Yorkshire lad.

Discussion in 'New Members Introduction' started by Retired, May 30, 2019.

  1. Retired

    Retired Some people are so poor all they have is money

    May 30, 2019
    West Yorkshire

    Thanks for your suggestion Fat Controller; much appreciated. :)

    I'm not using wi-fi I'm using a pair of TP links giving a solid connection?

    TP-LINK TL-PA4010 Powerline Adapter Kit - AV600, Twin Pack

    Perhaps I need to upgrade these because I've been using them for years and things have moved on since I bought them regarding speeds?

    Kind regards, Colin.
    • Friendly Friendly x 2
    • Fat Controller

      Fat Controller 'Cuddly' Scottish Admin! Staff Member

      May 5, 2012
      Public Transport
      At me 'puter, GCHQ Ashford Office, Middlesex
      They should still be fine - the only thing that might upset them is something connected to your mains that is causing ripple, however that is a bit of a rats nest when it comes to actually finding the problem!

      Step one is to check your incoming broadband - if you are on Virgin and have a SuperHub, that would be my very first port of call as they are well known for going faulty and giving intermittent internet connections.
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      • Retired

        Retired Some people are so poor all they have is money

        May 30, 2019
        West Yorkshire

        Many thanks Fat Controller for taking interest in this and for your welcome suggestions. :)

        I'm firefighting problems every day and often wonder why I get out of bed. I want to spend a bit of time in the workshop after all I think I fully retired 19 years ago; I've got a wonderful workshop crammed with tools and machinery but when I do get in there I feel uneasy thinking I should be somewhere else.

        Yesterday Bron and I set off to Boundary Mills in Catcliffe; this meant choosing our time to set off because of the dreaded school run blocking our local lane then getting out of the top of the lane where there have been many accidents; as we reached Grange Moor the car suddenly gave warning sounds indicating problems? I pulled into a layby and it was both the SatNav and dash cam switching on and off without me touching them; no problem it's just the 12V splitter connections so I ensured all the connections were tight and away we went; a short while later the same problem so I waited until we reached Boundary Mills to have a really good luck; the fault is the connection to the SatNav where the lead goes in; the connector is worn so another silly little problem for me to sort out; it's possible I can open up the SatNav and replace the connector but it's another job.

        Now the TV is playing up and getting worse another job to sort out.

        Back home yesterday and looking at my incoming mail I received this;


        All I wanted to do was to return home and go into the workshop; I'm moaning but it never ever lets up with all these silly problems; if I want to work outside I get wet because I have Blackie my own personal cloud; yesterday it was mostly fine but Blackie's sister Gale was here blowing everything around. Heavy rain forecast today. Because I have skills and a decent workshop I'm the one everyone comes to with their problems; of course I'm flattered by this but it can be a nuisance at times; we take in parcels for neighbours but in the last 33 years only one neighbour has ever taken in a single parcel for us. I'm always handy when a lift is needed but I work on my own around home moving big machines around and all the big heavy jobs I break down into smaller jobs to avoid the need for help which is never there for me when needed.

        Enough of this and back to the plot; we had a new router installed about three years ago by Virgin Media and it's strange that the TV problems have become worse over the last couple of months; I installed the TP Links just to ensure a wired connection and they have been working fine but they are electronic as are the TV and router; I don't trust anything with an electronic circuit; I restored vintage radios for ten years so am fully aware of component failures but as you rightly say faults can take a lot of tracking down.

        Over the last few weeks I've had no end of email problems; sent messages that leave me OK but disappear into hyperspace; incoming mail likewise; I have Virgin Media mail but pulled this through with Outlook Express for my main mail; Gmail as back up but I've now deleted both Outlook and Gmail wondering if they were clashing and have switched to OE Classic Pro which is so far behaving?

        I'm used to working on all manner of electrics and years ago even installed 3 phase 415V into our garage for under £120 but these modern electronics drive me mad; our tumble dryer enjoys winding me up when Bron informs me the dryer is buzzing. I bought a job lot of 250 brand new 8uF capacitors years ago so I've always got capacitors to hand and it's a ten minute job to change the dryer capacitor but it always packs in at the most inconvenient times; I used a lot of these capacitors on vintage radios.

        I'm just sitting here because whatever I try to do something is sure to prevent me from doing it; I'm not sulking it's just how life treats me; I'm unsure if retirement is punishment or pleasure.

        I'll have a mug of tea then ignore all the world's problems and head into the workshop to feel guilty I'm in there. Fortunately I've got a wonderful wife in Bron who never complains and fully supports me and she never pesters me to do anything. :wow:

        I've so many hobbies I don't know where to start. I hope to post lots of unusual projects I've completed over the years which might be of interest; I need more hours in a day.

        Kind regards, Colin.

        3 phase._001.JPG

        What I get up to and definitely not to encourage anyone to follow me it could prove lethal. A 75kg welding transformer being modified. This powered my big 3 phase machinery until I sold the machines and then I sold the transformer to a friend who is competent with electrics. Picture shows the transformer on test. It idles at 0.8A.

        3 phase._002.JPG

        Fully installed 3 phase 415V but I no longer have it; having sold my big machinery I sold the transformer because if anything untowards happened to me it would have been a liability to Bron and very few electricians will know how the coils are connected internally; not a toy to play with.
        • Friendly Friendly x 1
        • Sandy Ground

          Sandy Ground Total Gardener

          Jun 10, 2015
          Making things of note.
          Scania, Sweden
          @Retired your mention of welding reminded me of this thread...

          Another hobby...cars!

          ...that I started ages ago on here. I hope you enjoy reading it
          • Like Like x 2
          • Retired

            Retired Some people are so poor all they have is money

            May 30, 2019
            West Yorkshire

            Thanks Sandy; I'll have a look shortly; I'm a bit hot and bothered just now. :)

            An update Fat Controller regarding the TV problem; I decided to tackle it and at 10:25 opened a chat line with Virgin Media; I've now got steam coming out of my ears having ended the chat in total frustration at 11:19. I've been jumping through hoops; lots and lots of questions; when it got to the security which of course is important my details were rejected twice so then I was asked for my email address plus other questions and at last thought I'm getting somewhere? I was asked to describe the problem so I sent a picture as an attachment; more and more questions then would I perform a speed test being given instructions which I couldn't follow so I opened a new tab and did an actual speed test on Virgin's own site and submitted the details; these weren't good enough?

            I was polite throughout and thanked the operator saying after 30 years as a customer perhaps I need to change supplier because Sky have contacted me for our business at about half Virgin price guaranteed for three years; it would be quicker closing our Virgin account and opening a brand new Skye account than getting this TV problem sorted out with Virgin?

            Anyone on Sky please?

            Will I ever get into the workshop; another morning totally wasted apart from winding me up.

            I've just had a quick look at Sky reviews and Sky is rubbish?

            Kind regards, Colin.
            Last edited: Jun 4, 2019
          • andrews

            andrews Super Gardener

            Aug 28, 2018
            Waste Management and Consultancy
            South Yorkshire
            Maybe a bit of help and feedback on Sky.

            We had a very similar issue with TP Link ethernet over mains. Powering off both adaptors would normally fix the issue but I would sometimes need to reboot the modem/router. I switched to a TP Link router and the problems have reduced to a minimum, if not gone completely.
            Not sure if virgin are the same as sky now but sky don't like you changing to a third party modem and wont provide the username and password but this can be overcome fairly easily.
            I know that sky don't like ethernet over mains as a connection and prefer wifi or hard wired - virgin may be the same. I can say that I never get issues with my hard wired sky q box which is connected via a 80m cat 6 cable.

            On sky. We moved over to sky q a couple of years ago and have been really impressed with the service. Lots of storage, record up to 6 channels at once (I think) and easy to use. The only gripe that I have is that if you need a new box you lose your series linked recordings. I'm sure that this would be very easy for sky to overcome but they don't seem too bothered about a bit of 'value add'
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            • Retired

              Retired Some people are so poor all they have is money

              May 30, 2019
              West Yorkshire

              I'm mightily impressed by your car restoration work shown at the link you kindly supplied Sandy; top marks from me; I'm particularly impressed by your radiator and the welding which looks top class; what welder do you have please. I was taught gas (oxy/acetylene) and arc welding as an apprentice aged 16 by The National Coal Board; I've never used MIG or TIG welders and I've never had the need to weld aluminium or very thin gauge steel like car bodywork; I've only ever used arc welding and never did like gas welding due to distortion. My welder is an industrial oil cooled Oxford 180A but I was taught on really big welders because the work was RSJ's and steel plate etc. I fancied a plasma cutter but note these need dry compressed air; I now only have a small compressor because my big "V" twin compressor made so much noise it drove me mad so I sold it?

              Many thanks andrews for your comprehensive reply regarding Sky; we used to have a "Smart" DVD player that I could connect to my computer allowing YouTube to be played on our TV but it began to misbehave so we converted to an Android which until recently has been fine; our TV isn't "Smart" but we don't wish to upgrade it because it's working OK and being Yorkshire folk we don't throw money away trying to keep up with our neighbours? 80m of Cat6 cable is going some. I've used Cat 6 cable on my VFD in the workshop for the lathes remote controls; it's needed to prevent "cross talk" as you'll know.

              I'm feeling uneasy about life in general because these days it's nothing but hassle and trouble with so much badness all around us. I was seriously considering dumping Virgin Media and switching to Sky until I read all the dire reviews about Sky;

              Sky is rated "Bad" with 1.0 / 10 on Trustpilot

              How typical when I'm finally pushed to the limit our TV behaved all through dinnertime today as we watched Laurel & Hardy via YouTube?

              I carry my bad luck around with me every day; Bron and I have just visited a garden centre and on the way stopped to fuel the Yeti; "Sorry we no longer accept Nectar Card" at the service station; it was this service station which finally pestered me into accepting a Nectar Card and is the only place I've ever used the card; now I'm expected to sign up for a new card from another company; no way I'm just sick of loyalty cards. After adding my last post I went into the kitchen to wash my mug and no sooner there than a guy at our rear door wanting to etch the glass on our Yeti; where can I get some peace? It's a black hole again and raining so everything's normal. You'll also have the same weather andrews?

              Will I actually make it into the workshop tomorrow?

              Kind regards, Colin.
            • andrews

              andrews Super Gardener

              Aug 28, 2018
              Waste Management and Consultancy
              South Yorkshire
              The cable run was out of necessity. I had a convoluted network to an outbuilding with 4 Mains ethernet adaptors and two line of sight building to building network devices. Needless to say, it wasn't that effective and wouldn't stream video. I spent a day with a reel of cable clipping around the back of the house, under a concrete path, through a double garage, under an area covered with chippings, under a patio, under a paved path and finally into the outbuilding to get a good connection.

              Internet was with BT previously but I moved to sky based on price. Being a Yorkshireman myself, I realise that we are all born with the thrifty (or is that tight) gene.

              Sky Q doesn't need a smart TV. All it needs is a HDMI port to connect to.

              Service is the same as with BT as it uses the same infrastructure. No better, no worse. I have copper from the exchange to the house and consistently get 30Mb/s download speed. Previously sky used different equipment tp connect their broadband to the telephone exchange but now its all the same as BT's.

              I changed the sky router mainly for security. We have customers come to the house and the new router has a guest network with access only to the internet (not our connected devices).
              Other than the TV via mains over ethernet I didn't have issues with the standard kit. As before, I think that part of the issue is using mains over ethernet adaptors.

              Hope this helps, one way or the other
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              • Fat Controller

                Fat Controller 'Cuddly' Scottish Admin! Staff Member

                May 5, 2012
                Public Transport
                At me 'puter, GCHQ Ashford Office, Middlesex
                OK, sounds like you have been in touch with the Indian call centre. I am not going to say they are useless, but the words 'ashtray' and 'motorbike' spring to mind. There is two ways to circumvent the Indian call centre and actually get somewhere:

                - go onto the Virgin Media support forum, and have a bit of a rant on there; keep an eye on your thread and your private messages on there, and more likely than not one of the staff will be in touch and will make steps to sort the problem out.

                - phone Virgin (don't use web chat), and select the option 'I want to leave' and go all the way through their menus and you will get through to someone in the UK (well, you will if you call on a weekday during the day!), and tell them that you want to leave because you are having a ton of hassle and despite trying to resolve it via web chat you haven't gotten anywhere. You will likely have your problem resolved, and may even be offered a better deal to keep you on as a customer.

                Sky are a bit naff for broadband - in fairness to them, that is partly because they are beholden to OpenReach (BT) for the actual physical lines that carry the data, but there are clearly more issues than that. Their TV service kicks the backside of Virgin's by a country mile (we have a mix of Sky and Virgin), but Virgin's broadband is pretty much unbeatable if you are on the cable system.

                The advice above to use a separate router instead is very sound indeed - and in fact, I would always advocate putting a Virgin Superhub into modem only mode (which you can do very easily, and they don't mind), and then use your own router to manage your wi-fi signals. I will admit I have never been a fan of powerline adaptors - as you will understand, sending a signal down a cable that is carrying alternating current is asking for trouble with regard to induced interference. Personally, I would much rather have a nice clean signal over the air or if I was going to use cable, it would have to be dedicated ethernet.
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                • Retired

                  Retired Some people are so poor all they have is money

                  May 30, 2019
                  West Yorkshire

                  Many thanks andrews and Fat Controller for both your interesting and informative replies which I've been having a good look at.

                  Yorkshire folk aren't thrifty andrews they are incredibly tight and a nuclear explosion wouldn't open their purse or wallet. :biggrin: Your 30Mb/s is snail pace compared to our download speed which I've never complained about; please see speed test below I've just carried out;


                  What is strange is that with our current setup it's been running well for a long time until recently so it's not cross talk using the TP Links? Would you believe this morning Bron and I watched a full episode of Holmes on Homes through YouTube without any problem whatsoever; I wonder if my contact with Virgin has something to do with this but I'll not speak too soon.

                  I'm sure you're correct Fat Controller regarding me being in contact with an Indian call center because the name of the contact was definitely not of English heritage; this didn't bother me but spending so much time on the chat line sure did and it was becoming more bizarre the longer it dragged on; all I wanted to do was to check Virgin equipment was working as it should and if so then the fault must lay with our equipment; the contact I was exchanging chats with would make a brilliant member of Parliament.

                  Your suggestion regarding having a rant on the Virgin support forum is spot on and if the problem persists will definitely be the next step I take; I don't want to fall out with Virgin after all we've been customers for 30 years but having so much hassle and frustration whilst trying to resolve a simple problem started to really wind the big key up in my back. I'll leave things as they are and fingers crossed the fault is now history but if not I'll be on its case once again.

                  I can't thank you guys enough for taking the time and trouble in order to help me; I do fully appreciate it.

                  I'm happy today because I've had a very rare morning in the workshop without interruption. Whoopee.

                  Kind regards, Colin.
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                  • Fat Controller

                    Fat Controller 'Cuddly' Scottish Admin! Staff Member

                    May 5, 2012
                    Public Transport
                    At me 'puter, GCHQ Ashford Office, Middlesex
                    I see you are on the slow service @Retired ;)


                    Only jesting :heehee:

                    I'm more than happy to help in any small way I can, so please don't be shy about asking. :)
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                    • Retired

                      Retired Some people are so poor all they have is money

                      May 30, 2019
                      West Yorkshire

                      Thanks for your kindness Fat Controller; Yes I lead my life in the fast lane. I'll yell if I need help.

                      I've mentioned I can't go through a day without some kind of hassle so today's hassle involved me cleavers hunting again and whilst working my way along the top of the mountain beneath the laurels I could see a big dark object on the lane which runs alongside our top wall? It was a big car and how unusual for it to be there so I clambered over the wall to have a better look; the car was a big Ford Galaxy about 11 years old and it was parked extremely close to our low wall; no problem with that other than it was also parked in our overhanging laurels; any driver wouldn't normally park like this because of paintwork damage to the car. There was no obvious reason for it parking like this; the keys were removed and there wasn't damage indicating it was stolen.

                      I tried contacting the police this morning but after a few attempts of press this button press that button I knew after all the button pressing I would age before actually speaking to someone so I hung up. After a mug of tea I browsed Huddersfield police website and great an email address so they were talking my language; I sent a brief email and thought that was sorted. An hour later I received an automated email from the police stating I shouldn't have used that particular email address; so much for me doing the right thing; I felt like an erring schoolchild?

                      The Galaxy was still there at 5:15 and as the lane is narrow with the car being dark grey I was concerned it could cause a serious accident being unlit on the dark narrow lane where idiots in cars and on motorcycles wiz on like missiles if it remained overnight?

                      Why am I a sucker for doing the right thing; I dialed 101 and waited and waited and waited; WOW at last I finally broke through the force field and spoke to someone; I explained my concern and after giving all my details I was told the problem would be listed as priority; an officer would visit within the next two hours? No thank you at all and another 15 minutes out of my life.

                      I'm sure by now the police will have had a drive by; if someone got seriously injured or even killed and I had kept quiet it would have distressed me; there's a club at the end of the lane and all the drunks will be driving home along the lane. Just another silly problem in my life; I wonder if the car had been used for the school run early this morning and broke down on the way home which makes sense?

                      I've enjoyed today though; whilst on the lane I ripped out a huge amount of cleavers enough to fill a big dustbin bag; I'll rip the rest out once the car goes; the cleavers were starting to flower so caught just in time also mile a minute vine is heading our way so I'm in attack mode; later I enjoyed myself in the workshop restoring the Colt mower which is moving along nicely; amazingly no rain so far today but forecast heavy rain tomorrow. Oh well one day out of seven without rain isn't bad at all for us.

                      Kind regards, Colin.
                      • Friendly Friendly x 4
                      • Retired

                        Retired Some people are so poor all they have is money

                        May 30, 2019
                        West Yorkshire

                        What a surprise; the car is still abandoned on the lane so my time and effort reporting it was well worth while after all?

                        I've been in the rear garden from early this morning trimming the big hedge and at the lane side I've worked around the car; as usual I've been rained off because Blackie has just given me a good soaking whilst Gale tried to blow me over. I did however do a lot of work and managed a trip to the tip with a full load of debris; heavy rain is forecast again for tomorrow; I wonder if the forecast will prove correct? Anyone short of water please move to our street.

                        Kind regards, Colin.

                        Garden June 2019_008 (6).JPG

                        60' long hedge with an ornament in the middle? If anyone runs into the car I just hope it's a drunk or a druggie then no harm done at all?

                        A quick edit;

                        Is the world coming to and end on Sunday; we're sure to have a drought needing standpipes for water?

                        • Like Like x 3
                          Last edited: Jun 6, 2019
                        • Sheal

                          Sheal Total Gardener

                          Feb 2, 2011
                          Dingwall, Ross-shire
                          The police may have informed the owner to collect it Colin and that person is probably at work right now. I imagine it was parked close to the hedge so others could pass it.

                          Oh, you can keep Blackie, I've had a relative of his here for nearly three weeks now. The lawns have gone berserk! :doh:
                          • Like Like x 2
                          • Retired

                            Retired Some people are so poor all they have is money

                            May 30, 2019
                            West Yorkshire

                            Thanks Sheal; I'm sure you're right. The first thing the police would have done is to check it's taxed; insured and MOT'd; it's MOT'd until the 16th of this month. Yes it's parked sensibly so well done the driver; I've no problems at all with the car being there but it could be dangerous at night.

                            Anyone can check if any car has a valid MOT or not;

                            Check the MOT history of a vehicle

                            I'm just nosy. :)

                            I've applied lawn feed to our grass and like yours Sheal the grass is going ballistic; I'm thinking of growing rice then it won't rain again also if I buy a kite I'll not be able to fly it.

                            After a nice soaking from Blackie driving me indoors to dry out the sun is now shining. GRRRRRRR.

                            Kind regards, Colin.
                            • Friendly Friendly x 2

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