Ziggys' West Bay,Dorset Veg Plot

Discussion in 'Edible Gardening' started by Phil A, Feb 12, 2011.

  1. Phil A

    Phil A Guest

    Don't sit in the snow, you'll get a cold bottom:heehee::WINK1:

    Has that given you an idea about down here though Diana?
  2. Phil A

    Phil A Guest


    Not got down here for 2 weeks & just look at the growth :DOH:


    Those are Choppers Lettuce, nearly ready to pick :thumbsup:

    Looks like i'd planted a row of normal spinage at the bottom(was wondering what i'd put in:DOH:)

    There are beetroot & peas coming on in there too.

    And in the little pot 3 WALKING STICK CABBAGES:paladin:
  3. JWK

    JWK Gardener Staff Member

    Jun 3, 2008
    Lettuces look great Ziggy, they obviously like it there. The weather must be a lot milder than your home plot.

    I'm wondering how fast the Walking Stick cabbage are going to grow.
  4. Snowbaby

    Snowbaby Gardener

    May 9, 2010
    I take it this isn't in your garden? It's great what you have done with these bricked beds!! What a fab idea!
  5. Phil A

    Phil A Guest

    Hey Snowbaby,

    Thought we'd lost you in the winter, how you doing ?:thumbsup:

    No, its my Sister in Laws garden, shes got her hands full so I do most of the veg garden & we share the produce. Working out good for both of us.
  6. Snowbaby

    Snowbaby Gardener

    May 9, 2010
    Hey Zig :) I'm good thanks! I work as a childminder and things have picked up a lot the past while, so with my own wee girl plus between 1 & 3 other kids on a (week)day, I'm a busy wee bee lately!! But now that I've got it down to routine and the veggie season is starting, I want to get back to here to see that you're all behaving!!

    I'm loving seeing all your photos!! You can come and borrow my garden if you wish, it's only a 5minute drive for you :heehee:
  7. Phil A

    Phil A Guest

    Hey Snowbaby,

    Good to have you back, glad things are good for you. Sounds a bit hectic with all the little ones.

    Just so you haven't missed out, heres a slide show of the plot (With a few random local pics thrown in)

    http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v249/badgereye501/mels garden/?albumview=slideshow

    Blimey John, good job you mentioned them, had them out to harden off earlier, better go and check i've put them away:DOH:
  8. Snowbaby

    Snowbaby Gardener

    May 9, 2010
    My wee girl (2yrs old) and I are going this afternoon to see if we can find a couple of "veg in a pot" things we got last year (last yr's courgettes, green beans & aubergines came all ready to plant in the pot with the soil). She should be more interested this yr about the veggies growth! :D
  9. Phil A

    Phil A Guest

    Try getting her a few strawberry plants, its not just the fruit on them, she can watch the runners make new plants too.

    Meanwhile in the forcing shed......


    Just an experiment really, some rhubarb, tried a stick last week, dipped in sugar, lovely. And some radiccio which was far too bitter last year, seeing if blanching makes it any better.
  10. Phil A

    Phil A Guest


    Choppers lettuce already:happydance:
  11. Phil A

    Phil A Guest

    Quick update for a miserable cold windy spring day:thud:


    Purple sprouting being purple and sprouting :thumbsup:
    Been picking some outer leaves from Choppers lettuce, they are starting to heart up now so I assume they are Cos :what: Some peas, beetroot, spinage & red salad lettuce coming on in there too. Plus a rogue Pink Fir Apple spud.


    Got too hot for the Strawberries so will be planting them out as soon as the weather improves.


    Carrots coming on, as is Sea Kale & Lambs Lettuce(a challenge between Luke & I :heehee:)


    Rhubarb, Rhubarb, Rhubarb :parsnip:

    Gooseberry is in flower, this was grown from seed from a small red berried bush growing on Cadbury Castle, the hillfort reputed (and backed up by archaeology) to be the site of Camelot about 20 years ago.


    Dwarf lop eared Beans have started to set pods. There are Mangetout in the same frame.


    First Earlies are well on their way, have earthed them up twice already.


    In the back corner, the Watercress has really taken off. Repotted it last week into a section of drainage pipe which half sits in water. Its putting roots out everywhere. Not bad seeing as it was frozen in a block of ice for about a month.:yay:
    • Like Like x 1
    • Atticus L

      Atticus L Gardener

      Apr 20, 2010
      West Midlands, England.
      Some luscious pics there Ziggy. I was jealous even before I saw your Cadbury Castle gooseberry you git! I'm gooseberry-mad.
    • Phil A

      Phil A Guest

      I'll go and layer a branch for you in a minute Atticus:parsnip:

      Have potted up various of those heritage seeds you sent me. Saving the Kales for later in the year, mainly to avoid the butterflies but also to overwinter them for spring greens:thumbsup:

      That French Kale seems to have taken but keeps muttering "Don't think we've forgotten Agincourt, you second hand son of an electric donkey bottom biter"

      Still, i'm sure it will naturalise soon :heehee:
    • Atticus L

      Atticus L Gardener

      Apr 20, 2010
      West Midlands, England.
      Cheers Ziggy, that would be fantastic. Thank you.

      I know what you mean about the kale seeds, when I came back from ten days holiday last summer it was like a pestilence had settled everywhere, I had some beauties and they were all destroyed by the green and black crawlers.

      My French Kale is nicely going out but not up. I'll hold back my joke about that... It seems to be suspiciously ornamental to me, we'll have to toss a coin for who eats some first!
    • Phil A

      Phil A Guest

      You are in luck, there was a self layered stem under the bush. I've potted it up and will nurture it to make sure its taken for a week or 2.

      P.M. Me your address & i'll lob it at ya:gardening:

      The Legend of Arthur was based on a Romanised General called Arturus. He defended this corner of the West Country after the Roman forces left.

      Cadbury castle was re fortified after the romans left & was possibly the site of the legend. Local villages are, Queen Camel & West Camel.

      The Gooseberies could be descendants of those eaten by King Arthur himself.

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