Your Day (apart from gardening) - what took place?

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by rosebay, Aug 5, 2015.

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  1. CanadianLori

    CanadianLori Total Gardener

    Sep 20, 2015
    Battle Axe
    Oakville, Ontario, Canada Zone 5A
    Sorry for the delay

    1.5 cups white sugar
    3/4 cup brown sugar
    1/2 cup milk, cream , whatever moo you have. I use minimum 5% butterfat milk or better
    6 tbspns butter I keep forgetting it and never noticed any diff

    cook to softball stage 238 to 240f

    take off element, add a dash vanilla or other flavouring

    beat until it starts to look less glossy, couple three minutes or so

    pour in buttered pan or moulds

    let cool

    Put on stretchy pants, eat

    You need a pan, a wooden spoon and for heavens sake use medium heat as the highest setting else you will burn it

    Do not try to rush. It heats up quickly to 225f then seems to take forever to get up there but do not rush

    This is the base for pralines. The only difference is with pralines, you add pecans at the beginning to add that nutty flavour and texture.
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    • shiney

      shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

      Jul 3, 2006
      Retired - Last Century!!!
      Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
      You can make the less fattening version by leaving out the sugar and cream. :thumbsup:
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      • shiney

        shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

        Jul 3, 2006
        Retired - Last Century!!!
        Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
        We were out yesterday test driving cars. Out again today doing the same.
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        • Linz

          Linz Total Gardener

          Oct 7, 2015
          Prosperous Peasant
          :lunapic 130165696578242 5: everytime!!

          Went to ATS for a new tyre, 20 mins later done and dusted, bloke knocked 2 quid off for paying cash. Happy days.
          Went to screw fix and bought a new LED security floodlight, old man is swapping it over Sat :)
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          • redstar

            redstar Total Gardener

            Aug 6, 2008
            Domestic Goddess
            Chester County, PA, USA, Plant zone 4 & 5
            Thursday. yep, checking. one more then weekend, yeah. Coffee right now only 6:49AM here. sorted a pile of laundry for the machine. probably sweep kitchen floor soon, put away clean dishes. then shower, and get on the road to work. Meeting up to day with new boss to show him my group homes and introduce him to my clients and some staff. Will find lunch somewhere on the road I guess. Then he goes off to another meeting and I do whatever the balance of the day. To retire this year, hum, not sure what month yet, still debating, sometime after August. Have a good day.

            P.S. still a pile of pancakes to eat.
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            • clueless1

              clueless1 member... yep, that's what I am:)

              Jan 8, 2008
              So did you lend him whatever he was hoping for? ;)
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              • clanless

                clanless Total Gardener

                Jan 20, 2013
                Gentleman of leisure.
                North Wales
                My advice - get out as soon as possible - you can't buy more time :dbgrtmb:
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                • Scrungee

                  Scrungee Well known for it

                  Dec 5, 2010
                  Central England on heavy clay soil
                  Another typical day for this time of year:

                  Got up at 5:30 (after reading bbc news and 4 online newspapers), and fed Dog.
                  Lit stove (still haven't got heating on!).
                  Checked weather, emails and a few other things online.
                  Took Dog for short walk.
                  Took Dog for long walk.
                  Printed 100 money off vouchers that'll give us 100 free products plus a further £45 off our shopping.
                  Cut up 6 pallets from our stockpile and brought them home.
                  Cut down a load more (wild) Damsons that were on a disused orchard when we took it on, only about 25 - 50mm dia then, now up to 125mm dia, totally useless for fruiting and shading out our apples.
                  Cut and stacked pallet and tree wood.
                  Downloaded another load of voucher links to get anotherv £45 off our shopping together with another load of freebies.
                  About to take another Dog walk.

                  It's a hard life being early retired and trying to make ends meet.
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                  • Kandy

                    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

                    Apr 23, 2006
                    Head gardener
                    In the Middle Of Blighty
                    P1050915.JPG IMG_0565.JPG IMG_0566.JPG And so we have been down to A&E this morning....:sad:

                    Had a really good day on Saturday over at my late FiL's garage with Mr Kandy and his sister/hubby and their son to try and have another good clear out of hoarded rubbish etc.:sad:

                    Anyway came home showered had a bite to eat then settled down for the evening to watch a bit of telly.:smile:After we lost Davina in November the little black cat that she used to chase all the way down the road decided the time was right to move in with us on a permanent bases as it had been living on the hedgehog grub I was putting out at the time.:snorky:

                    This cat likes to lie on the window sill above the radiator behind the closed curtains after dark.As we sat watching Taboo and it got to the grizzly part,we suddenly heard a growling sound coming from the cat.I got up to investigate and looked out of the window where I saw another cat sitting on the path outside our lounge window.As we have a street light I can see what walks along the path.Anyway to stop the black cat growling I reached out to pick him up to move him into the lounge when the little moo poo decided to sink his teeth in me.It felt like I had been stabbed with a knife in my hand:yikes:

                    I swore my head off and quickly went off to stop the blood and clean the two puncture marks and I applied some TCP liquid stuff to my hand.The cat at this point got kicked outside where it proceeded to fight this other cat:hate-shocked:

                    In the end I missed half of the programme and before long it was time for bed.Didnt have much of a night sleep and ended up getting up early.I cleaned up the puncture wounds and after breakfast we went of for a walk.My hand was throbbing the whole time:sad:

                    When we got back to the car and I took my gloves off I saw that my hand was starting to blow up so once we had got back home and changed we trekked off down to A&E where we sat for 1hour and 15 minutes to be seen.Anyway,the wounds have been cleaned up by a nurse practitioner,iodine pads applied plus a bandage and have been given Antibotics to take for 7 days and was told I must go to either our surgery on Tuesday or back to A&E on Tuesday to have my hand redressed and looked at to make sure I have no line running up my arm which would mean the infection is spreading.:hate-shocked:

                    I have also been told to wiggle my fingers so that they don't seize up the same as with my toes:snorky:

                    I really could have done without all this as I am getting nervous as it is about my forthcoming foot op next month,and right this minute I feel like I could have a good cry:gaah:PS,you can't see the other puncture wound as it is slightly round the corner but the two wounds are the width apart of a cats jaws when it is wide open,as in biting someone's hand:sad:
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                    • Victoria

                      Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

                      Jun 9, 2006
                      Lady of Leisure
                      Messines, Algarve
                      Sorry to hear about this @Kandy and hope your injury heals well. In 49 years of cats owning me I have never had a serious bite. Hope you get on with the Amoxillin ... I had a terrible reaction to it in the States! :hate-shocked: We have an acquaintance bit by her cat in the States a couple of years ago and her ER visit cost her over $1,000. :yikes: Also hope you adopt the obviously homeless critter ... I know you would give it a good loving home.
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                      • Phil A

                        Phil A Guest

                        This cat you found....

                        Don't look like this does it? :th scifD36:

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                        • Kandy

                          Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

                          Apr 23, 2006
                          Head gardener
                          In the Middle Of Blighty
                          IMG_0568.JPG IMG_0569.JPG Hi Victoria this little cats name is Claw so named by the kids who are supposed to own it along with the adult humans but it turned up on my doorstep a few years ago covered in a hoar/haw frost and then last year came to me with poison oozing from a face wound but when I took the cat to the vets they wouldn't touch it as it is an owned cat.I tried contacting the owner through social media and she told me she was treating it (ex veterinary nurse from ) so I cleaned it up and it got better.:smile: We think the kids that own it have treated it badly probably pulling it about and hurting it so it tends to nip if you stroke it the wrong way but this is the first time it has crucified me:sad: We don't think the owners even have a cat flap as it is out in all weathers all year round so tends to come to us for a bit of peace and quiet :snorky:

                          That's what I like about the NHS,as we have paid full NI stamps all our working life we don't mind using their facilities for "free" so to speak.I don't know how they manage in America and on Guernsey they have to pay to see a Dr but I can't remember if they are forced to pay.It was on the news last week I think it was:scratch:

                          Sorry to hear you had a bad reaction to those tablets.I am normally ok with Penacillin but in the past I have had to go into hospital and have intravenous 24 hour antibiotics to clear up a nasty infection.I have seven days,3x a day so I just hope they work ok:smile:

                          I haven't forgotten to reply to your mail but last week was manic trying to work over at the garage for hours on end and in the evenings I just zonked out on the settee.I must be getting :old:

                          Here is a photo of said Claw after smooching up to his favourite human:snorky: (We call him Blackie:biggrin:)
                          PS,The view from the side photo is when it came to me with the poisoned wound due to fighting...
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                            Last edited: Feb 19, 2017
                          • clueless1

                            clueless1 member... yep, that's what I am:)

                            Jan 8, 2008
                            Been down the beech. Actually did some running and larking on with the kids, for the first time since lurgy struck about 3 weeks ago. I'm still not fit as a fiddle but today was a marked improvement compared even to yesterday when I could just about do the geriatric shuffle as my dad calls it.
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                            • CanadianLori

                              CanadianLori Total Gardener

                              Sep 20, 2015
                              Battle Axe
                              Oakville, Ontario, Canada Zone 5A
                              Had a productive day :)

                              I got lots of paperwork sorted first thing. Did laundry. Made mini pizzas for oh's lunches this week. Fixed my car. The automatic shifter would not go into drive so I limbo-ed under the dash and up behind the brake peddle and discovered that a wire had come loose from one of the circuit so mended that and now no problem. I will take it to the dealer to get a new part or have it soldered. Wait! I can do that... maybe tomorrow. :snorky:

                              Then I decided to get ready for the new greenhouse I'll be picking up so I moved it's twin that is already outside, three feet to the side. Sounds easy but I also had it full of lawn furniture frames and pots etc so I had to pull everything out. Then I had to re-string the solar panel wiring and tear down some of the watering system. Now there's plenty of space for the new one :yes:

                              Still got an hour before it's time to sit and have a cocktail. Guess I'll go back out and pick up any rubbish that's blown into the yard :smile:
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                                Last edited: Feb 20, 2017
                              • ARMANDII

                                ARMANDII Low Flying Administrator Staff Member

                                Jan 12, 2019

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