anyway I'd better get my bum in gear & get moving or I shall never get all my jobs done.

                              Enjoy your day everyone xx :grphg:
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                              • CanadianLori

                                CanadianLori Total Gardener

                                Sep 20, 2015
                                Battle Axe
                                Oakville, Ontario, Canada Zone 5A
                                Good day everyone
                                We are expecting another lovely sunny, mid 70's day. So nice for playing outside.

                                I have my 5 episodes of Corrie to watch/listen to this morning while I putter around the kitchen. It has been a pretty lively show lately and the humour injected here and there is a good laugh. I'd cut down a bit on the amount of baking I do on Sunday mornings but now that we are enjoying cooler temperatures, I'm not worried about having the oven heating up the place. Plus the weekends are the lower time of use rates for electricity. Think I'll bake some baguettes to make brushetta later and some bread for cucumber sandwiches :)

                                I hope everyone has a pleasant day and please play safe !
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